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Everything posted by Psullie

  1. Although a HeroQuest book, Pavis gateway to Adventure is full of Praxian goodies: https://www.chaosium.com/pavis-gateway-to-adventure-pdf/
  2. the phases of the Red Moon differ from place to place once outside the glow line, when it's Full in one area it may be half-full in another. Also Dark and dying moons are all but invisible, and crescents not very bright - the Red moon would only be visible half the time, As for the Blue moon, just because they share the word Moon doesn't necessarily mean that they would associate the two (a bit like thinking Koala's are actually bears). The Red Moon is new and in the Middle Air, the Blue Moon is a celestial body from the God Time. Also the Red Moon is regular with a seven day cycle, the Blue Streak follows a pattern known only to her. The fact that both have a visible effect on the tides is also coincidence.
  3. I was under the impression that individualism is alien to Glorantha, even the Orlanthi are Clan first. it is an 'us v them', never an 'I v them'
  4. this being Glorantha, the important thing is that the captain has not offended Lycos... or anyone with influence in that arena
  5. While I get what you're saying, muzzle velocity of even a low powered pistol is 3-4000 feet per second, a quarrel about 200 so no, they are not the same. However to dodge missile fire you need to see the archer fire, so in effect you're more trying to put off the shot rather than dodging a projectile already in flight.
  6. who's the optimist that gave Chances Are Slight 45%
  7. I was inclined to agree with David's line of thought when I read the OP. But from a game balance point of view it's a bit of an issue. 60% becoming 90% with no downside. Now with Passions and Augments we are looking at the concept of 'inspired focus' but with a risk of consequence from failure. Why bother with a Passion roll when a Fanaticism spell works so much better! The wording in RQ2 does say Hit Probability which limits it to combat or sports, for game balance I'd keep this limit, allowing missile fire but any protection magic must be cast first.
  8. well there are a lot more Uz than Aldryami so perhaps the trolls are winning!
  9. I created one for RuneQuest for Free RPG day last summer, feel free to use it as a background... RQ_Sign-up_blank.pdf
  10. this raises an interesting point, how important is character advancement ala D&D levels type thing to modern players. The recent trend of story being the prime driver, especially with RQ's deep dive towards HeroQuesting, could render the whole concept of slowly getting better and fighting tougher monsters redundant (from a pure skill level point of view). For some recent games character advancement seems like a last minute add-on rather than a core mechanic... definitely the zero-to-hero type game is very old school.
  11. RQ2 has it that a body part can only take 2x it's HP value in damage. a 3 HP leg hit for 8 damage will only reduce the total by 6. This however incapacitates victim. Further damage to that location does not reduce the location but does reduce the total. You could argue that for multiple limbed critters such as centipedes can fight-on with the loss of a few legs.
  12. Impaling (and slashing) weapons get stuck on the special - which can be fun when fighting multiple opponents and your spear wanders off in some dying trollkin's belly. For critical hits I just gave the players the option - go with the impale and stuck weapon or no impale, but always bypass armour on a critical.
  13. There is something to be said for keeping it low key. I was surprised with the QuickStart just how powerful the pregens were and while it was fun for a one-off it presented an odd view of RQ.
  14. Here is my reading: Quote from Page 2: If the opponent is trying to parry, block, dodge, or otherwise oppose the character’s use of the ability, then 100%+ ability gives a greater chance of overcoming the opposition. If the highest rated participant in an opposed resolution has an ability rating in excess of 100%, the difference between 100 and their ability rating is subtracted from the ability of everyone in the contest (including themselves). This is TWO statements which would have been better listed as two bullets, Statement A (the first sentence) skills greater than 100% are better. Statement B in the case of Opposed rolls the 100+ will lower everyones (this is very much like HQ matching masteries). The second bullet just says that Crits and Specials a set at 5% & 20% so a 120% skill gives 6% & 24% respective. No reference to Opposed skills etc. At all times the chance of a critical or special is based the Modified skill level (remember that in RQ skills are modified not dice rolls), regardless of where the modifier comes from. Combat is never considered Opposed. So your Passion augmented Rune Lord lord with 125% Sword augmented to 175% has a Crit on 8%, Special on a 35% and Fail on a 95+ If he were in a debate (Opposed) Orate skills with an Augment Orate of 120%, versus a klutz with Orate 35%, then the nature of the Opposed rule would reduce both skills to 100% & 15% respectively with their chance of Specials and Crits likewise reduced
  15. It clearly states on Page 6 that Opposed rolls are not used to resolve combat.
  16. Combat is not an opposed resolution so no your Special and Critical chances are not capped. With the case of opposed rolls, everybody's skill and therefore specials etc are reduced.
  17. interring that this straw poll suggests RQ3 & RQ6 are the leading favourites, yet RQG is going to be a RQ2 & Pendragon mix... By the way my personal favourite RQ system is Pendragon because it perfectly on target for playing Arthurian myth, but it probably doesn't count
  18. If any of the Characteristics reach Zero, usually form disease (see page 106 RQ2) your character will die, Ghosts and Vampires can drain POW - destroying the victim if this reaches zero. This can also happen also happen when you lose Spirit Combat (p41) Now as written, some people felt that as casting spells reduces actual POW (rather than a temporary pool) and casting your last POW point would kill, but as you cannot voluntarily reduce any Characteristic below 3 (p9) so that's not likely to happen and that means that you can't cast spells once your POW reaches 3 (or racial minimum) - so many opt for the Magic Point version allowing voluntary expenditure of all POW causing unconsciousness
  19. Reminder that those listed in RQ2 were just 'Sample Cults', so as Styopa said a lot of GM work was needed until Cults of Prax came out. Still to answer the OP. The 2 POW offered are replenished as they would be by spell casting. The implication is that on holy days the initiate must pray, spend time with Orlanth and generally be pious, all costing 2 POW. Remember that as this is RQ2, that means that you are 2 POW less for resisting too, so adventuring on holy days is at a disadvantage. This is completely different from the POW sacrificed, i.e. permanently lost, for Rune Magic.
  20. Yes having RQG fully integrated with character sheets would be great. If I'm impressed by roll20 enough to upgrade my account (necessary to create character sheets) I'be be happy to give it a go. Jason was going to run a game on Roll20 for AetherCon but it fell through at the last minute, but it was just using the QuickStart pregens - perhaps a free scenario pack with art etc would be good too...
  21. As I'd like to play 2-3 consecutive Sundays and with the holidays fast approaching I've decided to start on the 7th of January, with a follow-up session on the 14th and all going well the 21st. Also RQG should be available (fingers crossed) by then as a pdf so we can have some fun with that too. So if you are interested post a response or PM me. I'll post invites on Roll20 in a week or so but felt I'd give first call to BRP members...
  22. While I'm not advocating lengthy skills lists, the one draw back from the stat+stat approach or over reliance on core attributes is that everyone has some some skill, even in areas they should have no experience. For me characters only get the attribute bonus if they drop a few improvement points into the skill - you may have an aptitude but without some exposure you're skill would be zero. Also what is not evident form the quick start are the Skill Category modifiers, but we can assume that they are similar if not the same as RQ2
  23. Reminds me a little of the Armour Class Adjustment tables for AD&D which tried to resolve the same issue What your approach does not take into account is the armour itself, hard armour is better a deflecting piercing and slashing attacks while soft armour is better at absorbing concussive blows (which if I remember is how RQ6 looks at it re combat effects) and the damage modifier was useful for calculating knock back but I agree it should only be used where a persons strength could logically enhance damage, also note that with enough force (damage modifier) a sword doesn't have to penetrate the armour to break bones beneath
  24. Pre Gens are done, so time to get the game going. Character choice is: Ekron, Rathori Hunter, Twyla, Safelstern Kafl merchant, Lalira, Horse Nomad from Pent, Kannil, former tea plantation worker from Seshnela, Orstanor, Esrolian herbalist, Kyung Mi, warrior from the Kingdom of Ignorance, and Pathin, Damai Tribesman So if you are interested post a response or PM me. I'll post invites on Roll20 in a week or so but felt I'd give first call to BRP members...
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