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Everything posted by seneschal

  1. We hope those vampires are hopping because the PCs just gave 'em a good kick in the shins.
  2. Reminds me of the Fantastic Four's encounters with Galactus. They can't possibly fight him, but they've often been able to out-maneuver or trick him. If the Big Bad deity has enemies or rivals, is contacting them a good idea? Will an opposing entity be willing to thwart the PCs' opponent just for giggles or will he exact some horrible price for aid even if he's aching to pull one over on the other super-being?
  3. So, Talons of Weng-Chiang as a Call of Cthulhu scenario, sans Doctor. The PCs are on their own with no outside help. They must investigate, figure out what is going on and try to stop it without a sonic screwdriver among them.
  4. "Whoever would cross this bridge of death must answer me these questions three ere the other side he see." Looks like another great historical supplement for D100 games.
  5. Superman T-shirt and matching cap are the best I can do this year.
  6. "In other words, would an average SIZ 13 human weigh 13 ENC or 78 ENC naked?" Hmmmm, planning to make off with the Princess, are we? It's all good. Barbarians aren't proficient with math anyway, so you can haul her away from Daddy regardless of how pleasantly plump she is.
  7. The French RPG Weatherley -- intended to simulate the novels of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters -- consists entirely of social combat. Succeed and you marry well. Fail and you end up a miserable old maid for life (at age, what? 21?).
  8. Maybe I've misunderstood what I read in the Big Gold Book, but BRP martial arts seemed underpowered to me (keeping in mind that I've spent years playing Hero System). Even the Unarmed Combat super power seemed rather modest in its effects. Grabbing a weapon and shooting or whacking somebody seems to be more efficient and effective than fancy hand-to-hand moves, at least in this game system.
  9. For me, the simpler the better. Complex, multi-page affairs are overwhelming. One page, combat stuff together, essential game mechanics only, portrait space optional. It needs to be uncluttered, with enough white space to be readable. Character background stuff belongs elsewhere, on a single-paragraph printout by the player (with a copy for the GM). I haven't played the types of games where it is necessary to list every possible item the character is packing, either. Primary weapons or tools only, assume standard stuff like bus fare or matches are handy when needed. Hate encumbrance rules; as long as a PC isn't trying to carry a fully stocked refrigerator on his back, we're good.
  10. Yes. It was built in 1999. They had a big party there ...
  11. You might also consider Mini Six. It's simple but flexible and has a nice scaling mechanic for those humans vs. Decepticons battles.
  12. I have the original FUDGE rules in PDF. It can be as light or as crunchy as you make it. Almost too much freedom, a "roll-your-own system" system. Toolkit games such as Hero System and BRP let you create any campaign but provide some structure. With FUDGE, you have to decide for yourself on everything. Sigh. I've got enough role-playing material to game for decades but no one to play with.
  13. I picked up T&T version 5 a while back but haven't gotten to run it. How is it for quick and dirty fantasy (especially compared to D&D and RuneQuest)?
  14. Depends on which decade you were born in.
  15. Hero System could handle it, too (sans wheelchair). All Fantasy Hero characters would start with 75 or 100 build points plus Disadvantages, regardless of race, and would gain experience points according to the quality of their role-playing as judged by the GM. The game balance thing, like SIZ, is a quirk of BRP. Giant + halfling? It's the Nero Wolfe setup. Harried hobbit investigates in town, then has the guard and suspects gather in the giant's drawing room for the amazing armchair resolution. (What? You expected a dumb giant? Talk about stereotypes!)
  16. Was that "Wow" or "WoW"? My store sells innumerable collectible trading cards, media-themed bobble heads, sports cards, even My Little Pony themed merchandise. Rocketeer, Game of Thrones or Godzilla action figures? We got 'em. Sadly, no actual role-playing games (unless you count Lego Heroica). At one time, we had the starter box for D&D 4th edition but after they sold out or were sent back no other such materials were ordered.
  17. Postscript: In their defense, the folks at the game shop were no more strange (had fewer tattoos and body piercings, were a whole lot cleaner) than the customers who come in my all-night grocery store at 3 a.m. Since they rarely buy Pokemon cards, World of Warcraft refill subscriptions or D&D dice I must presume that these nocturnal patrons are not also gamers.
  18. I made my third failed attempt to join a pickup D&D game at one of my local game shops this morning -- not because I especially want to play D&D 5th but because I'm desperate to role-play and it seems to be the only game (heh) in town. The newbies group I had planned to join failed to show up. At the next table, a group of veteran D&Ders was prepping a new session; the Game Master was trying to persuade his group to try a different system, a sci-fi game he wanted to run. He happened to mention that he'd once played a single session of Call of Cthulhu. The only thing that happened in the scenario, he said, the whole point, was that at the end of a masquerade party Death showed up and shriveled the guests by touching them. "And the CoC players all thought that was really cool. Boy," the DM remarked, "Those Call of Cthulhu players are really weird." I didn't say anything, I wasn't offended, but I had to chuckle to myself. You see, my parents worried that I'd become the family warlock while I was playing Traveller and TOON and wouldn't come near a game shop if they knew of its existence. And here I am as an adult surrounded by folks wearing black T-shirts with an angry wizard logo on them. Posters of superheroes and stranger creatures adorn the walls. The packages and books on the store shelves feature innumerable gruesome scenes. The female D&Der at the next table who has been describing her psychotic fantasy character wears dangling skull earrings and a Doctor Who-ish straw hat. The Dungeon Master is as grim and bald as one of Robert Howard's Stygian high priests. And Call of Cthulhu players are especially weird compared to the general run of role-playing enthusiasts? Um, don't mention to my Dad where I've been, OK?
  19. This is where teamwork comes into play. The vampire doesn't leave a body trail because the troll helpfully eats them. The elf helps fund the party in cities because people mistake her for a Sixties era folk singer (see the puff piece in Mother Earth News). She maintains her status as a "master tracker" by secretly using a GPS device she filched off a guy who tried to pick her up. It routinely takes her the long way around to places that don't exist, generating plenty of adventures for the party. Elf and vampire take turns charming potential allies so that they perceive the troll as a Lon Chaney, Jr., style tough instead of a monster. Meanwhile, all three of them perform conspiratorial back flips to keep their human front man from realizing what they're really up to when he's looking the other way.
  20. Well, if you're talking about the physical print version, it is vernacularly the "dead tree" edition. "Book that is dead" comes close.
  21. Since BRP is the mother D100 system, regardless of game or publisher, I don't see a need for a separate forum.
  22. With all this action, who needs Mythos monsters? Aren't the barmaids and bandits keeping Our Stalwart Heroes hopping as it is?
  23. http://www.amazon.com/Killer-Pizza-Greg-Taylor/dp/0312674856 http://tinyurl.com/lgt7ve4 I stumbled across the second volume of a kids' horror series, Killer Pizza: The Slice by Greg Taylor, and read the first couple chapters. It actually isn't very well written, no character development and stock situations, but I love the concept: instead of SAVE or a doddering collection of Miskatonic U. professors, the organization fighting to rescue humanity from the unknown is a fast food pizza chain.
  24. Does this mean we need to start stocking up on garlic?
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