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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. see See the The Lunar Cycle on page 184: The new day starts at Dawn, so the phase changes at Dawn. The new day does not begin at sunset. Full Half, Empty Half: All glamours work normally as described in these rules.
  2. Mob's old website is archived here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/mrmob/glorindex.html
  3. except for Divination, Extension, Multispell. (RQG 295)
  4. Males are mentioned specifically in the lay member section, but not the initiate section. My interpretation is that they could become lay members but not initiates.
  5. The main wyter in my game is the Wyter of Apple Lane, it has the abilities of Kill all insects and blights that would harm apple trees in a single hide for 1 magic point Adds its POW as a % to the harvest roll for apples only. It's the main apple tree spirit is the area and as such is in touch with all the other apple trees in Apple Lane. It knows who is picking apples and what bug problems there are. Its spirit can travel between the trees, so can only sense things as a discorporate spirit. No. It has no eyes, but likely feels the wind and sun. Wyters aren't bound, they reside in their object/item. If the thane of Apple Lane directs the wyter it will go there. It probably roams the apple trees periodically. It can take independent action, the Harvest bonus is an example of that - it keeps the trees healthy using its bug zapper ability. As the spirit of the community, it supports the main income of the hamlet. The passion is Loyalty (Apple Lane), so most will do something to support the hamlet in need. Only if they are at odds to Apple Lane, I'd allow passion vs. passion rolls. The wyter doesn't force any action, the passion does.
  6. I suspect that a bigger problem is that Yelornans must be female and all unicorns are male per the Bestiary... (Alternatively just add a Unicorn section (regardless of sex): They join automatically by spending a point of POW) Per the article on Unicorns in the RuneQuest companion shamanism is their preferred religious route if any.
  7. There are no dates in GM. However Joh Mith is 48 in the New Starter set in 1625, where the current year is 1625 ST. He was 37 in GM, so... 48-37 = 11. 1625-11 = 1614...
  8. Thank you, so much - it's been driving me mad!
  9. You could have the Rune spells discovered as the cult develops. If there are not enough worshippers, just make it a simple hero cult with one special Rune spell. Aram ya-Udram is one of the three subcults of the Bloody Tusk, he provides Command Swine and Pain Tooth.
  10. I'm sure I remember a horse-headed scorpionman in a supplement, but can't find it. Anyone?
  11. As Glorantha is made of Runes instead of atoms, I would imagine that air is made up of air runes. Impurities are caused by other Runes getting into mix. Humidity is water runes, haze Earth runes, etc. I'd refer to the elemental rune progression to determine any broader cases, for example CON is a function of the Earth Rune, so in the elemental progression a poison would be water based, however depending on its source I'd look at that too. There was a god Learner school devoted to this exploration of the Gloranthan microverse. They were rightly destroyed, but not for any abominable behaviour, it was that they imploded once they reached the age old debate of how many air runes can dance on the end of a pin.
  12. Can you clarify which part of this thread you are referring to? The only mention of Kitori is the 6000 on the map, and I very much doubt they've all been killed.
  13. To be honest once my players go home, I don't continue running the game for myself. I always use the DramaSystem rule of the GM should never hold a conversation with them-self. a) leave him alone and never tell the players about him - he's clearly a looser. You (the GM priest) should talk to his family and get him the help he needs. b) clearly a lunar sorcerer - Did Tom tell you that? if so see above. Otherwise if after two years you've only just spotted the Lunar sorcerer, your community has bigger problems. c) If it's that damn Storm Bull Praxian Hateful Kalama and her friends, well that's fine. She's a respected member of the community and a lay member of Orlanth to boot. Although of late she's been trying to introduce cow wrestling under the auspices of it being a Praxian sport. But that aside she does make sure all of the Praxian beasts in the village are well looked after. Come to think of it she sounds weirder than Tom. d) Unlikely as Hateful Kalama will have spotted the Lunar sorcerer long before the GM has (and murdered them), she also always has the best hazia. If Team Bull hang out with Tom, he's clearly cool and the GM priest is wrong.
  14. Bear in mind that the upcoming cults of Glorantha doesn't change any of the cult structures from the core rules, it gives more detail. If you are using RQG, I'd suggest sticking with that rules set for continuity. If you want to use older material that has no equivalent in the current rules, use those and modify them accordingly. I'd suggest re-reading the Rune Lord section in the Core Rules (page 278) as it discusses the duality of the statuses of Rune Lord and Rune Priest. If a player really wanted to be an Argan Argar Rune Lord, i'd add it as a localised subcult (I would however remind them that the concept of a martial diplomat is an oxymoron). However there are much better martial cults with Rune Lords that would work better.
  15. Deezola is far more limited than Ernalda, she was a priestess of Dendara: Her runes are (Dendara's runes are the same as Ernalda, but she's also associated with ) and all rune magic is cyclic. Based on Dendara: Common Rune spells: all. Absorption, Bless Crops, Bless Home, Command Domestic Fowl, Command Goat, Command Swine, Dismiss Earth Elemental (small or medium), Heal Body, Regrow Limb, Restore Health, and Summon Earth Elemental (small or medium). She receives most of special Rune magic from associate cults: The Red Goddess - Chaos Gift Dendara - Heal Body Gerra - Resist Pain
  16. Both of these are great concepts for RQ adventurers. You just manipulate the numbers in character generation to achieve those types. Stereotypes are include in the homeland section to aid in cultural portrayal, there's no reason to follow them when creating characters. Remember that you only need one rune at 50% to join a cult. You can have a Humakti with a Truth rune at 50%, and add bonuses to life, reducing your death rune to less than 50%. Likewise there's nothing to say in the cult writeup of Babeester Gor that they are insane, do the same as the humakti, Earth rune at 50%, and add bonuses to life, reducing your death rune to less than 50%. Nothing about "bloodthirsty Babs Goriness" in the cult write up...
  17. You will fail the Divination test if you aren't sincere. You are accepting non-violence and vegetarianism. As all cult members including lay members have passed the divination (avoiding the usual call of what about illumination) , there's little reason to police it. That's not to say that cult members can't go rogue. Just like any religious movement in the real world, there is plenty of cases of this happening. However the big difference here is you just lose your connection with the goddess. Apostates will be obvious.
  18. No just one, the stolen one has lost its connection to the shaman's body and disappears from the Spirit World. The shaman can recover it from the thief's possessed body when he returns. That's why their fetch remains behind when the shaman is in the spirit world. Alway make sure that the shaman's assistants stay aware while the shaman is in the spirit world...
  19. In real world shamanism, the shaman can take power objects with them. They often look different in the spirit world. As magical matrices are enchantments made with POW they'd be visible and usable in the spirit world. They'd likely have some form related to their magics (or just a variation on their real world shape - a fireblade could be a slightly fiery sword, Darkwall - a black beetle, etc.
  20. David Scott


    Myself, I don't see much of a difference between a step-up between tiny and teeny-tiny cult / sub cults. Both are part of Orlanth's make up and represented in art together.
  21. While the short-form write up of the cult in the Core Rules is good enough to start play with, the long-form in the upcoming Cults of Glorantha add's detail. The most significant in this case for lay members and initiates is: There's no enforcement of the vows, the individual will just not do it. Realising that accidents can happen, an initiate may accidentally consume meat or squash a bug. If this happens, paraphrasing what jewish people may do if they inadvertently consume non-kosher food - repent for doing so, ask Chalana Arroy for forgiveness, and be more careful in the future so that it doesn't happen again. Note that you can't accidentally pick up a weapon and use it, etc...
  22. Let's not forget naturally occurring sodium carbonate in dry lake beds, Natron is one example. Or plant sources such as soapwort. We don't need to go entirely alchemical to produce soap.
  23. David Scott


    As a spirit cult yes, anyone can worship him. He has his own mountain home in Prax (see GtG 453)
  24. You can of course use the well of Daliath for some of that. Most products that have an index, have their index on the site and is searchable (even the guide).
  25. David Scott


    I'm just repeating what's written in the Oslira cult writeup in the upcoming Cults of Glorantha book. Looking at the Guide's maps I can see a number of tributaries that form the main catchment as the Oslir as it reaches Kordos island. Arrowmound is just one of the sources (and only first order). The two main ones appear to be from the area of Muse Roost and The Smoking Ruins (both second order).
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