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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. If this was still true, it wouldn't be an Occupational skill for Herders, who regardless of faith get it at +30%. On p 296 of the RQG Rules, it says for Foundchild ... So, Waha does teach Initiates of Foundchild the Peaceful cut skill.
  2. In the God-Talker section, it says ... ... and ... ... and under Rune Priest Requirements, it says ... So, a God-Talker must be an initiate of the Cult in good standing and many be a Priest or Rune Lord of another cult. this could mean that the prospective God-talker was an initiate of both cults before becoming a rune Level in the other cult, or it could mean that only Rune Levels can become Initiates of other cults. Also, someone must have mentioned this earlier in the thread ...
  3. If they are jealous that might be a problem, otherwise it is fine. Illuminates can mask this kind of thing to be able to join hostile or even enemy cults.
  4. Not in my games. I think you have to have a magical ability, do something magical or HeroQuest to prove something. Maybe that works in your games, but not in mine. It could work like this: Zogzig arrives and uses lie to convince a native that the apple he is holding teaches him the secret of death The natives believe him and start to worship the apple After a while, they realise that the apple doesn't give them any spells or abilities, so they ask the apple themselves They HeroQuest to find the secret of the apple and find that it is poisonous They HeroQuest some more and find that it is very strong and can be used as a slingstone They HeroQuest some more and find they can sharpen its pips and blow them through a blowpipe Now, they have an Apple Deity that they can use to kill people in various ways
  5. Don't forget that we are not just talking about imbuing a deity with powers simply through worship. If a powerful person has an ability or magic item then great. good for them. However, if that person then decides to be worshipped then they need a presence on the God Plane. It might be "This is how Jo learned how to use the smoking stick". Once that is done, then people can worship Jo and also learn how to use the Smoking Stick. They might learn a skill of Smoking stick, a Spirit Magic spell or even a Runespell. It may be that simply worshipping Jo and his smoking Stick is enough to give Jo a presence on the God Plane. However, what I don;t think you can do is to worship Jo and decide "Oh look, we need to concentrate really hard to give Jo a Smoking Stick", that just doesn't work. What you can do, though, is to HeroQuest as Jo and get a Smoking Stick which you then make available to Jo's Cult, which means that you have given Jo a Smoking Stick.
  6. A harsh GM would say that the duck is slowed to inaction. As I am never a harsh GM, I would say attack on SR 12 but after everyone else on SR 12.
  7. Meat - Eating something tied to the Beast Rune/Man Rune/Dragon Rune/Dragonewt Rune Plant - Eating something tied to the Plant Rune Of course, Aldryami are tied to Plant and Elves are tied to Man, so eating an Elf could be both eating Plant and Meat. Whatever definitions we use, someone will say "But what about" or "My definition is ..." Do Humakti really pull out a book of flora and fauna before having a meal? I very much doubt it. If they see something is suspect, they'll ask about it and then decide whether they can eat it or not, probably erring on the side of caution.
  8. Better to be safe and not eat anything plant-like.
  9. Even a really small, slow character can attack with a natural weapon. Anything else will have to wait until the next round. So, a clumsy Duck (DEX 3 SIZ 4) attacks with a fist (SR 5+3+4=12) and then tries to pull out a sword, he is out of Strike Ranks so must wait until next round to pull out the sword.
  10. I treat supporting characters as a Keyword with Breakouts for important skills.abilities. so, I just use the rules for gaining a new Keyword, whatever they are.
  11. Personally, I handle this through Roleplaying. If the PC wants to leave to join another cult then we play it out, with the conversations with the High Priest of the two Temples having a conversation about it. It probably involves a Passion or Communication roll of some kind, perhaps Charm, to see if the PC is convincing. It might be worth considering something like the Test for Acceptance, to see if the PC is OK to join the new cult. even if the PC fails, the High Priests might want to assign them a mission that shows their sincerity. Personally, I don't need hard and fast rules for this, but I have been GMing RQ and Glorantha for a long time, so I am used to doing things like this without rules.
  12. If the part that you eat grows in the ground then it is a vegetable, if it hangs from something then it is a fruit or a nut. That's what I use. So, carrots, potatoes, tubers and so on are vegetables. Things like marrows are not, as they grow on the ground, not in the ground. Rhubarb is not, as it grows out of the ground and you only eat the stalks. It isn't an exact definition, but it works for my games. If it was a living beast then it has meat. However, if there is another geas of "Never eat the flesh of birds" or "Never eat fish", then you can either use meat as "flesh of beasts" or meat as "all of the above". What about Aldryami? Do they count as meat? What about half-elves?
  13. I would allow snares and camp defences to be done with Survival, leaving Devise for making of devices. Of course, if Hunters don't get Survival that is a problem. As for Peaceful Cut, it was originally a Waha skill, for the sacred butchery of herd animals. Foundchild/Hunter gets it for the sending of souls back to the Great Mother, or whoever provides the game animals for them to hunt. so, it could be seen as a Cult skill rather than an Occupation skill.
  14. soltakss

    Item Prices

    I am watching the Arthdale Chronicles on Netflix, it is a Korean series about the interactions between the Neanthals, an Old Stone Age race of near-humans and New Stone Age humans, or rather it isn't, as the humans are Bronze Age, so it is a Bronze Age Court Politics series. One of the things about it is that it seems to have captured some Bronze Age stuff quite nicely. So, in a celebration, the rulers order that everyone be given several baskets of millet and sorghum, which seems like a Bronze Age thing to do. It also has The Great shrine, which is effectively a Great Temple staffed by Initiates and Priests, not just a couple of Priests, though, but dozens of them, again very Bronze Age and Gloranthan.
  15. But, at least Yelmalio can see in the dark. Oh, look, so can Ernaldans!
  16. Because his worshippers are big cry-babies and like to pretend that he is an important deity?
  17. One of the PCs in our RQ2 campaign killed another PC, skinned him to wear as a cloak and bound his spirit in the Eternal Battle, to make sure he didn't come back seeking revenge. They didn't get on ...
  18. "Become a Caravan Guard", they said, "See the world", they said, "Meet new people", they said, but nobody told me that the Caravan went through Dorastor.
  19. For me, this illustrates the weakness of the 13th age system in Glorantha. I want my NPCs to be the same as PCs but run by the GM, so they should have classes the same as PCs do. Personally, I am not a fan of having NPC Humans, for example, as Monsters, with very reduced stats. I can see how this might have an appeal, especially as they are short statblocks, are easy to describe and are easy to use.
  20. soltakss

    Kero Fin

    She personifies Still Movement.
  21. Then why have geases? That's what marks a zealot or fanatic.
  22. I went to an exhibition of Scythian Gold in Ufa once and it was fantastic.
  23. Absolutely, why not? I think it's more of a case of "Can we justify this combination?" or "Has this combination come about naturally in play?" rather than a blanket "Is this allowed?" A blanket "Is this allowed?" means an answer of "Yes" for Friendly/Associated cults, maybe for Neutral Cults and "No" for Hostile/Enemy Cults. There are always exceptions though. Humakt and Kyger Litor are Hostile, I think, but the Sazdorf Trolls belonged to both without a problem, well with lost of problems really.
  24. As Crel says, the Cult compatibility Matrix is a useful tool. Generally Associated Cults have no problems with Adventurers belonging to both cults and Friendly Cults are generally the same. Neutral cults might be OK. Hostile and Enemy Cults generally do not allow membership of both cults. However, some illuminates hide membership of one cult so they can join another cult,. so someone could belong to Orlanth but be a secret worshipper of Cacodemon or Krarsht, for example. Ah, OK ignore the last bit, then. An Adventurer could be in multiple cults, including those cults. Eurmal could join another trickster cult, for example Raven in Prax. I can see a Humakti joining Arkat Humaktsson, for example, so that is fine. Similarly, Babeester Gor could join other Gor cults without it being an issue. People who are Citizens of a city or national Cult could join other cults, so I can see an Adventurer being an Initiate of both Humakt and Pavis, for example. Similarly, some Sazdorf Trolls were initiates of both Kyger Litor and Humakt. We had that combination in our RQ2 campaign. Of course, now with the emphasis on Severing the link between Orlanth and Humakt, this might be trickier, but I can still see an Orlanth/Humakt combination being good. That is more problematic, as Babeester Gor is more of a Dust/Dry Earth cult and Ernalda is more of a Fertile Earth cult. Women in Sun County normally are either Ernaldans or Yelmalians, but not usually both, so I would say this was not a good combination.
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