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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Sweet dreams are made of this.
  2. As far as I know, Tatou's Refuge has been written by Guillaume Fournier, part of Oriflam team. It is described as 'freely inspired by Thieve's World (by Chaosium)'.
  3. For Druillet, check Salambo.
  4. Exactly my point ... and one of the points that makes me regret having used RQ2 instead of RQ3 as a base.
  5. Agreed, this is an abstraction, but the moves are per SR (3m per SR, starting the DEX SR), all the actions are per SR, spell casting has a duration in SR, ... We almost have the impulse system of Ringworld, with the exception of the End of Round with no carryover, except for the actions that have a duration of more than 1 round (Spell casting for example). This is why I explained it is easier to explain to beginners (in my experience), because if 1 round is roughly 12 seconds, 1 SR is an abstraction that covers roughly a bit more than 1 second.
  6. You add your DEX SR to your SIZ SR for melee activities. You don't add for missile and magic. Yes, 2H spear will be at SR3 (I have not checked if the figures are correct, just the principle of your calculations). No, a second actions is always started 5 SR later. Moreover, as HreshtIronBorne says, only 1 attack per round (mostly).
  7. This is part of the reason I prefer the RQ3 way: Here, SR are ALWAYS a measure of time, and it is much simpler to explain to new players.
  8. Only in Ringworld (Old Chaosium BRP game). In all other BRP iterations, there is no carry over, and next round will also be at 8.
  9. This is the best answer I've ever seen. I just used it (translated) to explain to my sons.
  10. This has always be the case. The exact rules has varied, but a successful parry always has counted vs a critical attack.
  11. As far as I have understood, yes, criticals ignore all armor (as usual).
  12. If a roll has 4% of occurring, 2 pairs of rolls mean 15.1% of occurring. In your example of 5 participants on each side, that means almost 66% of occurring each round. Your special (or critical) vs special (or critical) has 81% chance of occurring once in 2 rounds and 57% of occurring twice. That's a lot.
  13. When I'll GM RQG, I will probably use RQIII's combat rules: Separate skills for attack and parry, single parry per weapon, no attack matrix, moves and SR integrated, combat manoeuvers,... (keeping the 12 SR round to avoid having to refactor all the tables and equipment, and the different specials and criticals). The only other change will (not would) be to remove the above 100% reduction in opposed rolls (not only for combat). There are a few other points I don't like much, but the effort of changing is not worth it.
  14. Spirits can be negociated with. An Humakti can shred them, but can not do much except fighting them.
  15. Bring in spirits. Even 2 or 3 are sufficiently dangerous, and the shaman is THE spirit specialist.
  16. I like all 3 spells. Game balance has to be checked. An interesting view. I have the same notes as Soltakss about headings and page numbering.
  17. What I understand is that the weapon can act as a limb, ie. take (and absorb) damage that goes beyond 0.
  18. No (for me): If the weapon goes to -6 (I agree with you on that point), nothing goes to the arm. Damage i done to the limb (without armor, I agree with Soltakss) only if the weapon goes to -12. Then it is broken and can not be repaired.
  19. I read it as "Weapon HP reduced by the damage. If damage is above Weapon HPx2, Weapon is destroyed and extra damage goes to an arm".
  20. I think he meant protection spells. You are right for magical armor: All armor is bypassed by criticals, as I have understood.
  21. "Trollinets" are french RQ3's Trollkins. And this one is a real bad-ass looking one.
  22. Yes, Anisha was good. I much enjoyed it.
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