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Slightly Odd Question: Children of Gods


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12 hours ago, Nevermet said:

This, of course, gets weird, because heroquesting wasn't "invented" yet.

People say that Arkat was the first HeroQuestor, but that clearly isn't true.

The Awakeners of the Theyalans were essentially HeroQuestors, repeating their myths to awaken those who had gone to sleep to survive the Darkness.

Some of the Dara Happans HeroQuested to reignite old flames and to restore the Empire.

The whole business with the Pseudocosmic Egg, Sunstop and Birth of Osentalka was the result of HeroQuesting.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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21 minutes ago, soltakss said:

People say that Arkat was the first HeroQuestor, but that clearly isn't true.

I agree

I always thought that Arkat made heroquest in each of his cults, and at then end, understood that there were "connexion".  That means that when he was humakti, he learnt humakti secret of heroquesting, when he was ZZ, he learn ZZ secret of heroquesting. So people teached him these secrets, so people, before him, made heroquest

Maybe he was the first to understand the links between each version, and how to "manipulate" the myths

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On 3/11/2021 at 10:12 AM, John Biles said:

Wait, Jaldon is the child of Androgeous???  Where was that established?

Yeah, I did a bit of a spit-take on that too at the time.  Nothing is set in stone but the statement is that all of Androgeus' children are heroes, and not the nice sort, and they include "Goldtooth" and "Twisted Horse" who may well be Sheng Seleris.  Sadly I cannot remember where I found the info it is so long ago. If you dig around it is likely to turn up, and I'm sorry I can't be more help.  Glorantha Wiki mentions it a little.

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4 hours ago, Darius West said:

Nothing is set in stone but the statement is that all of Androgeus' children are heroes, and not the nice sort, and they include "Goldtooth" and "Twisted Horse"

And yet in Glorantha Sourcebook where the paragraph on Jaldon is but two paragraphs above that of Androgeus, there is no reference in either to a relationship between the two.  And in the Guide p.445, we only have "Around 890, the Hero named Jaldon Toothmaker was born in the Wastes. He was driven mad by the statues of gods he saw in the ruins of the Tunnelled Hills." 

This feels more like a naming coincidence.

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Jar-eel had heroic abilities almost from birth, no doubt the result of some serious heavy duty magic.

I think Arkat was the "son of Humakt" because you know, if you win the unbreakable sword and overcome an astonishing series of challenges people are going to say nice things about you.

Or consider all the candidate Argaraths, they all had a chance to win the prize by virtue of their heroism.

But Jar-eel is likely the outcome of a genuine compromise bending effort to infuse a human with god like abilities. 

Edited by EricW
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46 minutes ago, metcalph said:

From what I heard, Kallyr's son was supposed to be revealed in Gathering Thunder as the priest Danar Orleros or Penendros the Star Captain. 

Yes, I think there was an implication in Gathering Thunder that Danar was Kallyr's son.  I was never quite sure how that really fit though.

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5 hours ago, metcalph said:

From what I heard, Kallyr's son was supposed to be revealed in Gathering Thunder as the priest Danar Orleros or Penendros the Star Captain.  But a certain editor (now departed) didn't like the metaphysics and changed it.  

Interesting and a bit weird, but that underlying idea that Kallyr and Polaris had a kid who becomes a demigod Star Captain is a very interesting one to me, actually.

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On 3/13/2021 at 12:33 AM, jajagappa said:

And yet in Glorantha Sourcebook where the paragraph on Jaldon is but two paragraphs above that of Androgeus, there is no reference in either to a relationship between the two.  And in the Guide p.445, we only have "Around 890, the Hero named Jaldon Toothmaker was born in the Wastes. He was driven mad by the statues of gods he saw in the ruins of the Tunnelled Hills." 

This feels more like a naming coincidence.

We have no clear info about who Jaldon's parents were anywhere.  What we can say however is that he follows the pattern of heroic power and destructiveness common to the children of Androgeus.  Remember that IRL Siberian shamans are often trans-sexual, and I notice that you aren't arguing that Sheng Seleris could be a child of Androgeus, so why not Jaldon?  Androgeus may be a god-level shaman like Sheng.

Edited by Darius West
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1 hour ago, Darius West said:

Androgeus may be a god-level shaman like Sheng.

Given Androgeus' superhero status, she is at least equal or beyond Sheng and embodies the Man Rune.  I've never heard reference to Androgeus being shamanic though.

1 hour ago, Darius West said:

I notice that you aren't arguing that Sheng Seleris could be a child of Androgeus, so why not Jaldon?

I don't necessarily see a need for either to be a child of Androgeus.  Doesn't mean it couldn't be one or both as children, but I always felt from the texts that Androgeus' children were primarily born in the Great Darkness.  Again, doesn't preclude some of them being born within Time.  We just don't have evidence at this point beyond a similarity in titles.

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2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

I don't necessarily see a need for either to be a child of Androgeus.  Doesn't mean it couldn't be one or both as children, but I always felt from the texts that Androgeus' children were primarily born in the Great Darkness.  Again, doesn't preclude some of them being born within Time.  We just don't have evidence at this point beyond a similarity in titles.

Well, while the evidence is a little sketchy, I think there is a good chance that both Jaldon (who let's face it, is decidedly weird), and Sheng Seleris, both fit the unpleasant character description of the children of Androgeus, and the names and associations need not suggest different characters.  Also, Goldentooth is a sobriquet of Jaldon's.

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