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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. An assistant shaman will likely join at least one spirit cult/cult of their teacher, if not more over time. As with all spirit cults, the assistant shaman will get access the to the other rune spells. If you want to run cult-less shaman in Glorantha, I am unsure they exist as power comes with building spirit cults. Let's imagine that an assistant shaman has joined the spirit cult of Kolat for 1 POW, they then choose a rune spell, let's say the first is Discorporation 1pt. Kolat has another 4 spells, 2 are summon/dismiss elemental, one a control elemental, the other a 1pt special. So to use all at maximum thats 3+3+2+1+1 = 7 rune points, between 5 spells. The assistant shaman can keep buying Kola rune points, but there are no more spells. As Rune points pools are per cult, they can keep buying Kolat rune points up to their CHA. A Wind Child would be an initiate of Orlanth as well as a Kolat shaman. Your clearly using your own Glorantha, so we aren't using the same rules.
  2. There were two different ones. Plain and those sprayed gold. The plain ones were home of the bold, I think we did the gold ones for how the west was won.
  3. The central three are Vasana, Sorala and Vostor, Gunda is the blonde. It's the Frog island capture from Vasana's Saga on page 407. The others are just wolf pirates. Most of the art has the central characters in it and it links to Vasana's Saga The guy with the curved horns on the front seems familiar, but I can't place him.
  4. Discorporate is not a common Rune spell, but has the Magic rune as its designator, page 317: An Orlanthi assistant shaman would be a member of the Kolat spirit cult, and use the Air rune. However the Rune is not used in activating this ritual, meditation is, so is irrelevant anyway. The Horned Man doesn't give any magic and has no cult. In the above case, the assistant shaman when joining Kolat would receive Discorporate as the first rune spell. Remember, initiation ritual costs 1 POW and give auto access to all common magic. Spirit cults rarely have any common magic, but as per page 275: So that would be Discorporate. Kolat is the key spirit cult for Orlanthi shaman. It's subservient to Orlanth and the shaman can also be an Orlanth cultist if they wish, but Orlanth leaves the spirits to his brother. Kolat is detailed in a number of places, (very rough RQG outline here - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/11764-kolating-spirit-cults/?tab=comments#comment-180243 just add wind spells). What's your reference for this? I've been using the limit is on Rune points as per page 313: and the Expanded Charisma rules for shaman on page 357.
  5. I'd forgotten about that. I looked back at the map and text. I think the reason I had not noticed it was that it doesn't appear on the (most important) roof map. HeroQuest Voices says I've always imagined something like a Kamado (not the grill): https://www.japanvisitor.com/images/content_images/kodairafurusato5.jpg
  6. Clay pot in fire / on fire pit was common, there are bronze tripod pots that sat in the fire with their own legs. Smaller (lighter) pots could be hung over a fire. Meat on a stick was likely an option. An oven (earth or otherwise) would be outdoors. Stoves are late Bronze age (if at all). They seemed to be little more that better organised fire pits that contained the fire a bit better, or had a shelf with a hole to support a pot. Lack of chimneys meant rooms were smoke filled (still a problem today).
  7. Sounds good to me. That's exactly the way MGF works. I'd certainly let my players go down that route. And that is what it will say in the upcoming Gods of Glorantha (as I said previously). Although they still have to pay the usual cost to learn spell, which is not a problem as when they become shaman they can use the point to power other Rune spells. The spell isn't wasted as there's no limit on Rune spells.
  8. There's a whole chapter describing the Temori of Sartar in the Coming Storm. When they transform the full moon they become wolves (four leggeds). In the RuneQuest Bestiary they also become wolves (four leggeds). If they use their rune spells in part, they resemble werewolves as they've not completely transformed. RQ2 werewolves were the same.
  9. This has been a long debated topic amongst the community. Have a look at some historical perspectives in the digest here: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/swish-wrap.cgi?query=gravity&submit=Search!&metaname=swishdefault&sort=swishrank My personal view, is that it's an aspect of Ernalda that can be manifested and focused as Kadone the Grounder: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/k/kadone-the-grounder/
  10. Also here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/facebook/runequest-on-facebook-july-2020-highlights/
  11. Fortunately, that's not my real world experience. The highest concentration of rules mongers is on this forum. 🙂
  12. Firstly, the Guide is Glorantha viewed from from 30000'. Loads was edited from it as "too much detail". It was also done so that you can detail areas yourself. Page 361 says: It's an error. I've rechecked the maps and gone back to Greg's originals too. I would suggest: Nimistor: Region drained by the Tigronior River and its tributaries. or Nimistor: Region drained by the Nimistor River system. The Traxlera Valley appears on Greg's original map and so was included. It has never been mentioned anywhere else to my knowledge except on this original map. There are loads of places like this. Channelling Greg for answer to the Traxlera Valley: I had a cool name, go wild, make something up 🙂
  13. It's a shamanic ability in my mind, not a rune spell. Number of people taken tased on level Level 1 = +2, 2 = + 4, 3 = + 8, etc.
  14. It's clear to me that Ralzakark is no longer a broo. He is more a transcendent chaos proto-god (I believe he's very likely tripartate). He seems to have shed his personal broo-ness to have become something more. He's worshipped so has a hero Soul, and has magic over life and death. The God Learners who brought him back clearly messed with him, or he messed with them - I'd like to think that's where the unicorn head came from. He also knew Nysalor personally which adds to the mix for me. That Ralzakark wants to emulate Ragnaglar is incorrect. Ralzakark is an avatar becoming Ragnaglar. I'd also speculate that Hezel Darong is a mask of Ralzakark as Thed, and Urcheth is a mask of Ralzakark as Mallia (bilocation has always been the mark of being a god).
  15. This might help. Have a look through the old forum as well. you can search it in google using site: greathall.chaosium.com query https://greathall.chaosium.com/Pendragon%20Forum%20Archive/index.php/t-2802.html the doc in the article is still available: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HVmSV3FfN599Zxeovfetyv3Q392ax-sDW2WsdJR6kZg/edit#gid=0
  16. Don't be so hard on yourself Peter. That was published 18 years ago! Nephilim aside, what would you change about that article with hindsight? We've had all kinds of new material come to light.
  17. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/notes-on-illumination-in-the-second-age/ Lots of historical references: The Teruvians White Sun Lords The Margins The Riddlers Lords of True Destiny Chaos Monks New Liberation Bright Beginnings True Arkat Revival
  18. Perhaps @Ian Cooper can comment on this.
  19. @Nevermet can you add some references to the types so we can all see what has been written eg Umbarism HQG page 203 EWF draconic consciousness HQG page 203 Kralorelan draconic mystics HQG page 203 Vithelan mysticism HQG page 203 the Umathelan Cult of Silence HQG page 203
  20. I'd suggest that you edit your initial post and say you will update it when new info is added. It will produce a useful updated resource.
  21. I covered this in the example I did on contacting a Greater Entity last year, it also covers the returning problem: They don't, they just play it as it is. I think there's too much overthinking in a lot of this. My experience is that we just get on with the game, tiny nuances of the rules never come up. I've had a few people do the shaman's initiation and we just play the game. It runs like the example above. The rulebook doesn't let you start as a shaman, that occupation is missing. But as an assistant shaman at step 6, just don't join a cult. You won't get any rune points unless you join some spirit cults - do that, up to 3 (to spread your spells). Decide what skills are important to those spirits at 20/15/10% to those then spread the Cult Lore (deity) +15%, Worship (deity) +20%, Meditate +5%. around the spirit cults you've chosen. etc.
  22. It's part of the Cinsina tribal lands, and so the most references are in the Coming Storm, with some in Eleven Lights.
  23. @Jeff has done a nice post on Argrath's Thanes (having previous talked about his principle khans). It's on a social media platform that isn't this one.
  24. The actual write up is 4 short paragraphs - membership, what members do, and training, spirit magic and rune magic (these are in the other thread - note that Gustbran is the only cult that lets initiates use Enchantments). Gustbran is the God of the Work Fire, so potters as well.
  25. This goes beyond the mechanics of RuneQuest. The spell starts you on the path and the heroquest takes over, shamanic initiation is a classic heroquest format. Have a look at SHAMANISM, Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade. Chapter 2 & 4 covers most shamanic initiatory forms with examples. I'd look around for a second hand copy as it £25 new or you get read some of it at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=2UQqSwAACAAJ
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