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Everything posted by Zit

  1. Zit


    Yes! So it shall be the Moon rune! It seems that every cult has actually its own answer
  2. How do you manage situations where the adventurer's action is in contradiction with one of his motivations, or at least makes the goal of the motivation more difficult to reach? What if the action complies at the same time with another motivation ? How do you manage opposing motivations (it may not be obvious at the time the motivations are chosen, but later on in the game)? In which condition can one give-up one motivation, even if the goal -if any- is not reached ?
  3. Zit


    If disruption were working on non-living items, it would not by-pass armor but break it instead.
  4. Zit


    In a future edition, you may write it in the powers Chapter, "overcoming an unwilling target", p.174
  5. or one or two Master Mind boards.
  6. Zit


    So let’s say a sorcerer wants to cast a Hinder spell at a PC. At SR = INT, it starts a conflict with his WIL / Willpower. The PC resists with CON / Endurance (or any other suitable Trait), and has no reverse power. The target can only resist and never rolls for effect, so can try every time to gain a bonus bead and use it for his defense roll. For example, in our case, Run, or Willpower, or why not by rolling against a Motivation (“my beloved is being abducted !”. Since the caster (the Narrator) MUST roll for effect if the PC does not, or even just to apply the power, he cannot accumulate bonus : this is a big advantage for the PC, as long as he finds some Traits to gain a bonus bead, isn’t it ?
  7. Zit


    Powers with the Overcome Attribute: the caster must start a Conflict matching his WIL vs. characteristic as stated in the power description. - Can the target roll for effect ? - are other Traits usable for support beads ?
  8. What about using the word "Discovery" (how exactly is better left to native English speakers...). Isn't it what the QuickStart is aimed at ?
  9. Armour has a coverage value, either on a hit location if you use the rule, or for the overall armour if not. The unit die indicates which part of the armour (not of the body) you hit. This is the totally unofficially called by myself "chainmail bikini rule". As option you can roll 1d10 for it, but this unnecessarily increases dice rolling. Do robots have Life Points ? One of the side bar comments says "Some types of monsters do not have Life Points at all." I think robots follow the same rule as items, where hits reduce the toughness until 0 instead of reducing Life points, which disables the item.
  10. Question about javelins: does the Trait Javelin allow to use it as Close Combat and Ranged Combat, or do you need 2 Traits, one for each ?
  11. Zit

    Peaceful Cut

    I agree with Iskallor. What if you miss your roll ? Do you commit heresy ?
  12. p. 214 (natural weapons), the reptile's tail has the bash effect, p. 217 (crocodile) the tail has the stunt effect and 225 (Dragon) the tail has no effect. Is that normal ? p. 114 Aimed Blow "Damage (effect for melee, advanced for ranged)" should read "Damage (effect for melee, advantage for ranged)"
  13. Zit

    Peaceful Cut

    I had the same experience in Mongolia. Salted milk tea was ok, fermented milk (it was mare milk) was awful. I was fortunate enough not to be offered mutton eyes, which is a way to honour guests. It is also reported that ancient Nomads used to take some blood from their horse, fill a dried intestine with it and cook it. It is not certain that it is true, but it is colourful enough to be introduced in Prax. In those countries, scarcity is the rule and people learns not to waste anything (just not like we, decadents westerners !). These are good examples of how could be the daily life in Prax.
  14. Zit

    Peaceful Cut

    I've seen this in Mongolia. They did not rip the aorta open but pitched it instead. And the opening, bellow the thorax, was just big enough to let the arm go inside, almost up to the elbow. It seemed that this was the best way to kill a beast when you want to keep the blood and have neither a big pot nor a tree to hang the beast, so I would suppose that the Praxians do a similar way- This the case in my Glorantha, at least.
  15. Just like Mankcam, I liked the Morokanths eating herd men. In my Glorantha, herd men are vegetarians and are considered by all Praxians as herd beasts, not as humans, so it is not taboo to eat them: this complies to the Covenant. I even had my human players invited to share a meal with Morokanths: this was acceptable to Praxians. As soon as Herd Men are awaken, they become humans and cannot be eaten anymore, whether by other humans or Morokanths : they belong to the flesh eaters, according to the Covenant. I don't think I'll change it.
  16. Zit

    Cult credit RQ2

    If I remember well RQ2, there is no tithe to associated cults, and I think no credit. But other advantages like reduced training costs are available.
  17. combined with a Fire rune, it may have others interesting effects.
  18. Most of the Fantasy games have rules for summoning, even basic ones. I would have suggested the supplement Wind on the Steppes with specific rules for central Asian shamanism, but this supplement is not available anymore. If you are patient, wait until it is published again with the Revolution D100 system. The mechanics shall have been even improved. Mythras has rules for shamanism and the new Runequest to come will as well. There are somewhere (may be in the download section ?) rules for shamanism, I think written by Steve Perrin (or am I wrong ?)
  19. Hoho ! I'm excited. Reviews are always good. Considering the size of Alephtar, the fan community has to be intensively involved. Demonstrate it in schools, clubs and at conventions, speak about it, play it. Small supplements like the Shade Land are easy to do and can quickly cover many genres, giving enough time to work on bigger settings. Publish a short Revolution D100 Discovery kit. Develop a native setting (may be mixing genres like an Avatar-like mixing sci-fi and primitive, techniques and powers, hard science and new-age). A good confrontation is the engine for an interesting setting I think. Let's start with answering those questions: - I'm a newbie, why shall I start RPGing with Revolution D100 ? - I'm a grognard, why shall I switch to Revolution D100 ? - what do I find at Alephtar which I don't find somewhere else ? And make the answers known. Easier said as done.
  20. All this is a question of well defining a word. Death in RW doesn't have the same meaning as in Glorantha. Arguing about who is dead or is meaningless as long as everybody does not speak about the same thing. In RW, "Death" means that the body definitely ceased to function. In Glorantha, being dead means that you, or at least your spirit, are in the Underworld ? OK, accepted. Period. It is not like in RW. It does not have the same meaning, consequences, laws, implications and so on. Being dead does not mean ceasing to function or being trapped in a Hell. It is just being in the Underworld, even as a tourist. I'm fine with this. If this disturbs anybody, call it with another name. So discussing about Death in Glorantha while comparing it with Death in the RW does not really make sense. In Glorantha, RW Death does not exist. Forget RW Death. I'm fine with this as well.
  21. It is quite weird to argue so much about what is wrong or not in a purely fictional construction.
  22. I think the optional rule "dedicating to a skill" is there for that. You get one slot per 5% but you have to spend half of your improvement points on this skill or belonging Traits.
  23. For that one, you have the answer there, at the very end of the thread : your interpretation is correct.
  24. The last one is just the back cover of the 2nd one. It is one single image if you unfold the book, where the human warriors attack the broos and the shaman.
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