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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. You can do it like that, which speeds things up a bit. However, you could also use the interesting and tense intrigue, discussion, negotiations an extended contest over a period of time, with each round relating to the intrigue.
  2. When I have run campaigns in Dorastor, I have left the Wolf-Bear alone and pretty much ignored it. The concept just isn;t useful to me, something undefined that will awaken and rid Dorastor of Chaos means nothing to me as a GM. If the Players want to do something with the Wolf-Bear they can and I'd run with that. It might be a wolverine, but that adds nothing to what it is, unfortunately. That is the common interpretation, that Harrek comes along and proves that he is the Wolf-Bear, that he was always part of Dorasta but slipped away long ago. I have never liked this interpretation, as it is too obvious for me. Harrek probably fights the Monster Empire, but is he active in Dorastor? I very much doubt that this relates to the Wolf-Bear. That is the problem for me, it's just too vague, so I ignore it.
  3. Individually, yes. I am sure that some Trolls have some kind of magic item that helps them with the Curse of Kin. However, most trolls don't want that, they want to break the Curse for everyone, so look at ways to give the powers to all trolls.
  4. Well, it doesn't contain Sartarite, so is probably missing other languages.
  5. RQG mentions some of the craft deities, it mentions Ernalda (potters and weavers), Issaries (all), Gustbran (redsmith), so I have the below: Profession Value Crafter (Carpenter) Depends on the craft Crafter (Jeweler) Depends on the craft Crafter (Leatherworker) Depends on the craft Crafter (Mason) Sartar, Flintnail Crafter (Potter) Ernalda Crafter (Redsmith) Gustbran,Issaries Crafter (Tanner) Issaries Crafter (Weaver) Ernalda, Issaries Crafter (Woodworker) Issaries Crafter Depends on the craft
  6. Nah, they'll be fine, we'll just refer to Orlanth as Odayla' Windy mate and they'll never know
  7. You know that picture in the temple of Orlanth helping Odayla? Would you mind awfully if I cast sanctify in front of it and lead a worship ceremony to Orlanth?
  8. According to the rules, I don't think so. However, I would contact whichever Greater Entity is in charge of your tradition or cult. So, if you are a shaman of Waha, you would normally get your Shamanic abilities from Waha. If you are a Waha shaman but have access to the Sunset Society, you might have Xentha or another Darkness Deity as a Greater Entity.
  9. I still think that Questworlds can be a very rules-lite system, if you strip away all the complex stuff. The complexity is fine if you want to use it, but it is not essential. I don't bother with that. Instead, I use Simple Tasks to resolve some things, so the Player rolls and I don't. I only roll when the Hero is being actively opposed, or where conditions are difficult.
  10. Isn't it a King of Kings? In other words, a king who has other kings as subjects. The king of a land might be a High King, with tribal kings beneath him. So, the King of Dragon pass has the kings of all the tribes of Dragon Pass beneath him, including the Prince of Sartar. the Prince of Sartar is himself a high king, with the kings of the tribes of Sartar beneath him.
  11. Yes, I think so. Resurrection pulls the soul back from the Path of the Dead, so if the spirit is bound it cannot be resurrected. The Lightbringers Quest requires them to find the soul and free it. So, they might rock up at the shaman's doorstep and free the soul from its binding. Self-Resurrection, the Pharaoh way or the Yelm way, probably requires the spirit to be intact and able to self-resurrect. The Pharaoh might be able to self-resurrect from his spirit being bound, but I doubt if he could. After all, that is pretty much what actually happened to him. Of course, a Hero might be able to burst out from a binding Enchantment, or summon people to help become free.
  12. I have a player who is fixated on learning to do this exact thing. The shaman in our last Gloranthan game sometimes did that, but not often. She was a Daka Fal worshipper but justified it as being a representation of Daka Fal, so she could intercept these spirits. She always released them again to continue their journey. I might rule that this interrupts their walking the Path of the Dead, causing them to remain as ghosts.
  13. Yes, but they are on the path of the Dead, only arriving in the spirit World proper after 7 Days and going through Daka Fal's Hall of Judgement. Yes, shamans could find them. How easy depends on the shaman, I suppose. You could apply some modifiers to the shaman's roll. Have a look at the Affinity shamanic ability for some ideas about how this works. Probably, I'd give a +20% Bonus for having the corpse available. I'd think so, yes. A shaman could find a recently deceased spirit and bind it, to prevent Resurrection.
  14. Except for using spells, SRs are there on the character sheet. If you attack you use the Melee or Missile SR, subsequent attacks add the weapon SR to that. if you use spells, it's a bit different, as you add the MPs used in the spell to your DEX SR. Pretty simple, really.
  15. I am just wondering if anyone within those distances can do things without using a Temple. So, if you are 90 miles away from Thunder Mountain, for example, do you need to go to a Temple to regain rune points? Does it mean that you don;lt need a temple to do Temple-related things on those days, or does it mean you can just contact Orlanth more easily on those days, but that doesn't actually mean anything? This probably means that contacting Orlanth without using a Temple doesn't mean anything. The reason i asked is that I am finishing up Secrets of Dorastor and and drawing a map showing the Great sacred Mountains of Orlanth and, lookee here, Dorastor is slap bang in the middle of a lot of them. If Dorastor wasn't a cursed, evil chaos nest, it would be a sacred place to Orlanth.
  16. Personally, I love using Capital Letters, but it drives Other People Crazy, so I don't mind Bold Text that much.
  17. From RQG p 283: Also Go on, then! 😀
  18. Page 296 of the Guide to Glorantha mentions the Great Sacred Mountains of Orlanth. What does this mean in practice? Does it mean that Orlanth worshippers within these areas can do the following without needing a Temple: Perform a worship ceremony Attend Holy Day rites Spend POW to gain new Rune Points/Runespells Regain Runespells Use Divination
  19. That is what happened, at least in the Age of sail. Those press-ganged were taught the ropes very quickly and had to learn to be sailors. If you have oarsmen you probably need to treat them as a whole unit, rather than having them make individual Shiphandling rolls. You would give each unit a Skill, based on the average, and some kind of Morale, Discipline or Effectiveness. So, when they work together you make one roll and a unit of experienced rowers is more effective than a starting unit of inexperienced rowers. You could use the augmenting rules for this, so someone with Climb could be better in the rigging than someone with a bad Climb. An acrobat with Climb 90% and Shiphandling 20% isn't going to be as much use in the rigging as a sailor with Shiphandling 50% and Climb 20%. Yes, in essence, a boat like the ones used in the University Boat Race is essentially the same as a galley, you have a team of rowers, someone to steer them and someone to keep them in time.
  20. So, you couldn't rub/press on a tattoo on your chest, through clothing to use a focus? That would be tactile for me. If it touches your skin it is probably enough?
  21. Also, bear in mind that ships in Glorantha are less complex than later ships in the real world. I am not a sailor, so this is probably rubbish, but ... In all ships/boats, you have to keep them clean, maintain the shells and keep them watertight. In ships/boats powered by rowing, you need to maintain the oars, benches and the holes the oars go to. In ships/boats powered by sail, you have to keep the sails intact, maintain the rigging and keep the masts intact. All those things are covered by Shiphandling. Everything else can be done by the Captain, Steersman and so on, they use Shiphandling.
  22. No. Yes. Yes. Temples to Orlanth may well have an Odayla shrine and vice versa. In some Lunar areas, Odayla Temples might not have an Orlanth shrine, but someone might cast Sanctify to allow dual worship.
  23. The confusion seems to be that one person was referring to the Cult Compatibility Chart in RQG and the other was referring to the one in Cults of Prax/Terror/Compendium. Until we have the new material, we can rely on the old material. People who say "But, that's old stuff and not relevant to RQG" are just as wrong as those who say "RQG differs from the old material and that's not right".
  24. Yes, correct. Yes, they are permanent. However, as lordabdul says, you can always increase your POW again through POW Gain rolls, but that is new POW, not the spent POW.
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