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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I just looked at a copy of Eldarad (ow, my eyes!) and it says "(c) Avalon Hill" on the main map of the city and the "lands beyond". Same with the colour map in DoD.
  2. Do you have Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes and the Sartar Companion? Lots of stuff including diagrams of those towns. Even though the books are designed for HQ, since that's a narrative system they have very little rules stuff in them, so are usable with any game system, e.g. RQ.
  3. According to Rick, Chaosium don't own the RQ3 Gateway products, which is the category that I thought DoD, Eldarad etc came under:
  4. Doh! Sorry, of course you did, I'm an idiot. That's a *lot* more work compared to a relatively simple reprint of scanned RQ3 material, though.
  5. Straight reprints (implying no changes, other than perhaps typos corrected) were what was promised by the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter, and which is well under way. So I'd be amazed if anything changed from that.
  6. I might be remembering incorrectly, but doesn't Chaosium's ownership of RQ3 products only include the Glorantha stuff? So they don't own DoD etc anyway?
  7. Unless I dreamed it, there was a post somewhere (I'll try and find the source) saying that The Coming Storm (the first book) had gone to print. Edit - ah, it was in the thread linked above from G+, where Ian Cooper said " The Coming Storm, Book I of the Red Cow is ready to go to the printers. " So not gone to print, but almost ...
  8. Steve

    RuneQuest 1

    This is the first time that I've seen the RQ1 rulebook. I haven't had a very close look yet, but there seem to be more differences than I had previously realised. Thanks to Rick for the very useful summary above, and more importantly for producing the PDF for us KS backers. @Vile I did immediately notice the production quality thing too.
  9. Here we take a trip down a dodgy-looking alleyway ... http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/70-oldtown-alleyways/
  10. Just to add to this, a great resource if you're starting in Sartar is the free-to-download Player's Primer, which you can download from the Glorantha website.
  11. Here's the thread discussing the potential splitting of this forum.
  12. Thanks for responding. Looks like it is just me then, which is odd.
  13. Is it just me, or has this site been having intermittent performance problems over the last few days? Sometimes a page loads fine for me, but more often than not, it either just hangs and won't load at all, or it loads incredibly slowly. I'm not seeing this problem on any other sites that I use.
  14. http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/69-adventurers/
  15. Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's just a quick few-months-rush-job either. We've been told that the documents that Chaosium now possess include a large amount of work that had been done to "improve" RQ2 that wasn't incorporated into RQ3 for various reasons. So it would appear to be true that there is much unpublished work that has been carried out over a period of decades, based on RQ2.
  16. Yeah, I love the comments too, and I always pick up some new details from them.
  17. http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/68-recruiting/
  18. Jeff said " Since post the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter, RQ2 IS the comfortable and familiar content, so that needs to be the base", so it's pretty clear that we're looking at an improved, modernised RQ2 here.
  19. New page out today: http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/67-gimpys-is-hopping-tonight/
  20. Inspired by Andrew Jones' post on G+ here are some major news updates on the upcoming God's War boardgame, direct from Sandy Petersen on the Boardgamegeek forums: "We have traveled some distance down the road of how much Gods War will cost, at least on the Kickstarter. So, first off, let me say that everything I say here is subject to change! I cannot be held to it, in case our manufacturer or our sculptors or for that matter our concept artists suddenly increase costs. But our plan is to price it in this way, subject to the vagaries of fate and economics. Also note that we do keep our eyes on whether or not we can reduce prices - which we would do if our costs unexpectedly lowered. We are believers in the theory that if we can reduce our prices, we will increase our sales by more than the proportional difference, so while this is a selfish theory from our point of view, it also benefits y'all. However, at no point will we decrease quality of the game components. Making it "cheaper" is only acceptable if it goes along with unchanged or even improved material. Again note that these are estimated Kickstarter campaign prices - everything will be more expensive on store shelves. THE CORE PLEDGE $100. Contains the core game, with everything needed to play. Also entitles you to all stretch goals. THE EVERYTHING PLEDGE $350. Contains ALL of the stuff being produced for this kickstarter, a total of 9 boxes. At the moment it includes 166 figures. Once all stretch goals are met, it will include 198 figures by my estimate. This is a significant drop in cost from Cthulhu Wars, yet it contains figures that are, on the average, larger than Cthulhu Wars – many of the figures in Cthulhu Wars were cultists. In Gods War, we have no cultists. The factions have no “universal” unit, though buildings come close. " Also, Jonathan Geere posted the following on G+, though I can't find the BGG source for this: "Update also from BoardGameGeek: Q) Are you still on track for an April Kickstarter for Glorantha: The Gods' War? Sandy – we just bumped it to a final firm date of May 9th, to ensure all of our ducks are in that row."
  21. Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. I want to see the "best" RQ, released when it's had loads of playtesting and adjustment, and it's good and ready. Not based on an arbitrary schedule. If it misses publication this year, then so be it.
  22. Another fab page this week: http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/66-the-damn-point/
  23. I ordered the GameMaster's Apprentice Deck based on your earlier mention of it. Great to hear that you're finding it so good.
  24. Reviving this thread with the latest page: http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/65-robcradle/
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