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First Post and 2 Questions

Brian C

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On 8/10/2019 at 10:11 AM, Mugen said:

Perhaps a good Glorantha adaptation to D&D 5e would be beneficial for Chaosium, financially speaking, and allow players interested in playing in Glorantha to find online games more easily.

13th Age Glorantha is a D&D-related game (and a far better game than 5e, IMO), but is not exactly as popular as D&D, and incompatible with 5e, unfortunately...

We have no interest in doing a 5e Gloranthan game. Let D&D be D&D. Let us be us.

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On 8/10/2019 at 7:50 PM, Szwagier said:

Sure, I can do that. It's not up to me, of course, but to the GM. But I'll see what I can do.

Thanks g33k.  I just wanted to say that I joined a RQG campaign last night and rolled my character and the GM showed me the Roll20 interface etc. I'm really looking forward to this.

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Speaking of finding players.  I didn't see a looking for player / Game Master forum on here.  I'll be totally honest and say I was surprised. I would have thought this would be the place to advertise that your looking for a game.  Since I didn't see anything I was too afraid to post a looking for game thread.  Can I ask:

In future if looking for a game could I post a LFG thread directly?  I don't want to break any protocols

Also would there be a chance of an official thread being started?

I know for me just coming back to Runequest since the 1980's  it has been a very frustrating experience.  All I saw were forums and web sites filled with looking for D&D 5E  etc game. I did see a few really old Runequest ones, but it looked to me that no one was playing Runequest. Then I come here and don't see any either so it was disheartening.  I know that we can get PMs if someone shows interest.  But I would think it would be beneficial for brand new players to come here looking for great advice (thank you guys for replying to my questions, this is a great forum)  and also to look for games.  Sort of a one stop shop for anything Runequest

Please take the above as positive feedback from a new person on here.  Just trying to offer ideas (brainstorm) to make this place better. 




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30 minutes ago, Brian C said:


Also would there be a chance of an official thread being started?


Personally, I would love this.

Maybe a subforum for all-games-on-BRPC, maybe a thread per game-specific forum; stickied, either way.

Hopefully a leader topic with guidance as to tagging it with online/f2f, and details thereof, etc.

Dunno, some thought seems called for, but the idea is IMHO quite worthwhile!


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1 hour ago, Brian C said:

In future if looking for a game could I post a LFG thread directly?  I don't want to break any protocols

Yes! I've posted looking for players previously for my HQG game, and would do so here for my RQG game.

1 hour ago, Brian C said:

Also would there be a chance of an official thread being started?

I think that's a good idea. Personally, I like the subforum idea, but that might be too specific.

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6 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

Yes! I've posted looking for players previously for my HQG game, and would do so here for my RQG game.

I think that's a good idea. Personally, I like the subforum idea, but that might be too specific.

Good to know thanks Jajagappa, I'll post in future.  I like G33k's suggestion of a subforum covering all the games then have game specific threads.  That would be an awesome and much needed resource IMO. I spent hours looking for LFP threads and like I said above I looked here and saw non so was afraid to post looking for fear or breaking a rule.  Just makes it easier IMO.  

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1 hour ago, Brian C said:

Speaking of finding players.  I didn't see a looking for player / Game Master forum on here.  I'll be totally honest and say I was surprised. I would have thought this would be the place to advertise that your looking for a game.  Since I didn't see anything I was too afraid to post a looking for game thread.  Can I ask:

In future if looking for a game could I post a LFG thread directly?  I don't want to break any protocols

Also would there be a chance of an official thread being started?

I know for me just coming back to Runequest since the 1980's  it has been a very frustrating experience.  All I saw were forums and web sites filled with looking for D&D 5E  etc game. I did see a few really old Runequest ones, but it looked to me that no one was playing Runequest. Then I come here and don't see any either so it was disheartening.  I know that we can get PMs if someone shows interest.  But I would think it would be beneficial for brand new players to come here looking for great advice (thank you guys for replying to my questions, this is a great forum)  and also to look for games.  Sort of a one stop shop for anything Runequest

Please take the above as positive feedback from a new person on here.  Just trying to offer ideas (brainstorm) to make this place better. 




Our RQ games at GenCon were all full up. Todd Gardiner is doing a fantastic job working with conventions and game stores to support RuneQuest play. 

That being said, I would LOVE a LFG thread here. The more the merrier.

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Hey Jeff,

I am so glad to hear that RQ was so popular at the con, its a good sign.  I saw back in 1980 that this game system was special and I hope the popularity shown there only increases.  We have a large game store near where I live but they don't offer any kind of support in finding players, they have said its up to you.  This was why I bought my slipcase set from Chaosium directly as well.  And partly because of the sad news late last year. 

Thanks for being supportive about a sub thread.  Can I ask what is the procedure to get one started?  I have no problem contacting who I need to in order to get this set up.  I just need to know what to do.

Thanks again


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Well, the Big Cheese here is @Trifletraxor (and as you see, I've just summoned him).

I think the idea merits some thought and care in implementation... a whole subforum, for all LFG/LFP topics?  That'd need an admin to set up.

Can BRPC reasonably support PbF games, if folks want that format?  Or do those have to go elsewhere?  How would THOSE be set up?

Or one topic in each subforum (so HQ players aren't wading through RQ players' posts, and vice versa, not to mention 13G, 7th Sea, Pendragon/Valiant/Paladin/etc, and all the other versions of BRP and other games...), which (being ordinary Threads) anyone can start...  But need an admin to make Sticky, if that seems apropos.

How to mark games... use the Tags system?  Informative place-specific titles for RL, VTT-specific titles (like "Discord" of "GoogleDoc+Skype" or "Roll20") for those?  Etc...

And some more Etc Etc Etc, just for good measure.

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Here are my tips for people looking for a game:

  1. Instead of looking for one, start one! What you're technically looking for are players :)
  2. You can advertise your game on many existing forums like RPG.net, ENWorld, SJGames, etc. Whichever have LFG/LFP threads.
  3. Other places have such threads too, like RPGGeek for instance, which even shows you other gamers on a map if they have entered their ZIP code.
  4. Check on Craigslist, look up any local gaming Meetup groups, or just do a web search. Sometimes, whatever your local game community uses to get together is something you just don't know is there -- and whatever technology they use will depend widely on who started it, and in what decade they did so!
  5. Finally, of course, check with your FLGS, they should know everything.

That said, yeah it would be good to have LFG/LFP threads here for BRP games specifically.

Edited by lordabdul
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Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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Over a decade ago, someone on RPGnet began a thread on this topic (how to find a group)... 


It isn't very up to date (last post over a year ago), and I see a prevalence of "gee this list is outdated, can we update it" comments on the last page or two...

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12 hours ago, Brian C said:

In future if looking for a game could I post a LFG thread directly?  I don't want to break any protocols

Also would there be a chance of an official thread being started?

You can just post a LGF thread in the appropriate game forum, for Runequest it would be the Runequest forum, or if you're just looking for any game - the Alastor's Skull forum. Don't worry about breaking any protocols, this is not a rules heavy forum. ;)

I've tried to avoid subforum proliferation and to many stickied threads. We had a LGF stickied before, but it didn't see enough traffic to warrant staying stickied. Just open your own one Brian!

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17 hours ago, Brian C said:

Thanks g33k.  I just wanted to say that I joined a RQG campaign last night and rolled my character and the GM showed me the Roll20 interface etc. I'm really looking forward to this.

Oh, excellent. Sounds like we may be team mates then. 

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9 hours ago, Trifletraxor said:

You can just post a LGF thread in the appropriate game forum, for Runequest it would be the Runequest forum, or if you're just looking for any game - the Alastor's Skull forum. Don't worry about breaking any protocols, this is not a rules heavy forum. ;)

I've tried to avoid subforum proliferation and to many stickied threads. We had a LGF stickied before, but it didn't see enough traffic to warrant staying stickied. Just open your own one Brian!

Thanks for that Trifletraxor.    I honestly would have thought there would be more traffic/interest on this forum for such a thing.  People must be playing under cover or something.  I just thought a thread like this would make it easier for new players to find games.  I know for me I  got to the point where I joined a D&D campaign just to play.  If I don't see any LFG for Runequest anywhere as a new player it left me with a very depressed feeling.  Just honest feedback

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36 minutes ago, Mugen said:

Note that I have personally 0 interest in such a game. ;)

I think 13G did a fine job of implementing "D&D" (class/level system, d20-centric mechanics) for Glorantha; given the folk who produced it, I never had any real doubt.  So from that perspective there is no real need for such a product:  it already exists!

But D&D5e is kind of a monster game these days... there are so MANY CriticalRole/StrangerThings players coming in, and legitimacy in publications like Forbes, of all places.

I can see some credibility to the notion that a D&D5e rendition of Glorantha might generate further fans!  If even 1% of the CR viewership bought a RQG core book, it would be a huge jump in sales for Chaosium.  If 1/10 of 1% of the ST viewership did so, Chaosium would have to scramble for new printings due to overwhelming demand.  Chaosium shows every evidence of having the business sensibilities to see these as "the good sort of 'problem' to have."


More personally... I use D&D as bait.  Virtually everyone who games knows it.

My current group was founded on a premise of "Who wants to play D&D and similar RPGs?" where I ran a 3-session D&D-arc, at the end of which I announced "Next game -- unless someone else runs a game first -- will be Ars Magica" (n.b. this was during the MRQ era, which I never bought/played).  We have since run a dozen or so short campaign-arcs, and a score or so of one-shots, in wide variety of systems... only one arc of which was any flavor of D&D/d20.

This being the case... I can see a very good use for a D&D5e Glorantha, even if it's just a quickstart-ish product using Glorantha as a gateway drug, ushering folks over to the BRP side of things.  😎


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