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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. soltakss


    You're at it again! You're at it again!
  2. soltakss


    Wasn't there another one set in the Soviet Union? I think she got around a bit.
  3. soltakss


    Or the dentist scene from the Marathon Man ...
  4. soltakss


    So, the stereotypical film SS Colonel is fine then? "I have to say, it gives me no pleasure to do this, but I must".
  5. Yes, thanks, that was new news on Wednesday, but I saw them on Thursday, so now they are old news.
  6. Not really. Non-stackable just means that the spell doesn't stack with itself. Shield is stackable as you can get shield 2, Shield 8 or whatever. Berserker is non-stackable, because casting Berserker 2 on yourself has no effect whatsoever. However, Berserker can be used with Extension to make it last longer.
  7. What I do is to have a box beside the Hit Location and keep track of the Current Hit Points. So, the box might have 6 HP and i keep track by writing 4, 2, -3, 1, 6, crossing out, or erasing, the previous value. Some people have a hit Point Tracker, so they have 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 and 00, then mark off where they are. this has several disadvantages for me: It takes up far too much space It doesn't cope with PC with more than 10 HPs It doesn't handle negative values very well Generally, you use either Location Hit Points or Major Wounds. I can't see much point using both together, unless you use a system such as Legend, Mythras or Revolution D100. Personally, I never really liked the idea of rolling where a wound happened only if it's a Major Wound, it just feels wrong to me.
  8. For me, adding the Mythos to anything has never improved that thing.
  9. I think a lot of the RPG material for Call of Cthulhu, although loosely based on Lovecraft's works, is very much a Chaosium IP and not in the public domain. The stories may well be and they can be used, but i'd be careful about the creatures, Mythos and so on.
  10. Having her blood-red would be spectacular. Ehilm was the Malkioni sun power, not a god as such, more of a concept. Yelm seems to have taken on much of this, from what I read years ago.
  11. soltakss


    Yelm the Youth, Yelm the Rider, Yelm the Emperor or Yelm the Elder? It matters not. But, they weren't, they are clearly the children of Yelm. Now, some might say that Yamsur is a sun God and, therefore, just another version of Yelm, But I don't think that kind of thing really works. Yamsur was the sun god of Genert's Garden, the Warming Sun, the Growing Sun, the Sun as Genert's Brother. Yelm was the high sun, the Lofty Sun, the Emperor and looked down on the likes of Genert.
  12. I can proofread and write, but finding time to write anything but my own stuff is a struggle. I am happy to collaborate with more creative types.
  13. I thought the Pegasus being in the Gateway Bestiary, but it isn't. Hippogrif stats would work, with hoof rather than claw. In the Real World, of course, they are the Tulpari, or Winged Horses, of Turkic/Mongol/Steppe Nomad Lore, of which Pegasus is but a single example.
  14. soltakss


    That was funny, but was it 5x Funny?
  15. Looks great and has a lot of stuff on the Kickstarter Page. However, from reading it, I still have absolutely no idea what it actually does. I seem to be able to sign up for a certain period, what does that give me? What happens after that period expires? Do I have to pay further? What does signing up give me? What tools does it have that I can't do in excel or Google Sheets? I am confused.
  16. soltakss


    Weren't they both children of Yelm?
  17. A friend of a friend had a baby without knowing she was pregnant. She was having a bath, go these terrible cramps and ended giving birth within a few minutes. She didn;t know she was pregnant, her family didn't know she was pregnant and nobody else knew. A couple of years later, she did much the same again. She didn't know she was pregnant the second time, either. I told a couple of pregnant friends about the friend of a friend and they looked at me as though I was insane. So, pregnancy can affect different people in different ways.
  18. Yes, of course, why wouldn't he? We are not talking about the standard 10% or 90% tithe here, we are talking about making an extra donation. Don't forget that Gloranthan Temples are not part of some Glorantha-wide umbrella organisation, instead each and every Temple is independent. The high priest holds the money for the Temple and funds the Temple. One Orlanth temple might be poor, but the High priest couldn't just go to the next Orlanth temple and ask for a handout. If I give a big donation to a particular Temple, then I am backing that particular Temple, those Priests and, in particular, that High Priest. It's both. You are making a financial contribution to their loyalty, so you are investing into that bond.
  19. We had some Never-Empty Bottles in a RQ Glorantha game. They produced piss-poor, weak, bad-tasting beer and took a Magic Point to refill. They kept us going through several deserts, to the GM's annoyance.
  20. I've never liked that. Your fetch is yourself on the Spirit Plane, your Spirit-Self. Why shouldn't the Fetch be the one gallivanting on the Spirit Plane while you are sitting down, banging drums, shaking rattles and mumbling incoherently to yourself? That makes a lot more sense to me.
  21. soltakss


    Yelorna is a very different cult to Yelamlio, in my opinion. She is the goddess of the Unicorn Riders and of the Shield Maidens, of individual warriors, of cavalrywomen and infantry. Yelmalio is the god of mercenaries, of phalaxes, of spearmen and of farmers. They overlap because Yelona is a warrior goddess and sometimes fights alongside Yelmalio, but I think they are very different. Women can join Orlanth or Vinga, or even both. at least, I'd like to think they could. Men can become Lay Members of Ernalda, but not become Initiates. as far as I know, men cannot join the Eiritha cult, as that is female only. Oh, please don't. No thread on why there are/aren't female warriors ends well. As far as I am concerned, females were warriors, have been warriors and female PCs can be warriors if they want to be. For me, Vingans are women. They are women who fight, who take revenge and who usually return to their previous roles. They differ from Babeester Gori in that babeester gori tend to make permanent vows, rather than temporary ones. And bearing children is not the definition of womanhood, otherwise infertile females are not women.
  22. soltakss


    In cultures such as the Turkic or Mongol peoples, women warriors often defended the nomad camps while the men were at war. Some women joined the men, as there are accounts of women archers and warriors, but many female warriors were defensive. After all, who better to defend than someone who passionately cares about their home and family? The men who clear off all the time, or the women who stay around?
  23. soltakss


    Yes, of course we do.
  24. Nothing, because that's what happens in real life and historically. Someone comes along, flashes a load of money and buys influence. Some people don't like it and go away to dig up some dirt to spoil their reputation, but everyone else thinks they are wonderful.
  25. Yes, it was always going to happen, as soon as I saw a line of swords or a page of axes from many moons ago. Glad to see that you listened!
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