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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. I'd replace the stat lines "Current" and "Original" with "Maximum" and "Current". Or at least, I'd swap them over or move the stat names up so that they are on the "Current" line. Other than that, niiiice.
  2. If it annoys you, Chaosium customer support can fix it if you ask. Wait until the rush is over though!
  3. Indeed, you should have a skill in a specific weapon, which can be used at half chance for a similar weapon in the same category. That is a bit of an oops. Also it takes up a load of space, when a lot of those skills might be of no use. Should have been left blank.
  4. Do if David can only disengage on the SR after Ella's attack, what if Ella was attacking on SR12? What if two people are attacking David on different SRs, doe she disengage separately from each of them on the SR after their respective attacks? Surely it's simpler to just say he disengages on his DEX SR, they get free attacks, done.
  5. So to "their opponent can make one attack against the adventurer which cannot be parried or Dodged", you would add the caveat "...if their DEX, SIZ, and weapon SR is lower than the fleeing adventurer's DEX SR alone"?
  6. That would imply that David can parry on SR6, and then disengage the next SR. This goes against the rule that Ella gets a free undefended shot. Or are you saying that a parry on SR6 would prevent movement on SR7? Or, if he parries, then he can't disengage unless he gives Ella another free strike at him? If so why can't he disengage on SR1 or SR3 and give Ella the free hit then instead of a normal hit AND a free hit? My reading is much more simple. He acts on his DEX SR, moves out of combat, disengaging, and giving Ella a free shot on SR3.
  7. There's a big difference between something having been scanned (and possibly available on dodgy download sites) and it being available commercially. For a start, there's licencing issues, you might need to get in touch with all the authors and artists. Second, if you just release a cheap scan then a lot of people will be unhappy that it is not searchable, then if you put in all the work to OCR it and lay it all out again then you've reduced your own market by having released a cheap scan. Complications!
  8. My brother wrote a one-page quick creation system a few years back when RQG was in alpha, I'll see if I can find it. It pre-dates the revert to RQ2 category modifiers though so there might be a few other things that have changed.
  9. There's one on Amazon for fifty bucks.
  10. Given that the 2017 Gen Con version of RQG seems to me to have been further along than this currently is, and that was a whole year before the final product came out, I would be surprised if we saw this available in PDF this year. Then again the rule book was probably more complex, more moving parts to debug.
  11. I keep seeing updates to this thread, and thinking "Delayed again? Oh no!" 🤣
  12. PhilHibbs


    Second in my series on the pregen characters. Nathem son of Nhean Pretty good character, well rounded, lots of support skills and can be quite useful in a fight. The major problem with the character is this: He has the Claws rune spell, which gives him 1D6 damage plus damage bonus, using his Fist Attack skill. Which is... er... it isn't listed, so I suppose that's just base chance 25% plus 10% modifier, 35%. Pretty poor, I'd have put some points into that in character generation if I was going to take a 2 point Rune spell that uses the skill. At the very least, I'd write down the skill. The Spirit spell Strength will add 10% to it though, so that's getting better. On the other hand, there isn't really any choice in the Odayla rune spells so I guess it wasn't deliberate.
  13. The price that I've seen for a slipcase set is basically the same price as the books that it contains (I don't actually know if that price is correct though). The difference is that the empty slipcase will have a price tag of its own, and might be shipped separately depending on box sizes available. So you've answered your own question, I think. I'm just going to buy a full slipcase, even though I bought one rule book of my own and another that I gave to my main players.
  14. That thread is a kind of death by a thousand cuts for Jason... 🤣 Perhaps he should appoint some deputies to draft answers and send them to him so he can run through them and post the ones he agrees with.
  15. People collapse all the time in ecstatic worship with chanting and dancing and mind-expanding substances.
  16. A half-price rule book is a great compromise in this situation, in my opinion. Tough for anyone who can't afford the extra £21, but hopefully that isn't too high a bar to clear for the majority of people.
  17. I think that is unlikely. Hm. I see what you mean. Needs clarification, I think. We will know for sure at the very latest when the coupons arrive. Of course if it is correct, the next round of butthurt will be people saying "What? I didn't buy a hardcopy, I waited for the full slipcase set!" Anyone saying that will get a 🤣 from me, be warned!
  18. My interpretation is that if you want a slipcase, you have to buy a full set, but you get your PDF discount even if you already used it to discount a copy of the rules. So having bought all three PDFs, I need to buy a slipcase set at whatever that price is (is it announced?) with the discount for all three PDFs. Calling it a bait-and-switch is harsh, but I can see how it can be seen that way. If their fulfillment people simply won't ship slipcases with spacers or gaps in them then I can't see what else they can do. The option of just buying the books, and foregoing the slipcase, is available.
  19. Yes, that's the way I interpret it as well. I think wyters and suchlike tent to hang out in the Spirit World most of the time. Most adventurers using Second Sight will just see a bunch of mundane beasts.
  20. I extended your quote a little, as the context makes it even clearer. Indeed, this does imply that a shaman's Second Sight lets them see spirits that are not in the Middle World.
  21. Of all possible worlds, I'd say Glorantha is among the least likely to have such well-defined concepts that are universal across all times and cultures.
  22. I don't think that these sub-cults are designed to work the same way as RQG sub-cults (where you get all the main cult magic as well).
  23. Ghosts are clearly dead. Humakti have no problem with the dead, as long as they stay dead.
  24. Second Sight specifically does not allow you to see the Spirit World. You can see spirits that are not in the Spirit World, such as bound spirits, possessing spirits, ghosts haunting an area, etc. Unless you are saying that whilst you can't see the Spirit World itself, you can see spirits that are IN the Spirit World.
  25. PhilHibbs


    RQ3 was not Gloranthan, so certain compromises were made when trying to unify the Fantasy Europe Pennies currency of RQ3 with the W/L/C currency of Glorantha. That's fine, that's a compromise in order to merge two incompatible price lists into one usable game. As far as I can tell, RQG and RQ2 use the same price list (I haven't checked everything so I might be wrong). My point is that the value of a material in the world should not depend on the game mechanics for the magical properties of that material. It might vary because wealth and the value of money has been re-interpreted by different writers.
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