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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Mankcam

    New RQ skills

    I totally agree, this would give the game a much cleaner, simpler flavour, yet allow for skill specialisation of notable skills. And hopefully also give a larger emphasis on Characteristics. This would definitely feel like a more modern game, I would really hope something like this could be considered. Gone are the days of huge fiddlly skill lists I reckon.
  2. I have to say, I just love this cover!
  3. yeah it's seems we're pretty like-minded with BRP at present heh heh
  4. Yes, this is more along the lines of what I would prefer for personality traits rather than Pendragon passions. I actually use a version of this in my home brew games and it works quite well.
  5. Although I started with RQ2, I must confess most of my play experiences were with RQ3, and I assumed that the spells were practically the same. This is the first time I realised that if you took damage you dropped the Fireblade spell in RQ2, and this does indeed make it less potent than the RQ3 version.
  6. As far as the rules direction goes, yes I do like it, and it sounds what RQ4 should have been had not Mongoose become involved. (But let's never call it RQ4, its too disrespectful to disregard all the good work done by the DM in RQ6) I would not want a new edition just to be RQ2 all over again, given some of the more contemporary innovations in the rpg world. I like Pendragon passions, although I'm unsure that they may be too limiting nowadays, and perhaps there is another way of putting an emphasis on personality traits. However I think it is smart that the RQ2 stat block will almost port directly across to the supplements for this edition, and vice versa. This is a worthwhile move purely in the fact that the Gloranthan Classic books are almost fully usable again regardless of edition. I do like the overall direction that these new rules seem to be heading, and at this stage this is looking to be a good version of RQ. I'll be the first to comment that I'm really digging the artwork of the Sable Rider
  7. I'm not sure if game balance is an issue in actual play, but it can certainly be an issue in many players minds if you do a hack system. This is one of the reasons why I'm more inclined to run a cohesive system RAW these days, rather than make a hack system out of a grab-bag of preferred rules. You really need alot of time and mental energy devoted to looking at how each set of ported rules may impact on each other, which is not always easy to see due to the rules all broadly being compatible.
  8. The Window is not a bad system, although like FATE, it probably doesn't have enough 'meat-on-the-bone' for many of us here. You might get a bit of interest with this idea if you run your game using The Laundry rules by Cubicle 7. They are the closest contemporary BRP rules that you would hack for an X-Files style game. I can't get involved due to my time constraints, but it sounds great, and hopefully you'll find some takers here!
  9. Yes, but for The Hulk that's pretty much correct. He swats military tanks like they are mosiquitos, so an elephant should be scared heh heh I very much agree that this can be a problem depending upon what level the campaign is set at. Modelling a campaign too much like the comic books is a challenge for me from a GM perspective. Not unworkable, but yep certainly a challenge. I have found that BRP has been better with vigilante-level characters like Batman, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Deadpool, Watchmen, less potent X-Men and such. I am sure that BRP can run Superman, Thor, Hulk, etc, but my issue will be in providing reasonable threats for the player-characters. It would require a much more creative GM than myself to keep things interesting.
  10. So this is very similar to the concept of 'Defence' from BRP Amazing Adventures, which works pretty well for Mooks in a cinematic game.
  11. Yes I think replacing skill base chances with Skill Category bonuses is logical and a step forward I didn't spend much time on the maths when I posted, and after thinking about it, I was just about to amend that bit of my entry. You beat me to the punch - what do they say now ... Snap!!! lol
  12. Fireblade was a great spell, but pretty bloody powerful for basic magic IMO, even for 4 PP heh heh. I reckon it should have really been a Rune Magic spell, but there's a few things like that in RQ2 and RQ3
  13. If I had the time to run complete hack rules, I would probably go with some bastardised version of RQ3 and MW. Despite it's sanitised flavour compared to RQ2, I think RQ3 pretty much had many of the things I like in terms of game mechanics. MW is also a great set of rules, so if I was to make a hack fantasy system, I would start with those two books on my table. I really like the simple character generation presented in MW, so that would be in my hack rules over RQ3's more clunky character generation. However the RQ3 Hit Locations and Armour win over MW's Major Wounds and Variable Armour for me, so they would be ported from RQ3. Skill Categories are organised a little better in MW however, so a hack rules could be pretty evenly done between RQ3 and MW if I had the time to cherry pick. I would house rule how much impact Characteristics have on the Skill Categories, and I'ld increase the chance for Special Successes to be equal to half skill chance (as stated in another thread). These days I am more likely to run games out of the box, and I will be using RQ6 for these purposes. The DM supplements are built for it, and I can easily use the OpenQuest and Renaissance supplements with it as well. So I'll keep going with RQ6 I reckon, unless my troupe finds the combat effects confusing, which in that case I will return to hacking RQ3/MW due to it's simplicity. I'll most likely use the next RQ Glorantha edition specifically for Glorantha games, depending on how the fully developed game looks once published.
  14. Hey that sounds pretty much like something I would like to see in the next RQ edition. It certainly addresses my gripes regarding the role of Characteristics in play, yet the skills are organised under Skill Categories, which is a good thing. It also gives untrained skills a reasonable chance to work from (although I would apply modifiers depending upon the skill or situation). I'm not sure If the base chances would start a bit too high however, but that could be tweaked. However I'm pretty much on the same page with you here Atgxtg regarding the impact of Characteristics on the Skill Categories
  15. You raise a very good point, I totally forgot about the Skill Check bonus and Skills over 100%. Yes the category modifiers did shine here, and I stand very much corrected. 'Meaningless' is not the right word I'm looking for. I think what I'm trying to say is that I didn't feel that the Skill Category bonus was big enough in active skill use, and I always wanted Characteristics to have more of a direct impact on skill chances. IMO the MRQ D100 SRD approach was better in this regard, although I did mourn the loss of the skills not being organised under the Skill Categories like RQ3, BGB, and MW did. I would like to see a return to the Skill Categories, just with a greater impact in play
  16. Well I must admit that I do like the way RuneQuest Glorantha is shaping up. I am pretty happy the Gloranthan elements will be baked into the character sheet. If I want to play a general fantasy game then I will use RQ6 ( or whatever Loz & Pete rename their system), but if I want to specifically play in Glorantha then this will likely be the system I will use, depending on the finished product of course. I really liked the Skill Categories from RQ3 ( and BRP BGB), as they really helped organise the character sheet. My main gripe was that the Category modifiers were almost meaningless, and thus the characters Characteristics did not have much of a direct impact on skills, so RQ6 does much better in that respect. If I were developing a new RQ, I would ditch the actual skill base chances, and organise the skills under Skill Categories, and make sure the Skill Category modifiers are decent. Something like having a Primary Characteristic ( equal to the Characteristic) which is added to two Secondary Characteristics (equal to half Characteristic). Then that would achieve the same scale of base chances, yet make the Characteristics more meaningful. Also in regards to skill success levels, I would go with something like Trifletraxor posted where the Critical Success is 10% of the skill, and a Special Success is equal to half % of the skill. That would work so much better than the old RQ3/BGB Special success rules - I was thinking of house ruling this in RQ3/BRP before I discovered RQ6 combat effects, which was one of the reasons I went from RQ3 to RQ6. You could probably even add Pushing skills from CoC 7E (although Characteristics need to remain the same scale to keep consistency with all the preexisting RQ/BRP stat blocks - that was not the best thing for CoC 7E to change, IMO). Anyway, I'm obiviously not designing it, but that's my two cents worth. I do want to add, however, that as a long time fan of RQ and Glorantha, I certainly appreciate Jeff taking the time to present the designer notes, and MOB forwarding them here, it saves me checking the Moon Design website. As an aside, I know there has been some recent inflammatory remarks regarding Moon Design on other forums recently, and I hope that It doesn't impact on the momentum and great work that s going on in the background. (For what it's worth, I kind of liked MOB's candidness, it's very aussie, down here we all used to be that direct until the political correct police caught up with us in recent years. Gets us in trouble sometimes though heh heh) Like many people I was disappointed with some of the recent changes with Chaosium, but I'm certainly not disappointed with how things appear to be shaping up. I am more than happy wth Moon Design keeping us in the loop with things like the podcasts and these designer notes. Just wanted to say the communication is greatly appreciated guys
  17. I certainly think it can work. The new RQ looks like it is has Gloranthan elements hard-wired into its game design. This obiviously will make it ideal for a gritty game in Glorantha, although porting all that to a setting like Ancient Greece may not work so well. However Design Mechanism's RQ6 rules are almost built for such purposes, and for non-Gloranthan games then I think Design Mechanism's rules will be what I use. I'm happy that Loz & Pete are free to do their 'Mythic ' series and other genres, and I think, at least for me, that their system will sit nicely alongside the new RQ in the BRP Family of games.
  18. wow, i love that sheet, its looking like HQ meets RQ Runes are finally immersive (also skills are stat+stat, and strike ranks have returned) I think its gonna be pretty cool
  19. Yep I'm in no hurry to have a new RQ, so when it arrives I really want it to be a great edition, capturing the best of RQ2, RQ3, and RQ6. All of those editions need to be reviewed in equal measure for the upcoming version. This needs to be an elegant system, not something that sounds like a bunch of house rules thrown together for the sake of a new publication, as any of us tend to do that already. This edition needs to be worthy of the name of RuneQuest, and I'm sure that the right people are involved in making this so. In the meantime I would be happy if Moon Design Chaosium published non-mechanic content for Glorantha, so we can use it for HQ or RQ or whatever. It's interesting to see these original authors involved in RQ again. It feels like the right thing to do, it is also very respectful to the original authors - this is something we don't usually see in the modern world, especially in business matters. Growing up with these names emblazoned over some of my most treasured books certainly does make me want to see what they do to assist with the development of a new edition. I'm very impressed with Moon Design for doing this
  20. I totally get where you're coming from mate heh heh
  21. It wouldn't be too hard to port over, no more than porting any Classic BRP game over to MRQ D100 SRD BRP games. Personally I would just buy 'Pirates & Dragons' as it already uses the base Renaissance system, and you can throw out the fantasy elements if you want a more traditional psuedo-historic setting
  22. There is certainly something about having Strike Ranks in RQ that feels right for me. It was one of the many things that felt different about the system, and I would like to see a return to it in some format if possible. It may need to be tweaked a bit to be less clunky, but having them back could be a good thing.
  23. I just kind of stumbled across these, and they are perfect for inspiring ancient world settings, whether real world or fictional. Glad you like them
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