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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I think that was an Asimov story. The premise was (very expensive) AI's were doing so much, humanity did almost nothing but direct the AI's (including making war). When some historian-geek, or something, discovered in old books that humans did basic math, it revolutionized their warfare -- cheap, self-reproducing, overpopulating humans replacing expensive AI's
  2. There are several thing that can cause this error. At the moment, I don't think the error is with Chaosium. I just hit wellofdaliath.chaosium.com from my phone and from my laptop, for example. Also check your local time/timezone to make sure they're correct... Maybe a "daylight savings" glitch?
  3. g33k

    Old RQ Mysteries

    no, no. He's right. Pay attention to those critical final words: "... of some kind."
  4. Gloranthan Deities, GD'it!!! Dinna MAKE me coom din thar an' GaG th' lot o ye! 🙄🤡
  5. I gotcher Duck Special right here, Bill <gestures at platter> And stop makin' eyes at the waitstaff!
  6. Not trying to say what THIS site should be. Trying to show (since the question was raised) where that site sits.
  7. I'm still active on RPGnet; I will try to explain them. It's a largely favorable "review:" They are taking the position that same-old-same-old isn't working, that being silent on "broken stair" issues is complicit, that the gaming industry -- and fandom -- allowing things to slide is very-similarly-complicit. I find myself in agreement with that POV; things are getting worse, and I think it's (at least in part) because people are allowing really vile hatespeech under cover of "free speech," and they are being silent when they should be speaking up. Hence, my favorable review. (I expect I've already lost more than a few readers; it's long-ish, so I expect to lose a few more). Please note: I have been banned there (temp bans) for telling people "how RPGnet is" because I am not a Mod there: this is explicitly MY understanding of them, not their expression. I link below to some of their threads and rules, if you're inclined to read them in their own words (in fact, I encourage it). === They have had (since-almost-forever, afaik) a "no personal attacks" policy, and a "no group-attacks" policy (on the theory that any given group might have members on-site), including "no PA's against devs/authors/publishers" because they TOO may be on the site. These policies have a specific exclusion: except Nazi's (and by extension, Nazi-adjacent alt-right & other hate groups). Relatively recently, (the past few years) RPGnet began trending more and more toward liberal politics & toward inclusion, specially including "marginalized communities." They have close to zero tolerance for "the other side." Racism, sexism, etc are explicitly bannable. Their basic position seems to be, "that shit gets allowed other places, and makes those marginalized gamers feel unsafe/unwelcome; we'd rather exclude the bigots, so the marginalized can feel safe: recognizable bigotry gets banned." They are... not impressed... if you toss around terms like "SJW" and "special snowflake" &c. They explicitly reject lots of language (that passes muster other places) as alt-right / racist / etc invasions of legitimate, principled conservatism. You have a right to speak that way at your own gaming table, but not on their site. === The full set of RPGnet rules are here: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/rpg-net-rules-guidelines-revised-10-28-2018.835825/ === Mostly what (seems to me, from my non-Mod perspective (e-mail/PM/etc (that only the mods see) may tell a different story)) gets other folks REALLY riled up is when RPGnet bans on whataboutism, on people making MRA/etc arguments against "MeToo / believe the women," and the like. Popper's "Paradox of Tolerance" is popular; people making "Free Speech" claims get shut down HARD. They have banned their own mods when credible allegations of sexual abuse occurred; they have reversed their own ban's, and issued public apologies, when prior "non-credible" allegations gained more credibility. === The dam really broke open (aka the Mods went ballistic) when the pictures of children in dog-runs "temporary holding facilities" hit the news in mid-2018: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/new-rpgnet-policy-regarding-ice-fuck-ice.830117/ Not too long after that, they made "blanket support" for Donald Trump & the Trump administration also bannable: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/new-ban-do-not-post-in-support-of-trump-or-his-administration.835849/ (it's a l-o-n-g thread, but the first page or two may be worth a read...) N.B. other specific policies, e.g. "I like what Trump's doing on the trade war" or "Fed lowering the Prime" or "climate denial" or etc etc etc are NOT banning offenses... Supporting the "Muslim Ban" is bannable, but immigration discussion (even "stronger borders" (though not if it's a code for family separation/etc)) is not specifically bannable (but expect a mod to ask pointed questions about what you ARE supporting, because just "stronger borders" is encoded some places as a nationalist/racist dogwhistle). But any blanket endorsement of DJT (or his administration) is now held to explicitly include support of gross human rights violations, sexism, racism, etc... and hence bannable (and as you'd expect, voices speaking up on RPGnet in support of those other policies are slight-to-none). They are not open to discussion on this issue, or any version of "keep your politics out of my gaming." By extension, support for ANY racist/nationalist world leaders, including praising their policies, including those that are now part of the history books (like Adolf Hitler, or Mao) also gets a good hard look, and often a ban. === They got a HUGE signal-boost when knitting site "ravelry.com" (IIRC 7 million users) more-or-less adopted the RPGnet rules, And THAT got picked up on big news sites like NYT, USAToday, Time.com, The Federalist, The Guardian, etc... https://www.ravelry.com/content/no-trump Of course, Ravelry then got Troll-brigaded (and RPGnet got another spate of it too). === So, if that's "too political," avoid RPGnet at all costs! (Amusingly, RPGnet got a bunch of angry hatemail demanding the knitting-patterns the complainers had ordered, and to close their Ravelry account. And Ravelry got hatemail about "playing dress-up Elves with fake swords.") Edit: But don't take this to mean it's your fantasy trash-the-Right gaming venue, if you're looking for that. First and foremost, it's a gaming site, and even liberal/progressives get banned if they're so strident they stop folks from enjoying their gaming-chat.
  8. No, but ships needing separate drives (one for FTL and another for in-system maneuvering) is one of the frequent tropes of sci-fi.
  9. Dude. If you only have a quarter, you haven't been paying attention! Chaosium has been charging penny-a-question on that, and it's their 3rd largest revenue-stream.
  10. IMHO, that's mostly a matter for the GM/campaign, rather than something that SHOULD be pinned down in the rules. If the campaign would benefit from a Rare Ingredient Quest, then make it so; if the PCs got a big pile of cash and you need them to have a hardscrabble lifestyle for some plot-oriented reason, drain their cash into a 5ct flawless diamond; etc etc etc. OTOH, if it's just some cool and flavorful rules to give them entree to some new power(s), then make it easier.
  11. <ahem> Point of order, ma'am? I believe the esteemed Mr. Hibbs is a great big munchkin. Carry on.
  12. Well, but Iron was a Mostali invention to gank the Elves and Trolls. It does no special extra damage to humans, or Durulz, or Centaurs, or ... It also has some anti-magic properties, but that's not AFAIK anti-spirit properties or Anti-Otherworld properties.
  13. g33k

    RBoM query ...

    The specific issue was with "trance-y" features getting an extensive discussion for Arrow Trance in the Bestiary, but nonesuch for Sword/Axe spells in the core rulebook. Sword/Axe show significant copypasta. Arrow seems to be Something Different. The clear implication (which I suspected was an erroneous reading) was that the melee weapons got no such "trance-y" features. The difference in treatment is really substantive, and normally I would expect such a substantive difference to mean something, even as I would also expect "XXXX Trance" spells to all be "trance-y." THANK YOU for the clarification/revision!
  14. g33k

    RBoM query ...

    What about the other half of the query? Do the Sword/Axe Trances get text similar to Arrow Trance to make clear they ARE "Trances" and limiting the Adventurer to doing only trance'd Sword-y / Axe-y melee actions (as Arrow Trance explicitly limits to trance'd archery actions) ?
  15. Might I beg a favor from one of those lucky souls favored enough to possess one of the GenConSpecial RBOM's? Can you tell me of the *Trance spells? In particular, are Sword/Axe Trance (from the core book) given color-text & limitations/consequencs comparable to the Arrow Trance spell from the Bestiary? And are there any other *Trances, "Maul Trance" or "Lance Trance" or "Martial-Arts Trance" or what-have-you? Many thanks!
  16. Absolutely -- they HAVE to be. Bonded Tricksters call these "lottery swords" by another name -- "A Gift for my Master" (they actually "find their way" into Orlanthi hands as often as not).
  17. https://www.glorantha.com/docs/glorantha-core-rune-font/ (n.b. the "extended" font, some of which may no longer be canonical, includes others)
  18. As is often noted int the forums (both CoC-private, and the public areas) -- you rock, Mr. M ! (also, I hope your piles get better)
  19. Can you share any of your conversion process or resources? 😁
  20. That was my first thought; but some of those entries (e.g. all of the Hidden Paths and the Many Friends "can be shamans" -- I'd have expected many of those to be mostly/entirely shamanic traditions).
  21. Thanks for this! Some questions... Is there any meaning to the red-dashed underlines I see? Ronance & Mahome under Eiritha's "Associated Cults;" Jakaleel; Chalana (but not "Arroy"); Lhankor Mhy (including his runes); Orlanth-Adv&Vinga's Runes (but not them), etc... Given the irregularity, I am presuming this is some sort of accident or leftover, not conveying unified information. But maybe I presume wrong...? Elsethread, Shamanism in Prax has been brought up. I see here "has shamans" and "can be shamans" in different Cults. Is this a meaningful distinction, or a rough-draft artifact? Again... TYVM!
  22. With all due respect, Jeff... please PLEASE reconsider! I'm not asking for a return to the thrall/cottar terminology (I understand you want to move away from older anglo/nordic views of the Orlanthi!) but SOMETHING with cultural flavor! Something to immerse ourselves into. Something NOT "neutral!" Go to Hindu, Persian, Aramaic, Mandarin... or any source(s) you'd like. But keep color and the flavor in place! Really... this could be a chance to expand some of the ideas of Glorantha, as different scopes of "semi" occur in cultures with "semi-free" persons (even "slave" / "non-free" can mean very different things). Maybe you CAN use "cottar" and "thrall" in one out-of-the-way (likely non-Orlanthi?) context; but the Hindi terms "daas" and "dive," or the Japanese terms "Dorei" and "Sabanto" (grabbed from Google Translate, hopefully you'd get an expert to check precise terms & connotations) in other contexts where they have different meanings/implications. Just... please... don't give us neutral anthropology <shudder> in our Gloranthan sources. Please.
  23. I think you've grabbed the opposite meaning... ebbing is the outflow, the water dropping. Usually, we like the "rising tide" that floats the boat, that brings flotsam & jetsam & other useful wrack ashore, etc. Ebbing is generally taken to be a "lessening." === OTOH, there's some ambiguity: the hardcore maritime types liked that outgoing tide, because it helped carry laden ships away from the dock, etc.
  24. Elmal-vs-Yelmalio can be anything from a non-issue to a central, campaign-defining element. It depends mostly on players' PC's and the key NPC's & factions.
  25. Agreed that Waha and Eiritha should both have shamanic paths. OTOH ... Even if the "official" word is no, YGWV ... and even in canon, there's still Earth Witch (who could be a path to Eiritha as well as to Ernalda).
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