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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Ice cream is already available amongst the Praxians, it’s one of the few reasons to get magic from the White Princess. Most herding clans have a milk herd, except amongst the ostrich & bolo folk, who do a kind of frozen egg custard. Oasis folk do all kinds of exotic fruit sorbets, like date and melon.
  2. That certainly wasn’t its use for the first 10 years (at least).
  3. But none of these are 500 years ago: Potato Famine: 1845 American civil war: 1865 battle of Amselfeld/Kosovo: 1389 The site of the battle 600 years later was chosen for the then serbian president's rousing speech, which I personally believe was more to do with good political stage management than an actual historic basis. I don't think you can use the battle of Kosovo as a basis of memory comparison to the dragonkill then to the genocide and wars resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia. My ancestry from the region dating from the 1850s gives me no traits...
  4. If the current date is 1627 and the Dragonkill took place in 1120, that’s just over 500 years ago. Given that a generation is considered 20-25 years, this is a best 20 generations ago. I don’t think your analogies work over this timescale. The reminder of the cataclysm to sartarites is IMO based on the cross line still visible, no one went in for roughly 200 years. Fear Dragons come from the dragonrise not this event.
  5. I forgot I had these, Paper Wars was an excellent product. I don’t know Simon’s alias on here, I wonder if he still has them on sale?
  6. That’s the adventure isn’t it. Sorcerous death magic, issaries merchants, local tribal guards, lightbringer cultists, trade!
  7. There are two reasons for this - It's based on the destruction of homelands. Prax and the Wastes weren't depopulated by the Dragons although clearly Praxians died (but Praxians always die or get to go home) and in RQG Praxians can't get Fear Dragons from the 1625 Events table, although everyone else can (Lunar Tarshites more so).
  8. You are correct and they are planing stopovers. Sables present other problems - more desirable than mules 🙂
  9. My latest adventure is underway with adventurers created in the first week. Last night the adventurers met up with their prospective employer in Geos at Swenstown. Aerison Clackminder is wanting to run a mule train across the wastes to a far off land called Kralorela. So far a centaur has signed up as captain of the guard. His friend who is some kind of Lunar death sorcerer will be his right hand man. Another Issaries cultist has come in as shareholder in the venture and fortunately a Praxian on a high llama has turned up to be the "local guide". They've set up market in the remains of the lunar section of Swenstown and hired some guards using the well known technique of show us how you fight! The centaur easily took on all three and the sorcerer was no slouch with a two-handed spear. After much planning using the sorcerer's writing skills they've decided to take 50 mules with them. Aerision is going to have to leave them at Swenstown to go and get more mules! The trip will last at least a season. So first stop Pavis for some more guards, top up supplies then decide what the detail of the travel plan is - what can go wrong. (My main concern is that I have only 9 mules in my figure collection, I can use my 19 horses but that still leaves me 22 short!).
  10. 1625 Dragonrise. OMG a giant dragon ate the New Lunar temple flew around a bit a then settle down again. All orlanthi settlers in Prax have flashbacks to the Dragonkill, most Praxians were happy not to be there. Some remember the dragon spirit in the Wastes that is sometimes encountered, the locals call it Grokka, and it calls itself All Eyes Open But One. Story hook. Argrath takes his Praxian army into Dragon Pass with Jaldon at the head, doing what they love best - raiding. The praxians return to normal, bickering and raiding, going to Dragon pass in wave after wave. Returning with loot and slaves. 1626-1627 More of the same. The future: Jaldon is always a bad Paps Khan and always heads to Dragon Pass to raid, Roneer the Hue continues in his role of second husband to Egajia. This has two functions, it stops the genocidal backlash against the loyal Sable phratries and maintains Egajia's stable rule. Jaldon however actually dies at some point before 1628, he doesn't come back. Save him for recovery in some mad LBQ in the future. He remains in the Great Herd with his own Herd Guard, separate from Waha's. Egajia Chewer of Flesh dies in 1629 after 57 years as Most Respected Elder she was only 97. Her career started in 1572 when her predecessor Norta-Ia Bison-mother passed on to the Great Herd ending the Bison time. Norta-Ia had disastrously managed the Praxian presence on the Pavis city council causing the Praxians to be expelled (after an attempted coup). The Song of the Elders continued with the young Morokanth Grandmother Egajia being called by Eiritha as the 49th. She personally negotiated the Armistice of Prax, which ceded control over the lands along the River of Cradles to the Lunar Empire in exchange for promises to stay away from the holy places in Prax. She broke the Armistice when Jaldon returned. Finally she went to the Great Herd and the whispering song of the Earth Mothers continued: … Sesna, Impala, Haria, High Llama, Nansech, Sable, Joria, Zebra, Karataan, Bison, Yara-Tek, Morokanth Urtung, Impala, Fa-Na-Anho, High Llama, Tereldrya, Sable, Han-Gar, Ostrich, Itrah, Bison, Nemmiyoung, Morokanth Norateen, Impala, Roy-Na, High Llama, Mara-Tek, Sable, Hara Noyalda, Bolo, Suhamee, Bison, Fora-Daar, Morokanth Katenia, Impala, Noymee, High Llama, Janyten, Sable, Teto-Tha, Rhino, Norta-Ia, Bison, Egajia, Morokanth Who will be called from the Impala, we listen now, tell us grandmother. Story hook
  11. As far as I'm aware there aren't any at the moment. It's company that produces games not the US government. I know at least four games companies where the main owners are in the 40s-50s age group. Some of them likely run the companies that produce product for you. Thankfully they are producing interesting product. English is clearly not your first language, so biting the hand that feeds you is a phrase to explore. You don't seem understand the milestones in the gaming industry. There are two big ones, Gen Con in the US and Essen in Europe. Other countries have their own event such as UK games expo here and Dragonmeet to a lesser extent. RQG is coming out for Gen Con where it will have a huge audience, all the right media will be there. Tens of thousands of people. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7558-that-chaosium-seminar-from-chimériades/?tab=comments#comment-105629 Most companies aim for these milestone events where actual people can hold and play real games. Quickstart games are not teasers, they are a great way of finding out if you like something without the financial commitment. You've clearly not played it. It's a complete game in itself. It's not designed for anything else and it's free! I suspect a large number of people here have enjoyed this adventure, I did. It clearly worked in your case.
  12. Yes, but be aware that it's these that are at the core of the system. As a narrative system HeroQuest is much less procedural. Have a look at this example I wrote for Heroquest Glorantha, it's the same engine - there is combat in it:
  13. In this example, with a complete success, his head will come off, with lesser levels you might cut his head and blood gets in his eyes. with out being specific you wont get added effects. I would also say that that example is not the best frame: GM: There's an orc attacking you what do you want to outcome to be? Player: I want to lop his head off to scare the others into routing. In the climb example it may not be an exciting part of the story to climb the small cliff, so the gm can say you succeed without a roll. Also is it a race to the top? if so player candecribe how they are going gain advantage.
  14. 1624 Dark Season. Argrath arrives a Jaldon's cairn and enters with his entourage on the eve of Waha's high Holy day. The next day, Jaldon is reborn as part of the High Holy day ceremony at the Paps. Egajia Chewer of Flesh, the Most Respected Elder declares the Armistice of Prax broken. She declares Jaldon Goldentooth Paps Khan, and Eiritha curses the absent Inire the Red, the now former Paps Khan. Storm Season. Argrath & Jaldon's gathered army meets the Lunars at Moonbroth. Some survivors make it to the New Lunar Temple. Only the ghosts of the Antelope lancers return to the Hungry Plateau. The two pro-lunar sable phratries are destroyed, mostly by other Sables, all are put to the sword except uninitiated children. This also begins the purge of Seven mothers cultists from all other tribes. The Pol-joni move back into the Sable Ancestral lands. Pavis is besieged (see King of Sartar). Argrath is King of Pavis. The city council reconvenes, they were alway in charge. There are Praxians once again the city council at Argrath's request. There's likely a hole in the wall of new pavis, flintnail cultists are all over it. As before they are as damaged as you want. The slaughter in the Grantlands begins quickly after the liberation of pavis. Everyone is killed, every building is burnt. The Armistice of Prax is over. Who escapes is a story hook. Pavis county is under Argrath's protection, the nomads know better than to raid there.
  15. It's likely that oakfed was released by a Burner shaman in order to melt the snow and ice to get to the grazing below or to help in a rescue. Story hook. The cold generated by the mythical interplay naturally freed her from the Winter Ruins. Part of the return to normality would be a khan meeting her as Waha did. Story hook. Most clans have at least a single season within Prax as part of their migration pattern, not being able to cross the river would have caused much disruption their pattern of life. Likewise those with the Paps in their pattern at this time would be disrupted, blessings missed, etc. Nearly all the clans headed over the river into the wastes. Those that stayed, like some the sable phratries relied on other magics to help them. Only the oasis folk and the Most Respected Elder's clan would be in the paps, perhaps with another guest clan. it's likely that the Paps Khan and Storm Khan were out fighting chaos. Story hook. Some clans that left late attempted the dangerous route Through Vultures Country. Story hook. A few Pol-Joni clans also went into the Wastes. Story hook.
  16. IMO it doesn't. To the Praxians currently alive, the Great Darkess returns to Prax. Clearly not the actual The Great Darkess but enough that their survival skills kick in. Yes the Sun is in the sky, but it's not warm enough the melt the ice - One half think it's Yelmalio, the other half likely don't care. Ernalda goes to sleep and her daughters. The Orlanth followers loose their powers as their god abandons them, etc.
  17. I Yes, I was doing it from memory: 1621 Windsday/Death Week/Dark Season, the windstop starts. 1622 In Earth season, disorder week, Earth day, Air and Sky HeroQuesters return to Pairing Stone, Orlanth’s ring does not reappear, but three new stars instead. It's not until the Battle of Pennel Ford that Orlanth is truly free. I'll see if I can find my chronology rather than just doing it from memory
  18. How does the areas in the Rubble around the Zola Fel fare physically in the deluge, well that's up to you. You could hand wave it and say it survived really well, minimal damage, or at the other extreme, scoured banks, bridges gone, ogre island wrecked/covered in debris or swept clear with ogres woken. Dwarves all over it repairing the banks, etc. I think it comes down to - do you like redrawing maps...
  19. I've always been slightly bewildered by the term and consider it pejorative. IMO it seems to occur when the creative author of Glorantha changes his mind about something or something he wrote is published and at odds with what others have decided as "true" or part of their game world. For example Sandy Petersen = carnivorous morokanth, Gregs Stafford = vegetarian morokanth (although they still eat meat in holy day ceremonies). I think the creator has the right to change his mind YGWV was the positive outcome. Likewise a lot of stuff written for Glorantha never passed Greg's eyes, MRQ for example, so may well be at odds with the creator's vision. There is also that under the definition Greg Gregged himself repeatedly, especially as concepts and parts of the world evolve, it hasn't finished by any means. Here's a good example of where Greg Gregged himself:
  20. Thats quite a chunk of info, however it's pretty straightforward. Lots of stuff isn't detailed as it's hooks for adventures! 1621 Argrath exits Praxian affairs stage left on the cradle. 1622 Windsday/Death Week/Dark Season, the windstop starts. Take a look at the map in the Guide, it's actually one that I made to look at its effects in Prax. The WIndstop laps just into Vultures Country so all of Prax is under its influence. At the end of Dark Season there is no Storm season, the cold continues, snow starts to fall and the White Princess is freed from her home. Many lunars return with Sor-eel to the empire or to bolster the defences of the new Lunar temple. The Great Darkess returns to Prax. All of the immobile survivor communities use their magics from the Great Darkness to survive. The most herds cross into the Wastes, but the Pol-Joni are badly affected and many head to the Paring Stones to start the Lightbringers Quest. The pro-lunar sables phratries turn to foreign magics to survive in their ancestral grazing around moonbroth, while the others cross into the Wastes. By Sacred Time, the ground was frozen, the plants sleeping and any unprotected clans and herds had begun to die. In the Second week, the priestesses shut the great stone doors of the Paps and began the journey downward to Ernalda. No one was left outside. Wind khans and Sky Gazer shaman began great ceremonies at the Paring Stones. Many set out to the Otherworlds, never to return. Khans walked the land as Waha did, looking to find and help survivors. Storm Bulls fought great chaos at the Block. Trolls roamed freely from the Rubble, many invading the Garden as the elves withdrew underground. Zola Fel was frozen and communities all along the valley could not plant crops, and had to rely on their ancestors memories to save them. Pavisites moved into the temple and underground. The River Folk were nearly destroyed and survived in a few enclaves, many aided by the Newtlings. 1623 In Earth season, disorder week, Earth day, Air and Sky HeroQuesters return to Pairing Stone, Orlanth’s ring does not reappear, but three new stars instead. These new stars followed the path of Orlanth’s Ring up the Sky Dome. The winds return, and Ernalda reawakens. Meltwater pours down the Zola Fel wreaking great damage to the communities astride it. With the land warming, the nomads begin to return to Prax. Tacius preys on their eagerness and begins a ritual to bind their Protectresses into the magics of the New Lunar Temple. Their sacrifices would feed the new altar to Yara Aranis. but Waha's magics are strong and many khans are abroad in Prax, the Dark Eater is again thwarted and by Sacred time the land is much recovered. Alhough the Armistice of Prax still forbade attacks on the settled territory, the Govenor’s abrupt departure with most of the Lunar garrison at the start of the windstop tempted increasing numbers of nomad bands to raid along the borders. By Sacred time, Prax was returning slowly to normal. The settled land were in a terrible state, scoured by meltwater and debris, and a second year with no crops. I'd suggest at least a 10% die off amongst the settlements, oases and sables, 20% amongst the Pol-Joni, 20-50% for riverside settlements.
  21. the fetch and the shaman are the same thing, the shaman extends into the spirit world and vice versa. The kept spirit is both in the fetch and shaman, but for rules purposes it's in the fetch (which is part of the shaman). No need for it to become visible. RQG has shamanic abilities, Show Spirit can make spirits visible to others No RQG say specifically that control spells are not required. You must always use spirit combat. RuneQuest Glorantha has a new section that covers all of this. Shaman are now easier to play and the rules are clear.
  22. The fetch is a portion of the shamans soul, not a separate being although it may appear to be separate being, like an animal. The fetch occupies the body of the shaman when he/she is discorporate. The fetch can use the shamans magic to defend the body. when the shaman returns to his body, the fetch returns to the spirit world. Spirits held by the fetch can cast their magic as they are separate. So no, a fetch cannot cast spells when the shaman is not discorporate as it is the shaman.
  23. Yes, that's exactly the way to do it. Yes
  24. If you were a backer of the RQ Classic kickstarter of Rune-lord Priest or higher, you got: and in within the hand typed pages Later the Progression of characters, tells us that adventures become either Rune Lords or Rune Mages and may then become the other if they wish. The Rune Mage becomes a Rune Master and the Rune Lord becomes a Hero: There are a few other mention in the Table of contents (but no info) Upper Magic is what we call Rune Magic. There is an implied idea that when you have mastered a rune, you can make up your own Upper magic and don't need a god to help. Bear in mind this is a from 1977 before RQ was published, lots of stuff changed, fortunately we don't have the Upper Magic Spells of Summon Colossal Elemental (4pts), or the Sun Dome Temples magic of Sun Lance, Enverate and Sun call any more - we have way better names. I'm also reminded that someone said that Sandy said there could only be one hero/super hero per rune...
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