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Rodney Dangerduck

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Everything posted by Rodney Dangerduck

  1. Huh? RQG, page 145, "% success = 50% + (active × 5%) minus (passive × 5%)" 0 is a perfectly legal value for that equation, and it can be "overcome". If the caster's POW is very low, like Biturian Varosh's Allied Spirit, it may even be a challenge.
  2. Truesword "doubles the normal damage done by the weapon". Fire Blade is not "normal". A fire bladed true sword on a broadsword does 3d6 (Fire Blade) + 1d8+1 (the normal damage) + any damage bonus.
  3. Page 199 (the Attack and Parry Results Table" uses "affected hit location" for a normal attack vs. normal parry, but "adjacent hit location" when the attack is of better level, such as Special Attack vs, Normal Parry. To be fair, that isn't "ambigious" (my original term, my bad). Inconsistent and confusing, or at least likely to be forgotten in the heat of a session, yes. Assuming that "adjacent" means "your arm", this make a huge difference. Crits and specials are usually what kill you. If they always go to your left arm, RQ combat is much less deadly. We chose to ignore "adjacent" and always use "affected", meaning, roll that D20 and hope it's an arm or leg.
  4. I agree, and that's how we have played for 40+ years. Protecting a fixed (small) number of locations is just versus missile fire. However, I recall the RQG rules as slightly ambiguous and confusing on this. Thanks for the clarification!
  5. "Violence is always an Option". So you never know for sure. Someday when my character really wants to provoke a fight she will calmly argue the "for" side of the thesis that the other person enjoys carnal relations with goats. Despised creatures associated with Chaos. Luckily, hasn't come to that yet.
  6. Something that vaguely rhymes with Bilbo. 🙂
  7. Our group did that, during the Sacred Time between 1626 and 1627. Not sure exactly how it is supposed to work, but we made it up. Some of us wanted Alaryn (from Alaryn's Ford) but we came back with somebody more interesting: Gringle!
  8. So, you are power gaming mini-maxing over 15% differences, and then complain about the rules. No need for me to continue this discussion.
  9. Why not just use the Dodge skill here? Seems the perfect fit?? Again, Dodge. Or parry with the weapon / shield in the other arm.
  10. Agreed. But, seriously, how often are your PCs getting struck while they carry no weapons or shields? That seems, well, seriously unhealthy. Worry about that, not any rules issues about parrying with natural weapons. BTW, we have drifted, as most of these threads do, 180 degrees off the original topic, which was parrying natural weapons with a real weapon. 🙂
  11. Did your opponent cast Bladesharp 4 or Fireblade or Truesword on his weapon? Probably not. You might want to reconsider...
  12. Our Eurmali, while in New Pavis, put on an Esrolian themed production of Die Zauberflöte for Gol-Gotti, who really enjoyed it. Or at least claimed to. A bit strange but MGF.
  13. And Weapon Trance also. I played in a one off with @Todd@Chaosium where a horde of Scorpion men attacked a Humakht duck under Sword Trance. After one round they (and the GM) learned not to attack with their natural weapons, which pretty much eliminated their effectiveness. RQG has very much tilted the balance away from sword and shield, especially once you get iron weapons which parry much more damage than a shield. Don't forget Strongblade.
  14. Argrath should be most vulnerable at a time when the PCs are somehow the only ones available (or alive) to help. Or harm, if the PCs are Lunars.
  15. Seems obvious to me that The Dragon orchestrated all this, for reasons unknowable to human consciousness.
  16. Your friend is right. In RQG "Standard Campaign" (1625+) the Sartarites are no longer the plucky underdog resistance fighters. Either accept it, or vary your Glorantha.
  17. In our campaign, Leika (and other Sartarite notables) negotiated with Argrath so that most of his problematic forces stayed north of The Rubicon Creek. We like our cities and apple orchards as they are. So far, so good...
  18. What happened with the previous King, Sarostip? He, and to a lesser degree Vailor, have been major NPCs in our campaign.
  19. I am completely confused as to whether one can use a comp bow (the kind that does a d8+1) while mounted, or if one is supposed to use a Horse Bow that does less damage. The rules strongly imply, but never state, that you must use a Horse Bow.
  20. There used to be a notable broo CA. Not sure it's canonical anymore, but our group takes it as proof that CA is o.k. with Chaos, contrary to some of the recent materials. As usual, YGMV. As for Lunars accepting chaos, therefore all being deemed chaotic by association, remember that Prince Sartar the Great and Magnificent took Telmori as his bodyguards, and a later Prince of Sartar married a Telmori. I early await your PC Storm Bulls and CA and Wind Lords calling out Argrath as Chaotic as he is one of their descendants. It's complicated.
  21. I haven't checked his math, but one of our players calculated that the area of the Telmori tribe is an order of magnitude too small to support that many carnivores who have no real farming or herding or Ernaldan blessings etc. By that reckoning, they raid neighbors because they are starving.
  22. Long term, I have no idea. Motley crews like this are problematic. Try to work out a common Loyalty. Short term, an easy start is that they are all in Apple Lane to either attend an Apple Festival, or, mainly (but not exclusively) for the guys, "pay their respects" at the Uleria temple.
  23. Slightly different situation, but my Yanafal Lunar PC was "lost on the Spirit Plane" after an unfortunate encounter with a tough spirit. The other PCs quested to find her, and, being a Lunar Quest, they went by the Sea of Chaos. One particularly Chaos-tolerant PC said "let's see if we can summon Fiona from there". The GM asked me, privately, if I was o.k. with that, and I said, well, she's not around to object, and yes, it's (barely) o.k. with me. So my PC came out, Illuminated, and very conflicted, as she was formerly quite skeptical about the Lunar use of Chaos. An unforgettable, super dramatic episode of character development.
  24. The forms and words of the Heortling Hospitality Ritual are a bit difficult to find on line. I recently did, and the start of one of our "sagas" includes Argrath's entry into Boldhome, 1627, with a very formal Hospitality Ritual see: http://gloranthagame.pbworks.com/w/page/146656524/1627_Fire1 note: Thom Bradisson comes from our campaign. He is the mayor of Boldhome, and hated by the PCs.
  25. I recall some older source material for RQ or HQ, where a Humakti was required to have a weapon (perhaps highly ceremonial) with them at all times. However, my quick search brought up nothing. Faulty memory? Or does somebody else remember this? Thanks!
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