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Richard S.

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Everything posted by Richard S.

  1. Is there any chance they could be made available to the public again? Even if they still have a hefty pricetag, I'd love at least a chance to get my hands on them.
  2. Magic is a part of day-to-day life in Glorantha. People probably expect it to be used in all situations, it'd be odder for someone to not try and magically gain an advantage. Also keep in mind that Rune augments can be considered a form of magic too, so even if there's no overt spellcasting going on people will still be pulling on the cosmos to help them out.
  3. That's not a joke, that's just a reality
  4. They're already in development I believe, but keep in mind that Chaosium only has like 3 or 4 people (I think) who can dedicate themselves solely to Glorantha, and they're trying to set it up so that new players will have a good foundation to play on.
  5. Depends on which kind of Heroquest it is. Pretty much every worship ceremony can be considered a heroquest of sorts, especially for the initiates, and during a this-world heroquest for the benefit of a community you may have the entire group be pulled in as supporters/other characters somehow, intentionally or not. If you play KoDP (non-canon but hits the mark on a lot of things still) you may heroquest about 1-2 times a year outside of sacred time, and the entire clan will be involved in some way. On the proportion of initiates, I believe the only number we've gotten is that about 70-80% of Orlanthi are initiates, which is noted to be abnormally high (sometimes said to be a result of them being a "heroic culture"). I'd expect on average you'd have 30-40% of a population to be initiated in places like Peloria, maybe up to 50% in some places.
  6. I highly doubt that they'll be calling out any one interpretation as "correct" either.
  7. I didn't mean that it wasn't an ordeal, mainly I meant that it was probably a religious thing done by the priests and probably wasn't done with our real-world techniques. A specialized tatoo artist just doesn't feel like something that would fit among the Orlanthi, imo.
  8. Considering the point of this is to showcase YGMV, I seriously doubt what's in this book lines up with the Chaosium canon that other RQ products use.
  9. I know a good portion of their tattoos are gained during the initiation heroquest. It's possible that there's some degree of magic involved in future ones too. Perhaps, instead of our tattooing methods, a priest simply draws on your skin and blesses it and that becomes a tattoo?
  10. While in terms of day count this is true, in reality I believe it's been said that they're approximately the same, so a 16 year old on glorantha is about the same as a 16 year old here. I think the explanation was "longer days" or something like that.
  11. I'm pretty sure it only got filled with chaos again after the god learners brought back our favorite unicorn
  12. The problem is that you don't sound like a dumdub! Take your intelligent and reasonable ideas somewhere else 😛
  13. Argrath got illuminated via talking to a dragon iirc
  14. The way I see slow and mobility is that you just walk/run faster or slower, that's it, there's no molasses/water effect or similar. If you run while Slowed, you'll just find that you aren't making as much headway as you should - if you look at your feet, they'll seem to be in the right spot to take a full step, but when you look up you'll see you've only covered half that distance. Same kind of deal for Mobility. Does it make perfect sense? No, not in the slightest, Does it need to? No, not in the slightest. It's magic that makes you either slower or faster when it comes to locomotion, that's the whole of it.
  15. The way I run power rune augments is that your emotions need to match the rune more than your actions. By that logic, I wouldn't let a player augment climbing or jumping with movement just because they were moving, but rather I'd make a decision based on their reason for or feeling while acting. If they climb because they need to prove themselves, or because they love the thrill, and they leap up the cliff full of confidence and without regard for safety, then I'd allow a movement augment. If they were cautious, careful, and/or afraid, though, then they wouldn't be able to augment with movement.
  16. Pavis is a very good starting place, especially for people coming from dungeon crawlers. I'd recommend picking up Pavis & the Big Rubble if you want to give it a go in Runequest. It's written for RQ2, but as is tradition with BRP games 90% of it is useable as-is. The only problem is that it's set a few years before RQG starts, but you can probably either adjust or ignore family history enough to get yourselves started then.
  17. I'd love to play a shaman just because spirit cults exist. People talk about how Issaries are the closest to broad D&D wizards, but a well-traveled shaman can get all sorts of goodies by visiting other's shrines.
  18. I tried that already. There was another one on the road not two minutes later!
  19. From GoG: "As a god, he defies the normal scope of worship. No initiates sacrifice POW to him, nor regularly feed him with magic points. No temples or shrines to him dot the land. No Rune spells can be gained by gathering to worship him." His requirements for joining are to be a shaman, and his writeup is where spirit cults are described. Basically, you're a member by being a shaman and it's what gives you the privilege to join/start spirit cults. His writeup also mentions that cults such as Aldrya and KL only let their shamans deal with cult spirits, while shamans of gods like DF or Hykim can deal with all spirits.
  20. Horned Man doesn't have an actual cult afaik. If anything, all spirit cults can be considered his cult. His job is choosing potential shamans and awakening their powers.
  21. I'd expect Dehore to be a spirit cult like Oakfed or Kolat, as the source of Darkness elementals.
  22. Yeah, Daka Fal spans all man-rune races to a degree, though he's less important to the elves, who focus more on their plant self, and not important at all to the dwarves, who don't normally become spirits or have a real concept of family. Trolls and humans both worship him though, since they're both very family-oriented species.
  23. I do think a lot of the examples here are straying a bit into illusion territory. While the moon does possess some powers akin to illusion, I feel there should be more focus on cycles, redness, and balance than weirdness, distortions, and illusions. I don't think psychedelic or kaleidoscopic effects should be the norm - the moon is predictable and smooth, mostly, not chaotic or fractured.
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