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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. Wow! This sounds interesting. I will see if it's available on Audible and if so pick the first one up. I have listened to all the Dresden books and while very entertaining I thought the plots were too simple and for the most part came down to Dresden digging down deep to cast one more powerful spell...
  2. So I’m not familiar with Ben Aaronovitch’s story. Is it set in modern times? Can someone provide a one paragraph summary of what the books are about? Sounds very interesting!
  3. Unless your name is Scotty or Janice Rand.
  4. I knew it must have been recent because I don't have it yet.
  5. Hey Clarence, Just signed up for your Elevation giveaway... Just curious when did that book come out? Thanks, Ronnie
  6. Nice interview Loz! You guys are doing great! Any idea when we might see Mythic Greece?
  7. I think it would be doable if you had a big hammer and some time. But imagine the noise it would create.
  8. Boy that sounds fun! I want to be in your group!
  9. Alter, Are you sure that actualplay address is right? It might be on my end but the address won’t resolve on my phone...
  10. I haven't read it yet, but I picked it up because is was non-mythos and because it has rules for psychics and mediums. From what I am told the book leverages New England superstition with the bad guys being vampires, ghost and witches (if I remember right). Note it takes place from 1929-1939 though I have ben told it could be easily moved to earlier in the twenties. I couldn't find any in-depth reviews but there is a mini review at https://orava.org/orava/weblog/2010/08/19/minireview-coming-full-circle-call-of-cthulhu There is also Bumps in the Night (also from Pagan). I just found a review of it and like Coming Full Circle its non-mythos. See http://rlyehreviews.blogspot.com/2013/02/cthulhu-without-cthulhu.html
  11. Well there have been non-mythos scenarios and campaigns but I don't think any have come out yet for CoC 7. The campaign that comes to mind is Pagan Publishing's Coming Full Circle though I am not sure it would meet your requirement for gothic...
  12. I just read this. Very interesting and evocative!
  13. Seth Skorkowsy reviewed that and was very negative about it. You can find the review here ->
  14. Are you buying from the UK distributor? If you order on Chaosium's website perhaps it ships from the US? Maybe find out the UK distrbutor and order directly from them...
  15. I suspect part of Chaosium's challenge is that a lot of its core market is getting older. Speaking for myself I use to see like a hawk but for the last two years have struggled to read unless the room is bright and the font is large. Younger customers probably don't experience this.
  16. Hey Chris! Been a while since I saw you online. I miss the old days when we all talked Magic World!
  17. I saw a meme where Gene Wilder supposedly said of Blazing Saddles that he didn’t like it that we were now worried about offending people and that he liked it better when we offended everybody. I agree with the meme so I’m making no commitments on language.
  18. That looks handy! You might consider uploading to the downloads section so people not on this thread will see it!
  19. I am not sure it makes sense to revise the BGB but if you decide to do it, I will buy it. But please do it in hard cover.
  20. I like all these ideas but I am particulalry struck by the notion of using the first chapters to provide a basic, frill-free version (perhaps Magic World) and then use later chapters to provide options that can be applied to the basic version. For example perhaps the basic version does not use hit locations but options ould be provided to add that.
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