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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Trolls can see, so Farsee would affect their vision. They probably augment Darksense with Spot to make out details that darksense can't tell them.
  2. soltakss


    Rapey, foul, disease-ridden zenomorphs, yes.
  3. Different kinds of trolls have different levels of Darksense. Trollkin (Enlo) only have a rudimentary form, Dark Trolls (Uzko) have well-developed Darksense and Mistress Race Trolls (Uzuz) have the best developed sense of all, being able to tell if a woman is pregnant, for example.
  4. No, but someone could use Multispell 5 to cast Disruption to do 6D3 damage.
  5. Have a look at Vitrified Forts, presumably something similar happened at Alda Chur,or the walls were made of glass in some magical way.
  6. One member of Cakebread & Walton is recovering from a serious illness, which probably explains any silence.
  7. White Shirt Day among the Talastarings was a thing. the Lunar-loving king gave out white shirts to everyone to curry favour. But that's exactly what the Lunars do. You've got a Healer Goddess? Look, we have a Healer Goddess as well. You have a Trader? So do we. You have a grim dealer of Death? Us too, but ours can come back to life again. You have a sage? Well, lookee here, so do we. You have a Trickster Thief? Well, I'm afraid we don't as we don't encourage that kind of anti-social behaviour. We've also got an Earth Goddess who grows maize and someone who fights horse demons. Oh, look, we have Praxians as well, our Sable Riders are just like your Sable Riders, but with better magic.
  8. It still is. My wife speaks Bashkort, Tatar, Uzbek and Russian and can get by in Turkish and Khazak. She was talking to a Russian interpreter from Azerbaijan and they were having a conversation in Azeri, which she doesn't speak but is similar enough to the languages she does speak that they could both do the tricky bits in their head.
  9. HeroQuest works best if you don't sweat the rules.
  10. It sort-of works OK. You have to take some liberties and put the PCs in the heart of the action, but it is better for a highish level campaign.
  11. So, how would I use them if I ran a similar campaign to my last one? I would thematically link the scenarios together. So, there are Clan-based scenarios, Rebellion Scenarios and one-off scenarios. I would link the scenarios together in a rough and ready plot, so that I would expect to do a series of scenarios in order. I would then take the long-running scenarios and insert different events from those scenarios into the rough plotline. I would have random events every so often and use those as scenarios lasting a session.The actual way this would work depends entirely on what the PCs do, as their actions in the earlier scenarios have an effect on what happens in the later scenarios. if i thought that a certain scenario would be perfect for what is happening now, I'd drop it in out of sequence. Similarly, if one scenario just doesn't fit, I might drop it or move it to a different place in the queue. What this doesn't mean is the PCs do this scenario, then that one, then that one, rigidly in the order of scenarios in the campaign. Instead, the scenarios are things that happen if they don't know what to do next.
  12. For Sartar Rising 2: Orlanth is Dead, the emphasis is very different, on the Clan and on the Heroes, this makes it less satisfying in some ways. Sartar Rising 3: Gathering Thunder goes back to having several scenarios.
  13. Looking at the Barbarian Adventures, many of the scenarios are really scenario hooks and need NPCs. i would reuse NPcs, so one Lunar Patrol is the same as another.
  14. I really like David Cronenberg's films and I liked Stephen King, so the combination sounded good. In my opinion it over-delivered.
  15. A centaur has an extra attack, as does a broo, these are free attacks. It is unclear which creatures have free attacks, a tiger used to have Claw/Claw/Bite but a Dragon only attacks with one physical attack per round. Normally, a human's kick attack is not an extra one, but Jake's Amulet gives you an extra leg with a free attack. Shergar was odd, as he had an extra extra attack, because one just isn't enough, and the Spider Bite because 2 extra attacks aren't enough. Soltak Stormspear had a pair of Glass slippers that doubled DEX and gave an extra free kick attack that could impale. All the GMs and Players in our campaign wouldn't let Soltak sell them to Shergar for several reasons: We frowned upon exchanging items if both PCs had the same Player A Centaur in glass slippers was silly (Even though one GM grudgingly allowed Jake's Amulet to work, slippers were seen as a step too far) Combat with a Pike attack, three independent kick attacks and a spider bite was deemed excessive
  16. All the Barbarian Adventures work as RQ scenarios as well as they did in HQ. I used them in my last RQ Gloranthan campaign and they worked really well. I messed about with a few of them, for example the Sky Ship was instigated by the PCs and was a more active scenario than the "sitting around watching things" vibe as written. I use the plotlines for each scenario and adapt NPCs as needed. as my campaigns tend to be at a higher level than most RQ scenarios, I sometimes adapt NPCs anyway. To make them fit in the Campaign, I used elements from each scenario and planned on how/where I could use them. Some of the external plots involved some scenarios and some were stand-alone.
  17. I wonder how Shergar Sunhoof, centaur extraordinaire, would work in RQG. As a centaur he gets an extra kick attack, with SIZ 40 DEX 25 he has SR1 and used a Pike (SR0) in combat, so attacked at SR1, he had Jakes Amulet (dibbledibbledibbbledum) which gave him an extra leg and free attack and he had a Spider Mask that allowed him to cast Transform Head once per day and attack at DEXx5% with a Free spider Bite, with poison. So, he had a Pike attack, two kicks and a bite, all independent and with their own SRs, so when he split them he could, in theory, attack about 8 people per round. When he used a Heroic Ability, he added 1D4 to his Characteristics for 10 rounds, so he got a 4D6 Damage Bonus, I think. The rest of the party would attack very powerful foes and Shergar would go through the rest like a demented whirlwind.
  18. Favourite story: The Stand Favourite Movie: Carrie, the original version. A lot of movies based on his books are entertaining. Carrie, both versions, is excellent, The Shining is a classic, Misery is excellent thanks to the main actress, The Green Mile is all-round brilliant, Dead Zone is really good, Christine is a good B-Movie, The Running Man is very good but very different from the book, Thinner was OK, Cujo was OK, The Shawshank Redemption was good and so on. I remember watching Children of the Corn but can't remember if I liked it, I certainly didn't not like it, though. Same with Pet Sematary. Same with TV adaptations, The Stand was good, Salem's Lot was excellent, Dead Zone was good and I liked Under the Dome but they dragged it out for too long. So, a lot of really entertaining stuff.
  19. Cabaret is brilliant in many ways. It definitely shows the rise of the Nazis, but in a very subtle way, starting with one or two, then more and more appearing, then them being violent and so on. The "If you could see her through my eyes" song is very funny for what it is, but the ending shows it in a different light completely.
  20. One action per round? so, no double attacks then? that's a shame, as I remember reading the account of preparation for battle against chaos, in RQ2's Cults of Terror, where the Orlanthi put aside their spears and shields, taking up two Bastard Swords each, as they expected to be Berserk for the battle. Soltak Stormspear used to do that very often.
  21. That's where Temple Defences come in. As soon as it gets 100 active initiates worshipping it, it gets a Temple Defence spell, which is probably sanctify, making it permanently sanctified.
  22. Yeah, agreed. Our opinions on all this aside, it's definitely off-topic. Yes!
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