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Everything posted by Sir_Godspeed

  1. Does this mean Orlanthi can make... paper? Or are there other similar materials that make for lightweight bearing? Can you make parchment thin enough to let a kite take off?
  2. I don't consider him Moon Wind either - but I was wondering if Lunars could get access to Wind Elementals through him.
  3. Couldn't they get it through Entekos's storm attendant? I forget his name.
  4. Make it a public sporting event where the different teams represent their patron god and you get riots between the respective cult-hooligans after each race. Which god wins is then used for divining purposes. EDIT: Ressurection of old Hyaloring deities might be tied into some kind of "fundamentalist Elmali reactionarianism" in response to Yelmalio Sun Domers and ongoing syncretization of their respective cults. Granted, such reactionaries are probably more likely to emphasise Elmal's subservience and loyalty to Orlanth than to go about resurrecting dead gods - BUT there is always that weirdo group that takes things to the next level. Say, for example, they want to resurrect those gods to gain more Gods Plane "witnesses" to Elmal being a distinct entity from Yelmalio and to his fealty oath to Orlanth or something like that. Crazier things have happened.
  5. I think he meant that there might be other Yanadlings around who worship other gods than Raccoon, and those died out. Well, Eleven Lights deal with the resurrection of deities that were thought gone, so it's certainly not impossible to see some fan favorites from Six Ages return with some intense heroquesting. Hell, I'd even take it as an invitation.
  6. You could probably use some of it in a Dawn Age/First Age setting. Those are probably rare, but it's possible. The Berenenthelli were still an organized tribe (clan?) back then, and may have kept some of their cultural idiosyncracies.
  7. I looked up some Roman examples, and you're right. Again, it might just be that she is getting by with what she happens to have at hand. So her cooking pot is a bit big. Big whoop.
  8. She might be lacking a proper sack and is making do. She might be in a fairly calm part of the area, maybe she is vouched for by the local authority and therefore sees her situation as fairly safe. One can make complaints about her placing her cooking pot (which I'm not sure why you consider weirdly big, but the perspective makes it hard to judge its depth) and helmet - her two heaviest objects - the furthest out, thus making the weight the greatest, but hey, there ya go.
  9. I was thinking something similar to Texas, which is a fair deal bigger, but not so vastly bigger as to detract from your point: yes, the Wastes are not the Eurasian Steppe or the Sahara Desert. However, it's not TOO far off from something like the Kalahari or maybe even a majority of the Gobi, and those are plenty big enough to be death traps for the untrained, and will probably take a very long time to cross with riding animals or on foot, on account of the lack of proper roads, refueling stations, etc.
  10. Do Kitori have the Man Rune? Perhaps the curse somehow only affects Darkness beings with the man Rune borne from that womb. Pure speculation, of course.
  11. True. There are the obvious things like how maps used to have east as the "up" direction, since that's where the sun rises, and then it slowly got shifted to north. Glorantha could have lots of various conventions like that as well. Over-empasizing certain natural/manmade features for symbolic reasons, using symbolic/allegorical symbols in lieu of literal representation due to some kind of taboo beliefs, and so on. Whatever people here come up with that sounds interesting.
  12. Being a newer convert to Glorantha, my mind was pretty infused with North-African and Middle Eastern ideas when reading about Prax, but after a while on this forum, that vision has been thoroughly beaten out of me. Terms like "chapparal", the presence of cacti, etc. makes it pretty clear that the place imagined has pretty much always been based on South-Western(?) United States and/or Northern Mexico (I assume the latter, not that it matters, since they share the same bioregion). Now, granted, Prax is a lot of things from many different places across the world, but that's the basic gist of it, as far as I can tell. (New?) Pavis itself has been shown with both influences of Sumerian and Mezoamerican influences (which kinda makes sense, since stepped pyramids are common to both, I guess, though the feathered headdress featured in... Pavis: Gateway to Adventure? ... seems a lot more mezoamerican than anything else.) Sun County seems vaguely inspired by some kind of Macedonian colony in Ptolemaic Egypt or something, just going off the visuals I've seen. Which, again, kind of makes sense. EDIT: Anyway, before this delves into another debate/ocasion for pontificating about the minutiae of Prax and Pavis, I will get back to the main point: climate and geography in Glorantha is squished, yes, but there are also pretty clear reasons mythologically for why it's like this, and the setting texts do make a conscious effort to reduce the naturalistic thinking in readers' minds, and increase the mythologically narrative thinking. The Wastelands are parched not because of physics, but because Genert died there. Apply as fits to other areas. May include ludicrous examples like impossibly steep mountains (Kero Fin) or rivers that float upwards (Whatsitsface), or bioregions that really should not exist (I'm looking at you, Winterwood, and your weird glacier-bordering, birch-absent pine forests).
  13. Esrolia, being a densely populated country with a history of legal infighting over property rights and a highly complex system of irrigation in at least its coastal and riverine areas probably have some of the most detailed and accurate maps in Glorantha, I'd imagine.
  14. I did have a chuckle when I found out that Kralorela is the size of Sweden, but honestly, I think it's a fairly decent tradeoff to make places reachable for PCs.
  15. My bad, I wrote Alkoth instead of Alkor. These homonyms of cities and the city-patron god messes with my head.
  16. Sir_Godspeed


    I'm pretty sure that's correct. Everything I've read has said they're gone.
  17. I don't think there's any commonly used jargonal term like "drake" for ducks, or "billy" for goats - but why not be a bit cheeky and use "stag", in reference to the (male) stagbeetle?
  18. See, if you want to make that comparison, you also have to keep in mind that most of us weren't around when Genert died, and before that he had lived for arguably untold millennia. Yet he did die. (Granted, it took a Chaos world invasion)
  19. I suspect there is at least a *little* "familiarity bias" in this thread. Delecti is a kind of fan-favorite villain isn't he? Located in one of the most-detailed parts of Glorantha? With one of the longest histories of publication? So there's a tendency to overrate the importance/ability of those kinds of characters. Batman would be an obvious example in larger pop culture, albeit a heroic one.
  20. Could he be a Brolian? I know it's a bit random, and that Brolians are said to mostly not have metalworking, but if you need to squeeze it in somewhere...
  21. "Grandfather" might also be a generic term for male ancestor, or the Hyalorings may see the Storm lineage as being slightly different in terms of generations, who knows.
  22. I like the mention of the "Blue Sun", which pretty much confirms what we've been saying that the Hyalorings (and possibly by extension the God Time Dara Happans) see "Sun" as a class of celestial object that includes what we would call planets in Glorantha in Time, as well as the moons, of course. Their defining feature, aside from celestial qualities (giving off a lot of light, etc), might be mainly "theo-political", ie. being considered the patron celestial body of a Dara Happan city.
  23. Well, @Leingod pointed out that it was @RHW who posited it, but it was in my thread, and I like the idea, so I'm still going to count it as an absolute win.
  24. Sounds like the Maidstone Archers. OMG JUST LIKE MY SPECULATION ASDFGH *cough* That's really cool.
  25. It's not like they are going to go into his tower and kill him. The quest mentioned here is about shrinking the marsh a bit. Imho that is a different matter.
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