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Everything posted by threedeesix

  1. I would just like to point out that this isn't a case of some big evil company coming in and shutting down Chaosium. Any anger people are feeling should not be directed at Moon Design as they didn't run your favorite company into the ground. Chaosium was dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound and Moon Design had two options, step in and save them from extinction, or stand by and watch them die. Had they chose the latter, there would be no more COC, BRP, or Monographs either. But along with that travesty, there would be no Chaosium as well; one of the oldest gaming companies still in existence. At no point has it been mentioned that BRP was going to be cut loose, just that it isn't to be a priority. Well, just a reality check, it wasn't for the original owners either. It wouldn't be wise for a company stepping in to save another, to just keep making the same mistakes that got the original in so much trouble to begin with. Moon Design seems to have the long-term survival of Chaosium in its best interest. Let’s give them a chance to succeed. What I want you to take away from this the most is there wasn't going to be any more BRP anyway if Chaosium was left to die. Rod
  2. Same here, I always start out wanting to use everything as written when I start a new game, but that is usually the first thing to go. It just seems to slow the game down and doesn't really add anything to it in return. Plus it disrupts that natural flow of the game. As far as most players are concerned, when their turn comes up, they typically want to act, not describe everything they want to do, only to have to wait until the GM goes around the table yet again.
  3. Sounds pretty cool actually. I like events that take an established setting and shake it up a bit. This is why my favorite series of all time would be Babylon 5. The series at the end was completely different from the series at the beginning. Other shows contemporary with this one featured such drastic changes as... the growing of a beard. ;-) *ducks head behind game master screen* Rod
  4. Also... http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Barsoom-Mars-Edgar-Burroughs/dp/B001RW6DW4/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437483581&sr=1-2&keywords=A+GUIDE+TO+BARSOOM This is maybe my favorite Barsoom related book in existence, short of the novels themselves. It has information of every creature and plant ever mentioned, the monetary system, Barsoomian measurements, etc. It is without a doubt essential for putting together a Barsoom related RPG. Plus the price doesn't look too bad either. Rod
  5. Well, this has me pretty stoked. It's not BRP or even d100, but it is official and coming fairly soon. They plan on having an open playtest of which I'm chomping at the bit. Check it out. http://www.modiphius.com/john-carter.html Rod
  6. I stand corrected, but free is still AWESOME. ;-)
  7. And if your referring to RuneQuest 6th Edition as being too expensive, you can download the PDF of RuneQuest Essentials for free. At 200+ pages, it is a COMPLETE roleplaying game. Free is the opposite of too expensive where I live, and free is another reason to vote for Design Mechanism.
  8. I own a copy and find the concept interesting and full of potential. I never ran the game myself, but did convert it to GURPS at one point years ago. It is similar to Stargate but actually predates it.
  9. I wanted to go this route when I wrote BRP Classic Fantasy, however I was allotted 200 pages. Soon after starting the project, I could see that after including all of the rules required for things like character creation, game mechanics, combat, advancement, etc., that very little room would be left for the material I needed to include. Maybe as little as 50 pages. Instead, I treated it as a true supplement. The chapters in BRP Classic Fantasy correspond exactly to their BRP counterparts So you could easily flip to chapter 3 of each book for all of the required rules for instance. The second volume would have pretty much complemented the second half of the BGB. I personally like this approach as it simplifies the process when your at the game table and time is of the essence. So while I actually agree with you, and prefer stand alone games too, its not always possible. Rod
  10. We do things oldschool. First I tear the plastic off the game box and carefully place its contents on the table. I then discuss the game with my players as I color in the dice with the included crayon. Once the dice have been prepared, I tear out one sheet of notebook paper for each of my players and tell them what to write on it for their character sheet; Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc. Ok, maybe we haven't done things that way in a long time. I typically play face to face with a combination of dead-tree books and a lap top. All dice rolls on my part are using physical dice from behind my GM screen. All player die rolls are physical as well. Other than that I have no problem if the players are using books or tablets for referencing rules. They don't typically use laptops for space limitations. Half of my players are the same ones that have been playing with me since 1978, the other half joined within the last 20 years. We all live within 20 minutes of each other so we really have no need to play online. A few years ago, we were playing twice a week, unfortunately, with my current workload play has slowed down. I finally got a chance to play again three weeks ago for the first time in over two years. We plan to pick it up again in about a month with bimonthly sessions. Now where did I put that crayon? Rod
  11. For me I would say that Future World is the way to go as far as the basis for a set of universal Sci fi rules. Ringworld is just too focused on the subject being emulated, as it should be. However as a huge fan of all things Nivin, and Ringworld specifically, Ringworld is hands down my favorite licensed BRP supplement, and I wouldn't sell or trade it for anything. Part of it is having read the books and been overwhelmed by the possibilities of the setting; the game was the gateway to those possibilities. Now with that said, with no former knowledge of the Ringworld setting, or interest in the novels, I think Future World is the better purchase.
  12. Actually in a recent e-mail with Dustin of Chaosium I was told... "We haven’t made any final decisions on the monograph line. We just needed to make some room in the warehouse. :)" So, while that may be the case for many of them, it isn't final. Rod
  13. While not an answer to your question, I do have to say I would LOVE an RPG adaption of Camelot 3000!!! It is one of my all time favorite comic series. Please? Anyone?
  14. I came up with a bot that automatically looks for my name on the web, notifies me, and deletes any negative posts.
  15. Your best bet it to study the existing spells and see how equivilent ones were converted. BRP has some built in consistancy with regards to spells so just continue with that. For example, damage spells are typically 1d6 per 3 magic points, as are healing spells. Balence them against those that already exist and you should do fine. Rod
  16. Only optionally. I make reference to them and prefer them myself, however, in keeping with BRP, they are not necessary. Rod
  17. There will not be a volume 2 for BRP Classic Fantasy. Classic Fantasy 1 served as a player's handbook and in that it is more than complete, including character classes done up as BRP professions and well over a hundred classic spells. While it was intended to be followed up with a companion volume when I wrote it, alas, that was not to be. However, considering that there are many fantastic BRP products and derivatives that are loaded with fantasy monsters and magic items, I wouldn't let that in and of itself stop you from checking it out. Or better yet, wait for the RuneQuest 6 version, which has everything the BRP version did, however in RQ mechanics, plus everything that was previously intended for the Game Master book and then some. For those not familiar with the most excellent RQ6 rules, pop on over to The Design Mechanism's website and download RuneQuest Essentials. You cannot beat the price!!!! http://www.thedesignmechanism.com/downloads.php Rod
  18. Thanks Auyl, this one will definetly be complete. It has everything the BRP version did, plus tons of "classic" monsters, magic items, etc. Even a couple new "classes". Rod
  19. Part of the problem in how long I have been working on this is just how many systems I have written it for; BRP, OpenQuest, Legend, and now RuneQuest. Each time I was close to finished when outside influences had me have to start all over again. Each version required me to be pretty familiar with the new system before I could even begin which took time. Yes, all of these systems are very close at first glance, then you get into the intricacies of it and mechanically there are some vast differences. But in the end, I’m glad for the time invested. The version being turned into The Design Mechanism is by far the best version yet, not because I think this version of RuneQuest is my favorite BRP derived game (it is, but that’s not why ), it’s because I have had all this time to tweak it, build on the previous versions, listen to tons of feedback, etc. Things I should have added way back in the BRP version but just didn't think of I now had a chance to do. I can’t wait till everyone can get their hands on this version, im pretty proud of it. If anything can truly be called a "labor of love" it has to be writing one game for four different systems over the course of six plus years. Rod
  20. That would be where the confusion has come from. I said I was turning it in at the beginning of the year, from that point there is still lots to do.
  21. I don't take anything too personally. I'm every bit a fan as much as a writer and I understand how difficult it can be to have to wait for something your excited about. But now I'm on the other side of the door and can see it from a completely different prospective. If it was as simple as writing it and turning it in, you would have had it months ago, but it would have been broken and suffered from balance issues. I have a great group of playtesters that do nothing but take everything I write and stretch it, pull it, and twist it an an attempt to see if it gives. Unfortunately, many times it does and has to be rewritten. This can and does include complete chapters, which is time consuming. So while I understand your impatience, the book will be better in the long run for the time it has taken to produce it. Rod
  22. Where this isn't the case, is with the "apparent" utopian society that hides the truth. For example, in The Time Machine, utopia was a sham and the protagonist over through it. The same can be said of the movie version of Logan's Run. Within the dome was utopia, but it was a lie, true freedom lay outside the dome, in the ruins of the former civilization. Again, it took the protagonist to bring it down. Another GREAT example is the cinematic trailer of the upcoming Tom Clancy game The Division. Its a dystopian society in every sense of the word, but the player characters are trying to make a difference. Check out the link below, its a good example. Rod
  23. We can still be friends. At least its not a reboot.
  24. But again, there was a separate link to a Blade Runner sequel. So there's that.
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