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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Are Disease spirits universally Chaotic, though? Neither the rulebook nor the Bestiary states this. I know there's this long discussion about whether Malia is always and everywhere Chaotic.
  2. I don't think this reasoning works. Print typically comes later, sometimes a lot later, so once print hits the store, a lot of the people who would buy the PDF have already done so. If you want to set up a test for this, you would need a product to hit PDF and Print at the same time.
  3. Tie him up and carry him to his teacher to sort this out (or some other shaman). Not a lot of other options. This was super close twice in one fight in my campaign (with Wild Hunt ghosts), but in both cases averted with 1-2 MP left.
  4. And Pavis dwarves are so shockingly heretical that I think other heretics consider it over the top. Or would if they knew.
  5. I enjoyed This Fertile Ground, and will port it for my campaign. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296537/This-Fertile-Ground
  6. This one I can see being deliberate, as the percentage drop is a well-known problem issue in combat. Even if it's not a change to the RQG rules now, it may be intended for a ".1" version in the future at which point the Starter set would be compatible. It strikes me as less likely that it's a downright mistake, considering that it would mean accidentally improving the game and that the text must actually be added. 🙂 This I could see either way, on the other hand. It's not inherently strange if you want to ensure that unparried Crits (and even many parried ones) aren't universally fight-enders and frequently kills (maximum double damage is pretty damned nasty on its own, and it has always felt a little strange that Crits are 'two steps' up from specials - both max damage and no armor). But it could as easily be just a mistake - it's much easier to accidentally drop text than accidentally put it in.
  7. In that case the calculation might be double-counting the cost, though - either you raise it from a foal in which case you don’t need to pay an adult price for an untrained horse, or you buy an untrained horse and don’t spend years with it before you sell it at an improved value?
  8. Five years of training for a basic riding horse sounds like… a lot?
  9. Cavalry horses are fine, that's no problem. But if we're talking what RQ means with a "warhorse", one that will fight as well, then you're going to be much better off with a stallion.
  10. Various delays, self-quarantining and other adventuring in between, so not done yet. I think it will be the session after next now (next session is the Great Hunt with Lunar shenanigans)!
  11. Or even defensive ritual days. "Long ago there was the day when it rained black blood, and a seer told us the right rituals to repel it. Now we perform the ritual every year - no-one wants to take any chances. Would you want to be the one responsible for calling it off?"
  12. You may end up where you were going as often as half the time!
  13. Bless Animals is interesting here - it guarantees offspring and 90% chance of female. Presumably this last bit is an advantage in most cases where it will be used, but if you’re raising warhorses, it could potentially be a negative - you want those stallions, after all.
  14. That's from Storm Tribe. David Gordon and Greg Stafford listed as authors for Yinkin.
  15. I super like all the special days in HW/HQ publications like Thunder Rebels, Storm Tribe and Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes. They're so flavorful! Just an example, that day the Odaylans go fishing and then see who can lie the best/worst about past catches. Or how the Ancestors go around visiting homes on Ancestor Day, grumbling about how people these days just can't maintain proper standards any longer.
  16. You misspelled "scorpionmen". It really works! 🙂
  17. I think this is good. You can become a different Gloranthan race through magic - just look at Arkat - but it's presumably more difficult that way.
  18. Quick version with reference here: https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Cleansed_One The Simon Phipp interpretation here (so don't be surprised about his signature acid): http://www.soltakss.com/hquest03.html
  19. Presumably, a cleansed Broo is still a Broo, but can now resist the urges (and hopefully will). Becoming a non-Broo - like back to what original goat-people they were - seems like it would be far harder still.
  20. Outside of Broo, I really like K'rana from Lords of Terror, a scorpion(wo)man queen Sword of Humakt who certainly remembers her past, has aspirations (unfortunately difficult to achieve) of improving the life of her people, melancholia about her lost relatives, honor of a malleable kind, and so on. She's clearly a person and a a moral subject, even if the same might not apply to a barely-sentient feral Brooling.
  21. Apologies for the thread-drift, but is there any information about what these were, apart from Wowander's Raid?
  22. Tolkien had this exact problem with orcs. If orcs have (something akin to - they are still partially mentally dominated) free will and are people and in principle redeemable, then you may still have to fight them at times, but something like Gimli’s and Legolas’s kill count contest starts to look a bit unpalatable as something you probably shouldn’t relish in. But if they don’t have free will, that means Morgoth managed to essentially take away the souls and chances of redemption of whoever he corrupted into them, and not only is that a theological problem for Tolkien, it also goes against how orcs demonstrably have personalities and (admittedly vile) personal goals. He never managed to sort it out to his satisfaction - it gets all tangled up in the problem of evil.
  23. The captors of a philosopher should have to pay to be allowed to return him!
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