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Everything posted by Hexelis

  1. When will this be available to buy? I missed the KS but I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it.
  2. The autocalc BRP sheet from Chaosium.
  3. I also have to recommend Rubble & Ruin, it's a good setting on its own, but I've also used it in home-brew stuff.
  4. We're chest-deep in Horror on the Orient Express, started in Sept. 2015, using a hybrid bastard of 6th/7th edition. We're loving it! 3 players nearly insane, just crossed the midway, the end is almost in sight. At a rate of every 2 weeks, probably be Sept. this year before we finish. A masterpiece product for CoC. Not big on 7th, but you can hardly tell. Luck points has been a big hit.
  5. I'm excited about this. This will be my Cthulhu 7.
  6. This whole Chaosium-died-and-was-then-resurrected thing has thrown me off a bit, I've been running HotOE and messing with some SW d6. But I'm still here, hoping to do another MW game sometime this year hopefully. Chris, your work here might be what kicks me into gear. Great stuff.
  7. I'll meet you out on that Western Sea.
  8. I highly recommend running The Rogue Mistress. Awesome game, very weird, easily one of the best campaigns I've ever run.
  9. Vault of Sarkath Han should also be put in the Magic World folder.
  10. Tooley, stop it, your stuff is great. You are our Magic World torch-bearer. Please keep it up.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    A quick one-page overview of info on the Southern Reaches. All found in the rule book, compiled here for convenience.
  12. The site is coming together nicely, looks awesome!
  13. DnD is like CGI of today, while BRP is like a Ray Harryhausen film. I like the old, the obscure, the underground, the DIY, the forgotten, the underdog, the slightly flawed, the human.
  14. Play aid. I got some stand up RT's from Chaosium. I use em as book marks. RT is on my CoC screen so I never look it up. We have a cork board with all kinds of play aids, maps, the crit chart etc. So, I use it. It's easy and we're used to it. We had a math wiz who could calculate on sight, but he's long gone.
  15. Well since we're dreaming... RuneQuest and Call of Cthulhu can both be made using the tools in BRP. So in my dream, they keep BRP BRP and add the the stuff from RQ and CoC7 as more Optional Rules, they print a second edition of BRP with hardcover, full color (like CoC7). They keep CoC6 but with the hardcover, full color, 2 book design (like CoC7). RQ becomes a BRP supplement. And of course they all sell, sell, sell and Chaosium becomes more powerful than ever. Then I woke up.
  16. I chose WoW, but yeah BRP, MW, WoW. NO CoC7!
  17. A long time ago we used to get CoC stuff from an old comic shop in a back alley, in a dingy part of town, in a back room, under a table, hidden in a box. That was late "90's, since then I have only ever seen one single Chaosium product (not used) in a local game store and that was CDA and I bought it instantly. I was wondering to myself the other day, "where did I get RPG stuff before I had internet?" I really had to think for a minute. Walden Books/ Borders used to sell DnD and WoD stuff, even Star Wars d6, but never CoC.
  18. I think your rant is brilliant and beautiful, as sad as it is. I feel the same way, and you articulated it very well. I used to play DnD if I wanted fantasy, Star Wars d6 if I wanted Sci-Fi and Cthulhu if I wanted horror. When BGB came out I saw how I could make anything we wanted with those rules, all running like "old" cthulhu (our favorite game). We made worlds of Superheroes, space operas, modern day espionage, post apocalyptic. I told everyone BRP is the ONLY system you'll ever need. My uncle passed it on to me, I passed it on to my brother and dad, my brother passed it on to his kids, I got 3 generations playing BRP. When my dad thinks role playing, he's thinking BRP cause we never needed anything else. In the last 5 or 6 years I've bought more chaosium products than ever before, yes, I still got a lot of cthulhu stuff, but it was BRP supplements and monographs that got me excited and inspired. If we never see a BRP book again I could continue to play till I die and never really notice, I guess. But still it sucks. I have RQ6 but I prefer BRP. CoC7 is ok, I just really hate the x5 stats. See we have a lot of games where one character from one genre might show up in another world, and it was never a problem. Now how am I gonna take a 1920's character on a TARDIS ride and drop him off in the Southern Reaches. I'll have to do math, boo! Anyway, now I'm rambling. But I feel your pain, I'm there with you, still waiting, still hoping.
  19. Any update on the maps yet? No rush, just checking.
  20. That's why i got mine as soon as I saw it. This may be the last BRP supplement we see for awhile (I hope not, but...)
  21. I dont know, something like the DnD 5E starter box is well made, full color (not that that matters so much to me), 2 books (a rule book and scenario) with a scenario taking you to level 5, which by BRP standards is a mini campaign. oh and dice. I think the retail price was $25, I got it for $12. Drop the dice and full color to add a map and I'd buy that. I can't believe it's that expensive to make.
  22. I love box sets with multiple books and MAPS, Horror is on the extreme end, maybe half the size, half the price. I'd buy those regularly.
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