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Pegasus Plateau Corrections Thread


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On 5/10/2020 at 2:07 PM, Joerg said:

The map legend blots out the Aurochs Hills and the named feature Honor Rock

Also missing from the Locaem Map, page 29:

  • Old tombs (presumably tumuli outside Famegrave, hence the name!)
  • Slate ridge

Also the clans aren't marked (but probably intentionally, not to overcrowd the map)

Lastly the map legend swaps the key for bridges and waterfalls.

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Forgot, also from the Locaem Map (page 29):

It's not clear what are 2nd roads/trails or if any are boundaries.

  • dashed - roads,
  • dots - tribal boundaries/trails?

Hillsedge looping past Raven, and round to Gold Torch Inn looks like a boundary, but the other dotted lines look like trails, e.g. Bend to Two Top.

They'd be room on the legend removing the key for Large City (none on map), and places of interest (as these are all labelled on the map anyway, which applied to ruins as well I suppose)

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Is it intentional that Gloomwillow (p.111) has 32 POW, 32 Rune points, and re-usable access to Sever Spirit?

Also, Rhand column p110 "with DEXClimb, or Jump roll" should be "with a DEX...", and I believe there is a multiplier missing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know “Your Glorantha may vary” , but I’m getting a distinctive medieval Norman keep vibe from the illustration of Miskanders Tower. I only bring It up because the art direction for RQG has so far been brilliant at getting that ancient  bronze age vibe. Is it just me or does that illustration feel more like something you’d see in a medieval keep? 

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On 6/15/2020 at 8:42 AM, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

I know “Your Glorantha may vary” , but I’m getting a distinctive medieval Norman keep vibe from the illustration of Miskanders Tower. I only bring It up because the art direction for RQG has so far been brilliant at getting that ancient  bronze age vibe. Is it just me or does that illustration feel more like something you’d see in a medieval keep? 

True, but I'm trying to set this up on Roll20 now and I'm having more problems with the map than that. :(

  1. "The tower door on the west side opens to a tall room (about 5 meters/yards high) containing a large rectangular table." -
    • The door appears to be on the south side in the map,
    • the table is not shown.
  2. "The stairs from the first floor lead up to a small chamber. The stairs continue upward, but that part of the tower is long gone. The chamber contains a fireplace in the north wall and some sort of bronze contraption in the southwest corner. There’s also a door in the south wall leading to the rest of the second floor."
    • The second floor appears to be a single chamber with no interior doors
    • The fireplace is not marked
    • The bronze contraption is not marked
  3. "Part of the north wall is blasted away and a hole drops through the wall down into darkness. This hole was once a chimney leading up to the fourth floor from the basement."
    • The north wall of the second floor is shown as intact
    • The hole is not marked. 
    • Presumably such a hole would be visible in some form on the first floor as a protrusion in the interior wall? If there's a chimney built into the second floor, I'd expect some sign of it on the first. 
  4. "There is a doorway without a door in the south main wall leading out to a balcony with a treacherous floor:"
    • This is there, kinda, sorta. But as drawn it's directly above the main door into the tower - see 1 above.
  5. "Once the adventurers descend into the cellar, they find themselves stepping out of a large furnace."
    • It's not clear to me where the furnace is. Is it in the the room with Miskander, or is it the brown rectangle in the other basement room?
    • If they land in the room with Miskander, then there's no description of the other basement room at all as far as I can tell, including that skeleton marked on the map


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Apologies if I'm missing something but

p.18 states that Joreen, "makes it to the top with her ally, Kana"; and also that Kana is "allied/tied with Joreen and arrives with her"

doesn't this contradict information at p.14, Joreen "her hatred for the Lunar people blinds her—she immediately suspects any Lunar of maliciousness, and actively resents Kana’s inclusion in the Bonding Ceremony.", and p.9 describes how Joreen's "hatred against Lunars combined with the humiliation of losing sees her commit Sabotage... against Kana later that night"

Maybe change p.18 to "makes it to the top just after her rival, Kana"?



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On 6/14/2020 at 11:42 PM, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

I know “Your Glorantha may vary” , but I’m getting a distinctive medieval Norman keep vibe from the illustration of Miskanders Tower. I only bring It up because the art direction for RQG has so far been brilliant at getting that ancient  bronze age vibe. Is it just me or does that illustration feel more like something you’d see in a medieval keep? 

@Jeff any thoughts on this? Hoping that the so far excellent ancient Bronze Age depiction of Glorantha in RQG isn't about to slip back to RQ3 pre renaissance standards, with ducks in full medieval plate armour to “save the hamlet from scurrilous scoundrels”?

I’m sure it’s not, but I’m just aware of the fine line that keeps continuity in a Bronze Age setting like Glorantha. Feels like it’s slipped a bit with that illustration. 

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On 6/14/2020 at 3:42 PM, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

I know “Your Glorantha may vary” , but I’m getting a distinctive medieval Norman keep vibe from the illustration of Miskanders Tower. I only bring It up because the art direction for RQG has so far been brilliant at getting that ancient  bronze age vibe. Is it just me or does that illustration feel more like something you’d see in a medieval keep? 

Sorcerors with access to God-Learner materials (along with Mostali) have always been a source of anachronistic elements, and I presume this will still be the case in RQG.

But it'd be nice to see such things called out explicitly, for the sake of Gloranthan newbies; who might otherwise be prone to seeing it as "yet another Euromedieval pastiche setting."

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/19/2020 at 12:23 AM, titussterne said:

Apologies if I'm missing something but

p.18 states that Joreen, "makes it to the top with her ally, Kana"; and also that Kana is "allied/tied with Joreen and arrives with her"

doesn't this contradict information at p.14, Joreen "her hatred for the Lunar people blinds her—she immediately suspects any Lunar of maliciousness, and actively resents Kana’s inclusion in the Bonding Ceremony.", and p.9 describes how Joreen's "hatred against Lunars combined with the humiliation of losing sees her commit Sabotage... against Kana later that night"

Maybe change p.18 to "makes it to the top just after her rival, Kana"?



Indeed! A big problem. I'm running it this weekend, and my fix is that Kana allies with Nerestina, the merchant's daughter from Esrolia with the high Moon Rune to get there at 3, and Joreen arrives right after at 2.

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On 7/2/2020 at 10:38 PM, Stephen L said:

For the Pegasus Plateau adventure, aren't all the pictures of Griffins, not Hippogriffs?  In particular Pages 23 and 25?

My error - I thought Hippogriffs were winged horses!

Pegasi are winged horses, true rarities. I think you practically have to go on a Splendid Yamsur Heroquest to meet one, though there likely are some somewhere or other, and I figure that Zorak Zoran ripped off Gamara's wings at Pegasus Plateau in the Godtime, that's why the name. (Or a ZZ Heroquest come to think of it, if you want to quest to destroy the only surviving pegasi somewhere or other). Hippogriffs are more complete than Pegasi, they still have beaks and front claws, though not fangs. If you have the whole set, it's a king hippogriph, rarest beast of all.

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