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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I think the lesson to take to your Gloranthan heart is the classic Narrative-game lesson -- where a Trad game asks the simulatiionist mechanics, "what happens next (in light of the setting/tropes)" a narrative game asks the players, "what's the interesting thing (in light of the setting/tropes) to happen next?" Start with as much Glorantha as you have handy. When you come up with this "happens next" question, and your in-house resources don't answer sufficiently, then you might ask the Glorantha Wiki, or the lore/docs at Glorantha.com (or here on BRPC if your answer can wait) ... Or you might just let this be a YGWV moment ... realizing that for YOUR game, at YOUR table, with YOUR characters, the "most interesting" thing is very likely to depart from canon anyhow...
  2. I permit choosing another relative of the appropriate generation... a great-aunt, an elder cousin, etc. Much of Glorantha is kin/clan centric, so it's entirely possible for a non-ancestor to be in that "most influential" role.
  3. Info on the KS page, of course. Also a couple of substantive threads (including author/dev's participation) over on RPGnet: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/against-the-darkmaster.834208/ https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/whos-against-the-darkmaster.844971/
  4. It strikes me that the Passion rules might make a decent first pass at "forcing" a PC to do the will of an NPC sword... Pick up the Windsword, gain "Passion: Always Fight Chaos" at 65% (or +20% if you already HAVE that Passion). I pick 65% as midway between the 80% "forcing" level, and the 50% "actually the opposite, fails more than works" level. Does the sword drive you up over 80% into nigh-Uroxi turf? Can you draw it down to under 50% where you're mostly in control? I (strongly) suspect an artifact such as the Windsword will have an array of ancillary Augments available to enhance that Passion at critical moments... 🗡️
  5. A query at a slight tangent... I tried to look it up, but did not find recent info: Who's working on / what is the status of the "Glorantha Skirmish War" rules mentioned? Where can I follow that to stay up to date?
  6. g33k

    Mythras Supers

    I have LA already. It's a misfit for GW in several ways, but could possibly be a significant piece of a Mythras-centric / FrankenBRP homebrew in a GWesque vein.
  7. g33k

    Mythras Supers

    Hmmmmmmm ... Just having some thoughts spark... How easy would it be to re-skin this as the engine for a d100-driven Gamma World-alike, the gonzo post-apocalyptic science-fantasy game from the 70's? Powers as mutations (and yes, with a random generator), etc... Mutated plants, animals, & pseudoscience psi out the wazoo, madmax & bits of Clarketech, etc... (Edit: obviously, all that setting-specific stuff would have to BE re-skinned, it isn't just a slam-dunk; but does it seem like it'd be more a straightforward mechanical re-implentation, or would things need a fair bit of tweaking & re-interpretation?)
  8. Sorry, my bad! <quickly sprinkles vetch & wildflower-seeds in the garden bed>
  9. Well... the land is for the wilds. Animals and (wild) plants. Which, runically speaking, seems to trend away from agriculture but not plants, so... Disorder (non-harmony, no neat crops & fields)? Weak Man-rune, ag being human/etc version of going heavily into plants?
  10. Pretty sure that causes gout. Use the rich as fertilizer, eat the plants they push up. Going vegan is very "in" these days.
  11. Well, that explains it; TYVM! Would it be possible -- and worthwhile in terms of time/ROI -- to code/automate the webstore to show "Out of stock, but more have been ordered from the printer!" (presuming stock have been ordered for the item)? Or if none are ordered, "Out of stock. We are investigating POD options" (presuming it looks like a low-volume item that doesn't justify a whole print-run)? I guess it'd call for some sort of extra linkage -- between your print/order mechanism with your printer(s), and your webstore selling to customers -- for it to be fully automated. But even as a mere fan, I've noticed these sorts of queries quite a few times; I presume you folks have seen it much more than I have! So you're already investing some effort into manual, per-occasion answers... And now the (inevitable) followup: how soon is "soon"? Is there an ETA? 😉 Presumably you cannot automate this part, other than a blanket "too many issues outside Chaosium control, or even visibility, for us to reliably ETA this." Which maybe (given the inevitability of this followup) puts an upper limit on the worthwhile-ness / ROI available from such automation ...
  12. @Dustin O'Chaosium @Rick Meints @... I dunno, whoever over there is in charge of the webstore. Product page says it's in stock in US/UK/Aus warehouses, but no "Add to Cart" button. Neither is the toplevel "RuneQuest Glorantha" webstore page showing the button (where it's the ONLY product (without an "Add to Cart" link), nor the Heroquest page ...
  13. I'm seeing a big ol' hunk of "Dream Magic" theme here. In Glorantha, AFAIK, that speaks to an East Isles origin...? So you might want to look into any ideas that gives you. Obsidian, of course, speaks to volcanoes. Also IIRC to dragonewts... which ALSO have tie-ins to dreams. Dreams are notable for their oracular / scrying nature, seeing what has not yet happened, what is very distant, what happened long ago; equally, dreams are notable for being un-clear and obscure. So you can use this to drop hints, to foreshadow, to guide lightly; but preclude making it a military-grade (adventurer grade) recon/intel omnitool. And if it has Draconic influences, it could readily be even LESS comprehensible...
  14. Soldiers in the field, marching under arms, are fair game (including for ambush, etc). There is no hint of hospitality law applying. I think this very much depends. Is the Rune Lord savvy enough to engage with all the appropriate laws and customs? Swear guest-oath, and behave as a guest ought? Then, yeah... they gain the benefits, however unwilling the hosts are. Many of the RL sources of Glorantha -- the folklore, mythology, customs, etc -- have examples of heroes forced to be good hosts, or forcing others to host them; also of loopholes & violations exploited to bloody & accursed advantage!
  15. waitWHAT? WHAT!?!!! <scurries off to d/l>
  16. <heh> As I recall, there was something in the original "fuck ICE" post along the lines of "light a candle in the window -- two if by sea -- and stay up all night fucking ICE." ... which I found a decidedly more friendly sentiment than I had expected... 😂
  17. Also, there are plenty of skills which need special training (e.g. neurosurgery) and others which have a lot of cultural/normal teaching (e.g. courtesy). Someone un-trained at Courtesy is likely to do better at this skill, than is someone untrained at Neurosurgery likely to do at that skill. Generalize as best suits your own table's tastes.
  18. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I find too many of your fundamental assumptions to be either invalid or unsubstantiated, and this venue probably isn't the space to work out all those details. Also... I'm taking just a bit of relax time now, but too busy to engage in an extended and multifaceted debate.
  19. Once upon a time, planets as fixed objects in concentric spheres centered on the Earth was the valid, accurate model. Then people noticed that it was a little bit off... Not to worry, though, it's just a little bit. Details. They just needed to figure out the Motions of the Spheres. It'll be figured out, eventually. We just need a more detailed model.
  20. Just spotted this old request, dunno if Someone Official answered...? Also dunno if it's still relevant, of course... @Trifletraxor ? @Jeff ?
  21. JESUS IS COMING !!! and boy, is he pissed Edit: we don't have to buy the ENTIRE vonDaniken hypothesis to posit that at least ONE of our Earthly legends has an alien-origin attached. Not to mention that "odd sightings" (i.e. non-contact surveillance) from thousands of years ago could easily have been unrecorded, or have records we haven't yet found, or have found but haven't properly interpreted).
  22. I blame the socio-political environs of NASA, more than NASA itself. I expect most of them are at least as impatient as you are... 😠
  23. I tend to feel that we literally do not know what is possible and what is not. Every few decades, people seem to think that they have finally got things almost right, that there are no new Great Breakthroughs to be made (only details to work out). History suggests that we are probably no more correct than they were. And science fiction doesn't really care; everybody has their own hard-vs-soft thresholds for their sci-fi. 😁
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