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Potato distribution, existance, and origin


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Potatoes were there in 1615 ST, gone in 1625.

Perhaps the potato was eliminated. or at least made less productive, by an anti Lunar Heroquest.  Perhaps in retaliation for the Windstop. 

Not very strategic, as it did not exactly shake the foundations of the Lunar Empire, but who are we to say that all heroquests must have big strategic game changing results? Not everyone is as insightful as Kallyr or Jar-Eel.

But we know that just as Orlanth and Ernalda were brought back, so can the potato be brought back both in myth  and Gloranthan reality.  

Lunars should Heroquest now!  

Do you really want fries with that?   Enough to enter the Hero Plane?


Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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Another alternative for people who want some potato story in their Glorantha: I take Genert's "Garden" to be somewhat literal. We know of no grain goddess of the Garden. We know rabbits and fruit cam readily to hand. Much of it was forested in recent maps, but earlier maps don't show that. So if you want potatoes to be possible but not currently known, they were in Genert's Garden. Maybe they were blasted out of existence. Maybe you can find them in one of the rare barely livable parts of the Wastes. Or maybe if you quest there, your HeroQuest reward comes with fries.

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On January 13th here  on page 3 of the current thread,

Jeff said (my emphasis) :

" You guys do whatever you want. But the author of the cookbook has confirmed that there are no potatoes in any of the recipes. And there are no references to potatoes in any of the Chaosium books in the last decade. So make of it what you will.   "

So he gave potato permission.  OGMV.   Instead of arguing more, let's take "yes' for an answer.  Proceed to write up the potato adventure(s).

And now on a just-made-relevant topic, what is the status of that cookbook?  Can it be canon before it is published ?  After it is published it can inspire lunches at ChaosiumCon.


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Might do my potato writeup one day, but the reason I started this topic right now was just to find out the official stance, and see if I needed to include potatoes in the Sun County module we are working on. Seems I was right to leave them out so far, but if a big famine happens I know my players might be looking to Count Varthanis II for an example and might do a heroquest for food. So who knows what they might find?

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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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14 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

Potatoes were there in 1615 ST, gone in 1625.

Perhaps the potato was eliminated. or at least made less productive, by an anti Lunar Heroquest.  Perhaps in retaliation for the Windstop. 

During the Windstop and the Great Winter, Mallia holds the whip hand.  She could release the potato blight via her Mee Vorala subordinates.  No more potato bread for Teelo Norri.  Why would Mallians do that?  Malice, pure and simple.

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40 minutes ago, Nick Brooke said:

Potatoes grow in Darkness. I relish the idea of desperate Sun Domers turning to the potato goddess for aid...

One of the Yelmalio is already going weird and slightly heretical heading off towards the Sun Dragon path, the other is a Babeester Gor who has decided that death is a sucker's game and she'll just skip that whole deal thank you very much. And that's not even talking about the soon-to-be shaman... Things get weird when you have players who get the first tiny points in draconic illumination and then proceed to roll an 08 and a 06 the first time I had them roll against the number to see if they got illuminated... Potatoes and darkness sound just right up their alley!

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2 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Potatoes grow in Darkness.

Potato tubers spoil (become poisonous) in direct sunlight, which is why they remain in the shelter of Earth, but the bits above the ground hog as much sun as they can (being members of the nightshade family).

You can of course grow Lunar tubers which have crimson starch, but the common tubers you will find in our worlds market places are full of the sun's blessing when sliced open, collecting it in the shelter of the earth.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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14 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Potatoes grow in Darkness. I relish the idea of desperate Sun Domers turning to the potato goddess for aid...

Sunlight is to the spud as Yelmalio is to Zorak Zoran. As Julian is to Sandy?


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21 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Potatoes grow in Darkness. I relish the idea of desperate Sun Domers turning to the potato goddess for aid...

Let's run with this a bit further: having turned to growing spuds in desperation during the Great Winter*, the Sun Domers (re)discover that the Cradle River valley is a perfect place to grow them. They even improve the soil! Theological implications abound. 

They did once grow potatoes here long ago, the first count brought them with him from their ancestral lands in Dragon Pass.

But, some time during the Solitude of Testing, knowledge of their cultivation was lost. Potatoes became haram (after all, Yelmalio rune lords are forbidden to eat them, see Sun County p.22). Perhaps in one terrible year of famine the last of the seed potatoes were eaten, leading to recriminations and anathemas. It was probably a greedy Light Son that ate the last-ever baked spud, leading to rune lords being religiously sanctioned. In future, potatoes would be reserved as a food for the common folk, the light servants piously intone. Except they didn't have any of the precious taters left. Eventually, like riding horses, "potatoes" would just be a memory. But everyone knew Yelmalio forbade his most favoured (light) sons to touch them, so they must be bad (whatever they are).

And then their world was opened up again. Horses came with Dorasar, and potatoes came with the Lunars and their Teelo Norri poor bread. 

*scenario hook: during the Great Winter the Sun Domers send a crack party (of player characters) to steal a sack of seed potatoes from the Teelo Norri Poorhouse in Pavis. Plot twist: the Sisters are happy to turn a blind eye to such theft of their moon tubers, seeing it as proselytising by stealth...

Edited by MOB
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7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

wouldn't this parallel … pork in days of old real world?

Potato makes at least one present-day real-world ban list. It is not that potatoes themselves are unclean but seemingly that too much killing is involved in including them in your diet.

Maybe in Glorantha spuds are an example of the moon stealing solar power (light → starch), and refusing to eat the little earth moons is a passive aggressive gesture. (Or there is a myth that I have forgotten/never knew.)

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On 1/21/2024 at 6:03 PM, Malin said:

Yeah, I am loving Glorantha so much! The Grain goddesses sadly gets so overshadowed by Ernalda, maybe I need to sit down and think about some myths there eventually...

It's not so bad, the Grain Goddesses ARE Ernalda in some sense, just like Ernalda IS Asrelia or Voria or Gata or Imarja or Maran and so on. 

From what I know, in regions outside Central Genertela, Ernalda will often be worshipped under the name of the local Grain Goddess, ie. Seshna in Seshnela, Ralia in Ralios, etc.

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On 1/16/2024 at 4:43 AM, Ali the Helering said:

But.... the mushy peas?  What of the mushy peas?

Now peas definitely do exist in Vralos, they even have a ‘grain’ goddess, but if they are common in Genertela that sounds suspiciously God Learnerish.

so the best fish and chips might be in coastal Vralos. Or even Fonrit.

but I bet you can get them in Nochet. 

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6 hours ago, Ironwall said:

So are potatoes the new Elmal-Yelmalio discussion

No, because spud talk is light-hearted and fun, not bitter and bonkers. It is not the stuff of Trotskyite infighting … right?

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26 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

No, because spud talk is light-hearted and fun, not bitter and bonkers. It is not the stuff of Trotskyite infighting … right?

As an innocent country bumpkin who stumbled into both topics while carrying a bunch of pizzas only to find the place catch on fire around me... well... 😅

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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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