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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The basic outline for this will be in the cults book: There's no authoritative text on this that I can sensibly point you to (yet), but Jeff did write a brief intro in Jan 2021 which you can find here. I would also recommend @Nick Brooke's article in Nick Brooke’s Gloranthan Manifesto, Volume One, Elmal & Yelmalio. An article I wrote in the nineties to try and make all the silliness stop. It's stood the test of time well. (Free - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/14217-nick-brookes-gloranthan-manifesto-volume-one/) Overall this argument discussion has been raging for nearly 30 years, with more differing opinions than you can shake a stick at. Caveat lector.
  2. Fortunately it's QuestWorld. When the first QuestWorlds publication comes out, HeroQuest (role-playing game) will be changed to QuestWorlds (role-playing game). See the talk page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:HeroQuest_(role-playing_game))
  3. I think there are two separate things going on here - parts of a human soul and parts of a gods soul. Those born into Pelorian Culture have six soul parts, and those who follow the lunar path to illumination can have their seventh soul awakened. The six souls from GRoY are: 1. Shape soul (physical body), from Dendara 2. Warmth Soul (animation, 'life'), from Lodril 3. Beast Soul (generation, sex), from Oria 4. Bird Soul (intelligence, mind), from Dayzatar 5. Shadow Soul (fear, shortcomings), from the Other Goddess 6. Fire Soul (spirit), from Yelm We know the Orlanthi have five souls (Heortling Mythology, page 18) Shadow, Darkness Blood, Water Heat, fire Body, Flesh & bones & organs, earth Breath, Air The soul parts of the gods are a different thing to know, and may not be relevant except to philosophers. The Red Goddess is a bit different as she started a mortal with six souls, her goddess quest (Her Quest) opened he seventh soul. Yelm however appears to have a single soul, when he breaks up after the Doom Conjunction and Bijiif, his immortal essence goes to the Pit. I would suggest that this is his core fire rune, and the the souls of the Gods are the runes they are made of. Yelm and other Gods' illumination is something different from that in humans. It isn't a separate thing, as until the Red goddess awaked it, it didn't exist in that form. The Red Goddess seems to have made it a soul part, as previously Nysalorean illuminates appeared to have no more soul parts. The Red Goddess, made illumination part of the soul, instead of an external concept. A Pelorian Dendarian would have six souls, while an Orlanthi Ernaldan would have five. A Lunar Dendaran priestess, could in theory have seven souls. But what of an Orlanthi Seven mothers illuminate, do they have only six, but the newly opened one is still the Seventh?
  4. There are ten times the number of Praxian Yelmalio worshippers than in Sun County (IIRC). Oddly Elmal worshippers have more in common with them due to their lack of Pike and Shield, and focus on riding. The horse goddess of the Orlanthi is Redalda (see Heortling Mythology, page 158), Elmal is a rider cult.
  5. If you're using RQG, Elmal will be covered in the upcoming Cults of Glorantha book. In the Yelmalio chapter, there's a section called The Many Suns. It starts: So as one of these cults, they will behave differently as they aren't exactly Yemalio. So the horse over pike and shield will be a major behavioural difference. You can read about some of this in the GM Screen Pack Adventures book, where two of the Colymar clans (Enhyli, Narri) are Elmal horse clans based around Runegate. As it's a myth, it can be reenacted in culturally different ways. I will leave others to argue the difference 🙂 No. We've learned a lot about the Many Suns in the last 10 years. Although the previous cult write ups can be used in your games. I'd suggest using the info above as the basis for play, it will be much simpler for players. On a similar note, Praxian Yelmalions are in a similar situation, to the Orlanthi Elmal worshippers. They worship Yelmalio, but from the back of their herd beasts without pike and shield too. Their god is called Yelmalio. If you want to read about how this out of game schism began, start here The Birth of Elmal (1993) or, “Why I screwed up your Glorantha”
  6. Isn't Gagarth just the Glorantha version of the Wild West / Mexican Bandit / Outlaw bands trope, that terrorise the locals and the main protagonists have to cleverly defeat them? Once defeated, another gang fills the power vacuum.
  7. It say's he had an interest in ducks, but not any more.
  8. They are now called story points...
  9. Most of the trading is done by Boshbisil. Who owns most of the goods. Gonn Orta, does very little. There's an example list of items on page 184 of Classic Griffin Mountain. Buy low sell high, so anything. Food is covered is covered on page 180, elves on the western side trade vegetable matter, Praxians trade herd beasts on the eastern side. Gonn Orta doesn't need to eat anymore. Buy low sell high... He's got no need for them. What ever he has already is likely good enough for his Hero Wars activities.
  10. Latest version is 0.944 https://github.com/ChaosiumInc/QuestWorlds/blob/master/docs/QuestWorlds.pdf The last commits were a few typos: https://github.com/ChaosiumInc/QuestWorlds/commits/master Updates on the Core Book are as usual over at FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/205528290149281 Ian last updated on 2nd July: Just an update, I'm still plugging away at the examples.
  11. The horse was originally a solar animal and was adopted into the Orlanthi Pantheon. Hyalor brought it in and Redalda adopted it. Redalda, see also Heortling Mythology, page 158, Redalda was not always the goddess of horses. She, a daughter of Orlanth and Ernalda, was the only one of Orlanth’s kin who did not laugh at the horse when it first arrived at his stead... Hyalor, also Heortling Mythology, page 151, Hyalor was an ancient hero who rescued a shattered creature from death, forming the first bond between Man and Horse. His people wandered, and eventually Beren the Rider led some of them to join the Vingkotlings. Hyalor is so deeply imbedded in the Heortling culture that he receives no direct worship. Instead, he receives a portion of the sacrifices given to Elmal, Beren, Redalda, and any other deity who includes the horse as part of their worship. There's also Beren and Ulanin who are more rider hero / ancestors than Horse gods. Also in Heortling Mythology. I see Redalda very much as an Epona / Rhiannon mashup.
  12. Fragment 1645 by Greg Stafford, Tales of the Reaching Moon #7 (1992), pages 8-9)
  13. Roitina is also called Sereni in some stories. This is from the Heortling Mythology Book, so myth not mechanics orientated. Overdruva is Orstan the Carpenter's wife, so the forest friend of Aldrya, Ernalda's sister. She looks after woods when there are no elves present (see Heortling Mythology page 158). As part of Ernalda's Household, she's listed as a Helper of Ernalda the LIfegiver. See also the Overdruva hero cult of Sorandessa on page 184. Most clans will have woods.
  14. There's also the Handmaidens of Ernalda, The Book of Heortling Mythology, page 150: Belveren the Chaos Cleanser Enferalda the Combat Support Eninta, Goddess of Childbirth Esra the Barley Kadone The Landers Kev the Natural Lawyer Orventili the Peacemaker Overdruva the Forest Friend Sereni the Ceremonialist Uralda the Cow Vela The Matchmaker Votenevra, the Earth Healer These would seem to be equivalent to Orlanth's thanes (as opposed to the household goddesses).
  15. Just increase the income values by 10% That's also covered in the Q&A, Is it possible to augment the occupation income roll (RQG p 422) with a skill (ex: augment Craft with Art for a crafter), with a rune (ex: water rune for a fisher), or with a relevant passion ? It's in the same section as before, and yes you can augment.
  16. It allows access to a different part of the cosmos. But it's voluntary for the shaman. The fetch is the shaman. He has one foot in the Middle World and one foot in the Spirit World. No. But yes if the GM is really mean. Yes. If the shaman focuses, they can see into the Spirit World as well. It's voluntary, but it means they can reflexively access the spirit world. Unlike the adventurers. Read Vasana's Saga for a feel of it on page 352. I've also written a couple of examples of travelling in the spirit world that might help:
  17. You might find this helpful in the Q&A: Adventurer Income. As RQG is set in 1625, there are no extra wartime taxes and general Lunar extortion. See the Q&A link above.
  18. My players have no problems with it. The Sacred Time system works very smoothly with no problems (most have twigged it's the same as the Pendragon Winter Phase) It's pretty much hand waved already IMO. Cults supply materials relevant to their occupations. Patrons (Leika, Kallyr) supply most of the rest. The rest is subsumed into the Thane of Apple Lane's standard of living. My players have the equipment lists and market pages as a bodged PDF. The only person who really tracks money is the Ernaldan merchant who's income is based on 10% of his goods, but then that's his job. He also has a high Manage household. Everyone has realised that Manage household is a skill to build on. I've not seen the need too.
  19. Correction here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-15-shamans/#Stage-Four Was corrected to 175% (POW 35x5%=175%), see above for link.
  20. The fan contribution from twenty years ago haven't been transferred to the WoD yet. Many were scrambled in the database error we had. Look here in the meantime for what you want: http://web.archive.org/web/20040628050701/http://glorantha.com/hw/fan_list.html
  21. No. You can have the Rune and as it's not part of a cult, you use it as basic magic. You can augment with it (same as RQG), but you can't use it directly. You can make a breakout that you could use directly, even though you are not part of a Lunar cult. See HQG page 133. So you could have Moon breakouts associated with Illusion, cycles, balance. eg. Moon rune 1W Feel Tides +1 Glamorous +1 Calm Rage +1 To use the moon rune directly, you need to join a Lunar cult. Same as RQG - want Lunar rune magic, then join a cult. There's a clear distinction here between Moon magic and Lunar magic. This was a big thing for the Hungry Plateau Sables, as until the revelation they were using Moon magic, after Lunar magic. The Praxian sables, were using moon magic until the Hungry Plateau Sables arrived in Prax in the form of the Antelope Lancers.
  22. If you can fit it in - use it, otherwise use the newer river material in Red Cow, Heortling Mythology and RQG. Canon is only applicable if you are writing for official publications. See also References for Glorantha - https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/references-for-glorantha-2021/ With real world river spirits/gods each tributary is a separate spirit that joins and becomes one / many. They are regarded as kin, usually with the same power / attributes. I imagine that those along its banks understand this from the perspective of their part of the water course. I don't think anyone views the others as strange. Creek and Stream are subservient cults (and daughters) of Engizi, giving Flood and Summon Salmon respectively. They work as most river cults do. Personally I'd ignore the essence water and treat the stream as part of Engizi's mythology. Although you are using HeroQuest, have a look at in Engizi's magic in RQG. See also Sartar KoH, Creek Kolating spirit society p74 Heortling Mythology page 46 for Krikans story. The whole section, Myths of Dragon Pass - These are stories about the great landscape gods and spirits of Dragon Pass, covers the Creek stream River, Engizi, in addition to Krikans. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/e/engizi/ references to Engizi cult writeups.
  23. What's your reference for this? I can only find in RQG: The idea here is that they are marked to become shaman, not that they are initiated then.
  24. Good point, it was a too quick cut and paste.
  25. The nearest to this would be the clans clustered around small settlements. Runegate is probably the easiest example to find in the adventures book. With the Enhyli, Lonisi, and Narri clans. Apple Lane is a smaller example with the Hiording and Varmandi (thane appointed by the Queen).
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