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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. This is correct, and it's more a bit more refined: Only Seven Mothers chief and high priests get access to this form of True (weapon) via the Yanafal subcult.
  2. While a dagger-axe is technically a two-handed polearm, the easiest way to imagine High Llama riders using it is like a polo mallet. When used this way, it's technically a one-handed weapon with a wrist thong. When dismounted it's used two-handed. I imagine that the shaft is much more flexible than a usual spear. Polo is an ancient game (originating with late bronze age horse nomad), so thinking about it this way is a good model in my mind.
  3. I don't think that they've increased. Moon boats are rare, Flying troll insects will be more common in troll lands, hostile wind spirits - not sure what these are, wasp riders are local too. There are no doubt a few Orlanth Adventurous initiates who do this, but remember that for an average SIZ adventurer you need 3 points of Flight and 5 points of extension for a year, 8 rune points is a lot IMO on top of what else you might be doing. No. It's worth noting that in Hero Wars that most of the subcults were effectively single RQ rune spells expanded into subcults. This could be interpreted in RQG that if you know Flight, you are a member of the Vangarth subcult, but it doesn't really add anything to the game. Other examples are: Flight - Vangarth Lightning - Yavor (one of the Magical Weapon subcults) Thunderbolt - Hedkoranth
  4. While beyond the quick idea, two books by Eric Hobsbawm (I saw him talk many years ago) have provided me with useful info for playing oulaws: Primitive Rebels is an excellent intro to social outlaws, the Social Bandit chapter provides excellent ideas for those who are outlawed, but don't want to be "Bad people": https://archive.org/details/primitiverebelss00hobs/page/12/mode/2up (it's worth making an account to check the book out for an hour if you don't have a copy). Bandits was a later book of his, a much more developed version of the former and focussing on individuals and their exploits, plenty of ideas here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bandits-Eric-Hobsbawm/dp/0349113025 (I picked up the Kindle version a few years ago for 99p)
  5. You'll be able to see some of this in the SoloQuest in the Starter set.
  6. It would be fair to say that doing this for any of the genius loci won't be straight forward or easy. So for nymphs you'd need some water from their river / stream, for oreads, a piece of rock or a bag of dirt, hags, I assume you mean voughs - the same as nymphs. As for the quantity, the more, the better.
  7. Crystals don't need preparing. You just need the right control / command spell.
  8. Sure, why not. It's MGF all the way. (I wasn't suggesting breaking the tree, removing a ritually prepared part would be good) Of course it is. Just preparing the binding will cost at least 7 POW. Then you need to learn the control (Dryad) from Aldrya... I never said it was easy, but it's likely part of a whole story arc itself.
  9. As genius loci literally means spirit of place. I would say the binding does not override the loci connection. However I would allow ingenious players to work around this by making the binding item's material to be part of their loci (wood from their tree, bag of local earth, skin of water), and/or add a condition on the binding of "feels like home". It's even possible that a friendly spirit has a wanderlust and wants to be bound.
  10. Are you intending to do this in your games?
  11. That looks very tight! You've really brought the 60º lean to life. Could you render the walls as smooth as glass (per description) ?
  12. As Ian mentioned, this sounds very much like GDW's Snapshot. AP = Dex, movement is on a 1.5m grid, lowest AP goes first Move 1 square (inc diagonal) 1AP Turn facing 1 AP per face Run, 2 APs per three squares Any gun or blade weapon may be drawn at a cost of 1 AP; a gun may be reholstered at at a cost of 2 APs; a blade weapon may be replaced in its scabbard at a cost of 6 APs. Any weapon may be simply dropped to the floor at no cost in APs. Aimed Attack 12 APs Snapshot 6APs There were loads of other options including Expletive (1AP the venting of frustration and anger when a character is not capable of using his action points efficiently), mainly for space shipboard actions, but easily adaptable to CoC. You can still buy it here. I spent many many hours playing this, and highly recommend it.
  13. Other Suns advanced combat just renamed Strike Ranks to Action Points, 12 to a melee round. Base action points (base SR) was determined by modifier tables based on DEX, WILL, END, LEN and Weapon Length modifier.
  14. Putting on my clown hat (yes - I have worked as a clown, professionally, etc in Europe, China & Tanzania). This is how it really is. There is no difference in what Jeff has said here, than what i did when clowning. You really can get away with (nearly) everything, providing you do it as a clown. Most people are powerless to act, lest they become a laughing stock. Clowning is about being the clown and not a dick pretending to be the clown. As a clown you can get people to participate in the most ridiculous things. Little is premeditated (except any props you might use). Don't confuse clowning with red noses and giant shoes, circus clowning is a different show. If most trickers are the Orlanthi clown society type, then everybody loves them (I mean who is ever going to admit they don't like fart jokes publicly when the clown is around).
  15. Clearly a rose-tinted glasses effect...
  16. No, the ruling queen is High Priestess of the Ernalda cult. So in this case it's what the high priestess can access that is different, which is basically Peace from Three Bean Circus (Which is likely rare as TBC are based in Prax.) Jeff clarifies here:
  17. When did the pretty version appear? I didn't see it until around 2000, but the credits page says 1993. I only ever saw monospaced text files and emails. Even at conventions, I never saw this (and I'm listed as one of the playtesters).
  18. It wasn't details (although there was creeping complexity between the first and second drafts), more that it was all moving away from his vision of Glorantha. Overall I don't think he found it very interesting given what else he was working on at the time. It never dealt with the mythology, just more mechanics.
  19. As it was a fan version, it was unlikely to have formed the basis for the Cults of Glorantha version.
  20. I was an RQIV playtester. I didn't like it, no one in my group was interested in playing it once they realised that It introduced more complications to an already complex system and added nothing to the current AH version. Of its overall use, I used one rule that streamlined sorcery and that was it. I was happy when Greg finally rejected it in 1994. Oddly it feels like it's been given greater status than it ever originally had in its few years of existence (even with Ken Rolston's involvement at the beginning). I was involved in running the UK Convulsion conventions at the time, Greg, Sandy and Ken were our usual guests, and I can honestly say it wasn't really part of any discussion or great interest. Someone laid out the rules from the original simple text drafts into what made it look like an official document (around 2000). In hindsight, it's more like a set of house rules. There was a listserv called RQ4 play test echo, you might find a copy of the discussions somewhere. Here is a copy of the original RQIV Damage Bonus, Weapon Damage, Armor and Hit Location Proposals from 1993. It's a PDF to avoid the monospacing and 80 column width. RQIV Damage Bonus.pdf
  21. Each oasis in the Wastes needs looking at individually. As there are only 14 (not including the roughly 80 transients), and Paring Stone and Daka's Creek have no Oases Folk. Paring Stone is a sacred orlanth site, so inter-tribal in nature. Daka's Creek is avoid by Oases Folk, the only thing there is an entrance to the Underworld and loads of ghosts from the Gods War (allegedly). Each of the eight oases has a population of 500 (a clan) and the transients have 500 spread amongst the 80, usually a single family. The transients are ignored by the tribes as they cannot be approached by herds without being irreparably damaged, and so aren't really controllable. All Oases folk are protected by the Paps, so it's the produce the nomads want and access to water for the herds (where possible). For more details check the Guide, but basically: Bighorns. Not controlled by the nomads. Main produce: sheep. Bitter Spring. Usually controlled by the Morokanth. Main produce: Bitter roots Eggs on Rocks: May be controlled. Main produce: Eggs. Eiritha’s Print: One of the rare oases that can water herds and is an Eiritha holy site. Access controlled by the Eirtha cult. Feverlast. effectively a primitive caravanseri, the folk here grow the greatest variety of crops of all the oases. Tribes seek to dominate the oasis to tax travellers and provide protection from raiders. Greystone Well is occasionally surrounded by the Family Bison Grassland, so bison clans usually control it. It can cater for herds, but water is lifted by shadoof. Hairymen Lake. Mainly controlled by the Storm Bull cult. Main produce: Date Wine. Hidden Greens. Ephemeral. varied. Difficult to control. generally left alone by the tribes so as not to offend the Women of Seclusion. Hoofcrack. Only the Morokanth water here. Storm Bull cult often present as well. Last drop. Waha holy place ofter fought over for control, herds can water here. Ronance well. The most productive oasis after Feverlast, although there is a shrine to Ronance here, he can only live at the Paps with his mother. Nomads vie for control here due to its ease of access. Herds can be watered here. The most respected elder has often sent her Babesster Gori here to intervene. Yak House. Another caravanseri, with a fine Kralorelan built well house. The water spirit here demands no conflict between the Lo Fak, nomads and oasis folk. Generally any conflict / control issues take place away from the oasis. No one wants to offend the Oases folk's goddess (Ernalda) or by default, the Paps
  22. Although very much mechanically related, the simplest answer is that Mythras has no Gloranthan background. I would have a look at the free Mythras Imperative: http://thedesignmechanism.com/downloads.php These two threads may also help: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/differences-between-mythras-chaosium-runequest-runequest-6e.844270/ https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/ejt7qa/runequest_vs_mythras/
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