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Everything posted by BigJackBrass

  1. A PDF re-release may be a long time coming, which is a pity. It would be nice if they were collected and made available, but for now I'll keep looking for a cheap paperback. Thank you for replying.
  2. I've heard favourable comments made about the adventures included in the 2003 edition of HeroQuest, but haven't been able to find a copy of the book at a reasonable price. Does anyone know if the adventures have been reproduced elsewhere, preferably in PDF form?
  3. Given how the mastery rune appears to most English speakers I've frequently heard people refer to it as W, which is obviously confusing. HQ2 should have used M from the start, I think, for anything outside of Glorantha.
  4. Iggy Pop and Lemmy are in it, how bad can it be? (Rhetorical ?)
  5. It's something I discovered when learning the song "Fascinating Rhythm," which features the word. Had to look up what it meant: apparently it originated with the Model T but took on a wider definition following Ford's early unsuccessful ventures into aircraft design. Edit: http://www.popsci.com/military-aviation-space/article/2001-12/looking-back-henry-fords-flivver https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Flivver
  6. The early twentieth century American term flivver was used interchangeably to refer to old and unsafe cars and aeroplanes.
  7. Thanks for clarifying the situation with Cold Hard Iron - I very nearly signed up twice, not realising it would be the same adventure.
  8. The National Trust announce the discovery of a gigantic duck carved into a hillside...
  9. Well, that's sad news indeed. Luckily I already have both PDF and physical copies, but Nameless Streets is the game I always suggest to people put off by HeroQuest's fantasy/Glorantha focus.
  10. Two of the Kraken fundraiser stories are now available in PDF from the Chaosium website: Ogre Hunt A Day at the Races Hopefully the remaining titles will appear soon. The Kraken site also mentions a "PDF bundle," but there don't seem to be any details.
  11. I've been sporadically acquiring Christmas adventures for a while, regardless of system. Here's a link to a page of scenarios with addresses: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7y7pwdzts4f3u2/Christmas Adventures links.rtf?dl=0 It's not up-to-date, but I'll try to add the others I have when I get back to my PC. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear for Cryptworld is one not on the list. Obviously these won't all fit CoC by any means.
  12. I'm awaiting a reply from customer services about the coupon codes, since at the moment it looks like you can buy The Coming Storm and free PDF with the discount, but if you preordered it then you can have either the discount or the free PDF. On Monday I suspect I'll be raiding the vault ? Edited to add: The response from Chaosium (via Twitter; this is the second time I've tried their customer service email and had no reply) is that you can only use one code at a time. In effect, if you buy the PDF in advance and want the physical book later then you can't take advantage of future offers like the "black Friday" deal. Along with the high postage costs that is unfortunately going to stop me from buying Chaosium stuff until it's in stock somewhere like Leisure Games, where the postage charge is much less and you still get the PDF. Sorry for sounding a bit negative there - not really my aim - but it does feel like anyone who bought the PDF of The Coming Storm in advance has ended up worse off than if they'd waited.
  13. Surprised you didn't call it "The Colouring Book Out of Space."
  14. I had an early peek at this and found it to be very well laid out and straightforward. It's not terribly obvious from the main page, but it's also for generating sixth edition characters not just seventh.
  15. Try Brian Eno's "Ambient 4: On Land." One of the most unsettling albums I've heard and it loops quite well. There's a sample of it on YouTube.
  16. It's been confirmed on G+ that extra slipcases will be available separately for previous buyers of the guide.
  17. Presumably not, aside from fan publications. It's annoying but hardly a major problem; and it would be unreasonable to expect older editions to be catered for. The confusion came from the supplement being described as for Gaslight, which I believe is a 6th edition book. I think it would have been helpful to have stated the edition clearly, as obviously I'm not the only person who wasn't sure. As it is I'm on the fence, but might spring for the PDF.
  18. Rather unclear from the Kickstarter whether the supplement is written for 6th or 7th edition, but this has now been asked by a backer and officially answered: despite it being for Gaslight it's written with 7th edition rules.
  19. Magic World Errata View File Errata file for Magic World found online and pasted into a Word document. I have not compiled or checked the corrections and cannot confirm that this is the latest version of the errata for the game. Submitter BigJackBrass Submitted 09/30/2016 Category Magic World  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Errata file for Magic World found online and pasted into a Word document. I have not compiled or checked the corrections and cannot confirm that this is the latest version of the errata for the game.
  21. Thank you, I just found that myself! Also not a member, but I copied and pasted it to a text file. I'll see if I can tidy it up and upload it when I'm back at my computer rather than on a 'phone. In the meantime, a hurried attempt to attach it to this post: MagicWorldErrataFAQ.docx Edit: I've uploaded the file to the main downloads directory but have not made any alterations to it. Can anyone confirm that this is the most recent and complete version of the errata?
  22. Ah, that's a pity. Thank you for replying.
  23. There are a few links to the Magic World errata on the forum, but I can't seem to find any that are still active. Does anyone have a source for the most recent version of the errata, please? I believe it's incorporated into the PDF I bought today, but I wanted to add it to my paperback copy. Ta in advance.
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