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Everything posted by Noita

  1. Zola Fel river folk have songs that propel them upstream, their god aiding his followers. That's what your Water Rune is for isn't it? I'd say they swap boats at the falls, carrying their goods up. Or if the boats are small enough carrying them up too. Likely different River folk clans control the upper and lower stretches. For example I have the Deep Water clan as the majority folk in the Corflu area. I can't remember how the pcs were meant to deal with the Falls in the River of Cradles campaign. Their boat was powered by undines.
  2. Undine powered boats. Sails, poles and being pulled.
  3. This is going round in circles. It's my fave entertainment thread.
  4. The Mostali do, so yeah. Joh Mith heroquested for his high altitude magic.
  5. Just the old "Which is the better edition of RQ?"
  6. Sounds like you need an oxygen mask to climb over! Mostali waste pipes are awesome.
  7. Should have got them before they got on deck. Go the Boarders!
  8. I'm happy with them being exactly how they were the first time typo's and all.
  9. Praxian bone swords would be of the slashing variety as they fight from their mounts. Like you say no holes drilled through them, unless done at the knobbly joints. Perhaps they only last a few seasons, then must be remade. I imagine braves having several in their saddlebags at any given time. High Llama leg bones would be much sought after. Loving your work M Helsdon!
  10. Thanks. I thought I had read it somewhere.
  11. Yeah that's what I was going with, but I was wondering canon wise was it rather long: in months or super fast, like weeks. I shall go the fast, alien chest explosion.
  12. How long does it take for a Broo larvae to come to term? Months, weeks?
  13. Well said. Over thinking it just leads to a pain in the head. I'd rather give a Broo a pain in the head myself. With a mallet. My pcs are currently getting swamped by horny lizard Broo in the Bleak Hills.
  14. Link didn't work for me. But WoOT anyways!
  15. I would say it was taboo to collect.
  16. Not for me. I just associate it with Bolas.
  17. Do bodies decay like those on Earth?
  18. I wouldn't overthink it too much. Just English being English. Some damn Sartarite colloquialism becoming mainstream Praxian I should think.
  19. Byll you can describe the Painted Wall when you lot arrive at it.
  20. I think i'll make it a bit later, more chances for run ins with off duty lunar guards in a bar then. Sundown to Sunset at first right after the take over and then relaxed to keep the city folk happy. Midnight till dawn.
  21. Noita


    I think it was a Khan hero forming myself.
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