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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. For Animate Dead, absolutely yes. For Boon of Kargan Tor and Ward Against Weapons, maybe. It all depends in your game whether you want to say that Vampires, by cutting themselves off from Death no longer have access to Death-based magic.
  2. Then he grows back, apparently even after being killed by Death.
  3. Thanks Nick. Does the Rough Guide to Glamour have a section on exports from the Red Moon?
  4. That's his mythic economy. Flamal was killed by the Trickster, as commemorated in Hrelar Amali. Zorak Zoran also killed him when he chopped him down using Death. The trolls ate all the plants, which killed Flamal, I think, but maybe that was the same thing as Zorak Zoran killing Flamal.
  5. Of course there are exports from the Red Moon: Scarlet Scimitars Red Jumpers (Is that what they are called? They were in Plunder or a Plunder Plus) Moon Swords Nightmares Cheese Dreams Demons Tomatoes (seem to remember a short story where someone smuggled tomato pips out from the Red Moon) Moon Rock Moonbeams
  6. soltakss


    Anyone can become a shaman. There may be consequences of doing so, for example you might be kicked out of a cult for becoming a shaman, but you can still become a shaman. It is the distinction between "can" as "able to" and "can" as "allowed to".
  7. We have always played that you learn the new spell. So you spend a week learning Bladesharp 4. Also, if you have Bladesharp 1 and want Bladesharp 4, that takes a week to upgrade.
  8. soltakss


    In theory, anyone can become a Shaman, if you have POW. If you belong to certain cults, you are forbidden to become a Shaman. presumably, becoming a Shaman means you get thrown out of the Cult.
  9. I play that they stack as normal, so you can get double double. Some people play that one thing gets double, two gets treble, three gets quadruple and so on. The Truesword spell says: The Humakti gifts say: Special results say: The Bestiary says: So, imagine a Rune Lord fighting a Troll and using an iron sword. He would do 1D8+1+1D4, with a +1D4 damage bonus. Any damage that gets past armour is doubled. The Rune Lord uses Truesword, so does 2D8+2=1D4, with penetrating damage doubled. The Rune Lord does Truesword and slashes (Rolls a special success), so does 2D8+2 for the slash, plus 1D8+1 for the Truesord, as magical damage is only added once for a Truesword, + Damage Bonus, so does 3D8+3+1D4, with penetrating damage doubled. If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)", penetrating damage is doubled then doubled again (x4). If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)" and "Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species", penetrating damage is doubled, doubled then doubled again (x8). If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)", "Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species" and "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) upon striking a specific hit location", penetrating damage is doubled, doubled, doubled then doubled again (x16). So, the Rune Lord with a blessed sword that doubles damage always, against Trolls and on a head hit would normally do x8, but as it is iron it does x16. On a Special attack with Truesword, as above, he would do 3D8+3+1D4 with penetrating damage x16. So, hitting a Troll with 15 armour in the head, he rolls 1D8+3+1D4, getting 17, the armour subtracts 15 leaving 2 that gets through, but the 2 is multiplied by 16 to do a meaty 32 in the head. As a critical ignores armour it is very deadly indeed. I think I have my sums right, but I am sure that people will tell me if I don't.😀
  10. If the Narrator asks for a D100 roll and I use a Dice app and get 03 I show it to the narrator. They ask again and it rolls 78 and I show it. If all my rolls are 03 then I am cheating. If 03 then 02, then 01 I am lucky. Of course, there is nothing to stop rerolls until you get a good role, but the Gm can ask you to stop that. Anyway, I just trust players.
  11. Use a Dice rolling APP on your phones. If challenged, get them to show you the result on the phone.
  12. Seeking and failing. It is in the Introduction, so doesn't really need a spoiler.
  13. Is this the Rocky Syndrome? Being bashed about so much, being on the ropes, being knocked down, only to come back at the end with a crunching punch that nobody expected?
  14. For me, the most important thing to remember about the Entekosiad is that it is wrong. It tries to prove something and ultimately fails. Once you realise that, it is easy to understand.
  15. By thinking about this as the fiery invasion of Wonderhome, it then suggests that the efforts to gather power and weapons are likely to be failures because ultimately Yelm invaded and conquered Hell. To use a variant of the Ernalda expression "there must be another way". Exactly. Troll Priestess think "Oh, look, a being of Light that hurts us, we can use Yelm in Wonderhome" then fail to realise that they got well and truly shattered by Yelm. They don't tend to use Argan Argar chaining Lodril, as the Mistress race don't really understand Surface Darkness that well, leaving that to Dark Trolls. They know Subere, Kyger Litor and Korasting and stick to those tried and tested techniques, failing each and every time and not understanding why.
  16. Some people apply penalties for use of odd things in the Keyword, so a Breakout prevents it from being a stretch. Also, having a Breakout means that you can put points into the Breakout as well as the Keyword, getting a double effect. It depends on the setting. If I am in a superhero game and have Hawk as a keyword then it might be reasonable to expect Hawk to fly. However, if I want to use Divebomb as a Hawk-like thing and another character has Dive as a Keyword, then it is reasonable that it would be a stretch for me, otherwise I am as good as the other character's keyword. By taking Divebomb as a Breakout it becomes as important as the other character's keyword.
  17. A place can have two different names, the official usage and the local usage. So, Man Vill could be known by locals as Smithers.
  18. These are the Runic Association of the Deity. Where a deity has a double- Rune it means that the Deity owns the Rune. so, Orlanth owns the Air/Storm Rune and Humakt owns the Death Rune.
  19. That's what I figured, which was why I was asking. I suppose they were joking? No, they are awesome.
  20. POWx5 is always before spending the POW. It is gone forever. When you make an enchantment you effectively give the POW away to the enchantment. Breaking the enchantment works. The Free Ghost Runespell explicitly frees a spirit from an enchantment, although this might be limited to spirits that were once alive. However, the easiest way, if you have the enchantment, is to command the spirit to leave the enchantment. This works unless there is a condition on the enchantment forbidding that.
  21. In our RQ2 Campaign, Masher was a SIZ 40 Great Troll who used a giant's thigh bone as a maul. He was the Complaints Department of DDT Enterprises.
  22. For me, because it was a personal victory by individual mothers, rather than a victory for All Mothers. To get it to work with all Trolls, Cragspider would have had to strengthen Korasting with a Darkness Being with more power than Korasting. Kyger Litor wouldn't work, as she is heavily identified with Korasting. Maybe someone like Subere might work, but she might be as much intertwined with Korasting as Kyger Litor is. Zorak Zoran or Argan Argar might work, as might Dehor himself, but they are not really more powerful than Korasting. My thought is that the Young Elemental of Darkness might be enough, as it is a new form and new power of Darkness. It is also something normally unavailable to Trolls, except through the Jalakeel cult. So, all you need to do is to infuse Korasting with the Young Elemental of Darkness and perhaps with other Darkness Deities and hope that it strengthens her enough to withstand the blows. If it doesn't, it probably weakens all those deities. Another way that might work is to give Korasting something like the Shield of Arran, or stand between Gbaji and Korasting, taking the blow on the Shield of Arran. That might deflect the blow enough to save her from harm.
  23. On of our RQ2 PCs, Derak the Dark Troll, came to the conclusion that this method did not work because it was the wrong thing to do. He also thought that troll Mothers who put themselves in the way of Gbaji's Claws only succeed in Reinforcing the Curse, not defeating it,l as they themselves are Cursed. Derak thought that Cragspider had a good idea about strengthening the mother rather than trying to block the curse. Which is exactly the conclusion that Derak came to. He had to search for something that was not of darkness, as darkness always fails. He had to do it as a man, as attempts by Mothers always failed. Derak thought about that and concluded that trolls use Xiola Umbar as Midwife and she failed abysmally. The other Darkness Midwife we know about is Mallia, but that might cause problems of its own. Derak's conclusion was to become as Gbaji, take his Adamantine claws, HeroQuest as Gbaji in the God Time at the Cursing of the Kin and, at the crucial point, deliberately fail to wound Korasting with the Claws, possibly wounding himself (Gbaji) in the process. Unfortunately the campaign ended just after he gained the Adamantine Claws but before he could test his theory.
  24. He becomes the monster Emperor and heads the Monster Empire, after Sheng Seleris kills the Red Emperor permanently. Presumably, unless he moves the capital to Dorastor, he leaves for a while. He had a final death before. Ralzakark is good at coming back from final deaths. Dorastor was where the Unholy Trio gathered to birth Wakboth the Devil. it was either cursed from then on or they gathered at a place already cursed. All you need to do to rid Dorastor of the Curse of Chaos is to close the Chaos maws at the heart of the Chaos Nest. Ah, but Dorastor is a seething mass of Chaos Nests, all open and all spewing Chaos into the world, so you need to close them all, mend the tears in the fabric of Dorastor and kill the remaining Chaos Heroes who would try to reopen them. Easy, really. Now that could work. Harrek is a violent barbarian SuperHero. Dorasta is a very fertile Earth Goddess with very dubious taste in Husband Protectors. In my game, she had Ragnaglar, Wakboth, Pocharngo and Ralzakark. Adding Harrek to that list makes all the sense in the world. She can be fertile enough for the both of them.
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