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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. I‘m talking about what is currently possible in the core books. Not everyone has access to old publications. There are currently no guidelines or details for an Orlanth or Kolat shaman in RQG.
  2. Here's @Jeff's original tracing map for the guide. You can see all the areas clearly. The main reason that the Grantlands were protected was the "Armistace of Prax" - it covered a lot of things, but basically was "we'll keep out of your Praxian Holy Places and you'll keep out of the Grantland". Once the Paps declared the Armistice broken, it was all over. The main reason for the Praxians returning to the Grantlands is that it's good grazing. Loot, slaves and murder are a bonus for some, but don't support the herds.
  3. That fits in nicely with the fact that there are other illumination benefits other than the 8 known ones.
  4. There are few if any changes. Have a look at the Prosopaedia, I've added the RQG runes for all the current printed cults, you can compare with the Cult compendium: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/
  5. In the Adventurers chapter - not part of creating your adventurer. There's no combined package system. You can do it in game.
  6. As RQG has six homelands, that's not my experience at all. I've only one Sartarite, two Tarshites, one old Tarsh and an Esrolia. My other game is all Praxians, except one Tarshite. If you want to be a Sartarite assistant shaman, Daka Fal would be the usual path. Kolat is a spirit cult, so joining that in addition would also work. Kolat is very limited.
  7. In the core books it's not possible at the moment. There's no multiple cult joining in the Adventurers chapter, and no spirit cults or societies available. In outline, the adventurer would join the Kolat spirit society, a group of spirit cults with Kolat at the head. You'd get a package of skills and spells as step 6. You don't have to join Orlanth, but can if you want.
  8. If you are starting off as an assistant apprenticed to a Daka Fal shaman, you choose your occupation and cult per the Adventurers chapter. You get 3 Rune points and get to choose 3 special cult spells. Let's say you choose Axis Mundi, Discorporation and Spirit Melding. Straight out of the box, you can Discorporate (1 Rune point and a meditation roll) and spend two Rune points using Extension (a common spell for Daka Fal) and extend your discorporation to a day. As an aside, a few of my players figured it was better to spend a POW during character generation for an extra Rune point and spell, so high levels of Extension are easily obtainable. All of the shamanic cults in the core book have access to Extension, including the two spirit cult examples. Aldrya in the Bestiary can only access it as a Dryad, but this is a very cut down version of the cult. Kyger litor has access to it as well.
  9. I don't think this is unusual: https://keprtv.com/news/offbeat/man-finds-dynamite-in-grandparents-old-shed Here in the UK we still have people finding live munitions from WW1 & 2 on peoples mantlepieces and in sheds.
  10. I realising I'm preaching to the converted but here's the actual lowdown: In adding Discorporation to all assistant shaman, it allows assistant shaman an important activity: The assistant can Discorporate for 15mins and practice all the things needed to become a shaman on their own (not training with the shaman). 15 mins is an ideal time not to get into too much trouble. If the assistant is a shamanic cult member they can also get hold of Extension - Daka Fal, Waha and Yelm all give access to it if required in the core rules. The Rune spell is not needed in Stage One - the departure. They are inside the Axis Mundi, acting as the locus of the transition to full shaman. They've been in a mediative trace for days, "asking a Greater Entity to awaken the powers within", which of course happens, their powers awaken. What are the shamans powers awakened? The relevant powers at this moment are discorporation and second sight, the others apply later. "At the journey’s conclusion, the Horned Man, the First Shaman, appears to the applicant. He tells the assistant that it is time to begin. The applicant must then Discorporate and the Horned Man escorts their spirit along the Great Path." There's no reason to complicate the process at this point as adding more dice rolls increase the chance of failure. But if for some reason the shaman fails to discorporate (GM wanting to make them roll meditation, etc), the Horned Man does his usual stuff. Page 353: I always imagine this as the new shaman teetering on the abyss, a million thoughts racing, can I do this? is this the right thing for me? At that moment the universe collapses and the Horned Man either grabs them or pushes them over the edge. This is the first initiation point. They have actually discorporated. On to stage two. I'm sure others can find a different way to interpret this, but this is the basis.
  11. It takes an hour, for the ritual, so yes anywhere any time that you have a space to perform an hour long ritual. It's not the rune spell, but the process is called discorporation on page 357. There are at least two ways to achieve discorporation and one implied. The description on page 357 says: The after that part would in my mind mean the discorporation happens during the ritual and properly starts at the end of the ritual.
  12. For armouring enchantment, I would consider an equivalent to be a HeroQuest Boon, or a shamanic ability from a Greater Entity. Such as surviving a dip in the baths of Nelat or being scorched by Yelm in a contest. There's already a precedent in the Rainbow Mounds, who didn't get 1 point skin! For strengthening, I'd do the same, we've examples such as the Unbreakable sword so I'd make unique unbreakable things. For adventurer hit points, a HeroQuest Boon, or a shamanic ability is certainly possible, a bet with Asrelia that you win to take an item from her jar: a peach of immortality (+5 HP), or your allied spirit in a creature that you share hit points with - like a shamans fetch for POW. IMO much more interesting than MaxiQuesting.
  13. I finally found the pics I took and the reference. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/reaching-moon-megacorp/lunar-coins/ Reaching Moon Megacorp freeform prop. Batch 1 was made for Home of the Bold, run at Continuum 92. Batch 2 was made for How the West was One, run at Continuum 94. Top row front & back, left batch 2 unfinished, right batch 1, coloured. Bottom row, batch 2, coloured for use as a wheel.
  14. So the spirit side of Chaos is represented by Thed (spirit & chaos runes). So there are chaos spirit, chaos vortices, and chaos realms. The most obvious chaos realms will match real world ones, like the Devil's Marsh and Larnste's Footprint. Vortices, more localised chaos spots, perhaps created and fed by a thed shaman. Chaos is already represented in the shamanic initiation by Bad Man who was birthed by Kajaboor. Chaos spirits are easily represented by the current rules, just give them a chaos feature. Thed's not out yet (God of Glorantha), if you have access to any old versions of her cult (Classic Cults of Terror is available, and one of the sample pages is Thed's spirits). Also Thed has Daka Fal as an associate cult and so is an ancestor worship cult and so you can have any flavour of Broo spirit you like. Mixing Chaos features with spirits can be great fun. Here' my favourite chaos spirit moment from the cover of Cults of Terror.
  15. It was interesting when it can out! Of course this was all years ago and I'm sure I remember Mike at Convulsion '94, bringing Issue 2 and Greg telling us all about it. Have search through the super Glorantha library: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/ There's a lead here: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/GloranthaDigest/vol08/3168.html @metcalph may remember more 🙂
  16. In the 90s Mike Dawson did a sideview of Glorantha that showed the layers of the world. It was based a on drawing by Greg Stafford. Other than Codex 1, has this appeared anywhere else. Although clearly a god learner artefact, it's very useful for illustrating this kind of thing. Can anyone point to a pic?
  17. This is a really great example of something special. As it was acquired outside of the normal system, there's no need to follow a proscribed course (the rules): What was the circumstance in which you got the bound spirit (if not clear, make it up). What's it bound into - statuette, other item (make it interesting - don't pick a weapon or armour) or what sort of animal is it. What, who, is the spirit - an elder race, an ancestor, etc. Want it to learn another spell - take it to a shaman - they always know what to do with spirits. 13th Age treats this kind of thing as one unique thing, which is fantastic starting point for story hooks (13G page 25): ONE UNIQUE THING Your Gloranthan character has a unique, or one unique thing, much like a standard 13th Age character. Given the nature and recent history of Glorantha, here are some points to consider when inventing your character’s one unique thing. From the SRD (http://site.pelgranepress.com/media/SRD/CharacterRules.pdf): One Unique Thing Your character’s One Unique Thing (their unique) is a special feature invented by you, the player, which sets your character apart from every other hero. It is a unique and special trait to your player, and markedly unusual. The intent is that it provides a special flavor to the campaign and can assist the GM in determining how your character can interact with characters and story in the campaign. Your character’s unique should not provide general practical value in combat. That is not the intent. The intent is to open up story arcs and fun roleplaying opportunities.
  18. Yes Try to dive in and try to run a game with friends. Learning the game as you go along is a great way of doing it. In my first game we had two sorcerers, an assistant shaman, a hunter and a merchant ! There's no fear of sorcery in my groups. Like all RPGs it's like learning to ride a bicycle. You resist with your POW and cast with your magic points. Magic points are derived from your POW and are variable, spend them to cast spirit magic. Welcome aboard. If you are inclined, there's a few other new player & GM friendly groups at MeWe & Facebook.
  19. I said Varangian Guard not Viking, the Varangian Guard wasn't just Scandinavians, Harald also commanded Kievian Rus. They came up the rivers so I'm not sure sea folk is even the right description.
  20. Considering that it's still available to buy as a physical book, I can't see this happening anytime soon. What do you see as needing updating? https://www.chaosium.com/basic-roleplaying-softcover/
  21. You've seen these? Major - https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/deneskerva-the-great-sister/ Minor - https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/lunar-army-list/ Minor - https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/g/great-sister/ and I'm sure @Nick Brooke will have a few things to say on the subject...
  22. Is this sort of thing helpful? A rough comparison between the two on page count Rough comparison of Glorantha Sourcebook contents & Guide to Glorantha contents : Comparison, If anyone would like to correct any of this please do.
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