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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Green is normally Earth, not Air. Black is the Darkness element, but Agimori are descended from Lodril, who is associated with Heat or Fire. Fire might be golden, or amber. Air, for me, is orange. As someone who is colour blind, people with god tans look orange to me, so this makes sense in my head.
  2. If they have been left alive but mutilated, they can seek revenge. Their clan might be more annoyed over gelding, which is done to slaves in some cultures, than just killing them. Of course, some magic might be able to regrow the severed items, in which case it would just be a temporary inconvenience.
  3. Unless Ragnaglar had been outlawed for his heinous deeds. I think that Orlanth would have been happy that someone else killed Ragnaglar, saving him from killing the mad god himself. Also, not many gods were left alive at that time, so a bit of kinstrife was the least of people's problems.
  4. Against a lightly armoured foe. a normal hit might be enough to take the foe down. Against a heavily armoured foe, a special or critical is probably needed. Historically, RQ combat against heavily armoured/spelled up characters relied on criticals to have an effect.
  5. There are examples of Deities having performed HeroQuests. Orlanth did a quest to free Heler that is remarkably similar to one that Vadrus did to gain the Blue Woman, for example.So, I am suspicious of the claim that heroQuesting did not exist in GodTime. Definitely. There were Dark Trolls, Mistress race Trolls and Cave Trolls, for example. All trolls born when the trolls came to the surface were Dark Trolls. Cave Trolls were mutated by Pocharngo. Elves definitely existed, as we have High King Elf, admittedly a deity, but others too. Humans lived as well, not many of them but they were there. Westerners were doing Western things, the Brithini were keeping the world together, Malkion's Poeple had split from the Brithini, the Vadeli were slowly being wiped out, Waertagi were making Dragonships out of Sea Dragons and so on. Genert's Garden was trashed by this time, but Oasis People survived in their hovels. Dragon Pass had been repeatedly flooded and risen from the waters, but people survived in their hill forts. Peloria was overrun by the Starlight Ancestors, Pentian horsemen, who were normal folk. So, a lot of normal people around. When Time began, mortals just got old and died. I think the standard "People lived longer way back when" still applied, as these were considered to be more powerful than people in "modern" Glorantha, but they still died.
  6. Well, whaddyaknow! It just goes to show that Revolution d100 mechanics seem to fit these situations pretty well. The more I use them, the more impressed I am.
  7. We always allow an intent to be changed, at a Strike rank cost, depending on the change of circumstances. For example, "I attack and parry the wizard" is a valid statement of intent until the wizard teleports away on SR1. You can stand dumbfounded for the whole round or change your statement of intent and attack the suprised bodyguard instead. Healing is always something that should be allowed, unless all the PCs have run out of actions. Even then, a dying action might be OK to cast a healing spell, or allow the PC to be Heroic and hang on for another round. I'm with Styopa, dead Next round makes more sense.
  8. Yes. Being attacked by a horde of identical trollkin means they all attack on the same SR. As a GM, I would probably vary their Strike Ranks slightly, to avoid such a situation.
  9. I will definitely get these on PDF when they come out. Nice to see a dedicated section to Mythic Earth.
  10. I prefer Heroic Age to Viking/Saxon/Celt/Mycenean as all the cultures were broadly similar - Privileged warrior elite, drinking halls, clan based, tribes of deities. As to which Bronze Age, well, all of them mashed together.
  11. Maintaining cover would just be an ability or Power, probably an Innate Power of the demon. Would you need to do something to start the cover? If you did, then perhaps the very Pact itself gives you an ability. In Revolution d100 terms, you would have a Trait of Cover under the Concentration skill. This Trait would have a number of Stunts, you could model each type of Cover as a Stunt. So, in the example above, you would have a freeform Stunt of "Married to Esmerelda" that would be used to cover your true nature. Your skill in any Opposed Contest would be Concentration [Cover] and you would use the Stunt to, perhaps, evade detection be behaving as a normal husband. Please bear in mind that I am not familiar with Demon: The Descent or Chronicles of Darkness, so I have probably got it all wrong.
  12. Base their Resolution Points on their WIL,as normal. However, if they go loud then they must win an Opposed Contest against an enemy's INT/Perception in order to escape detection, any Conequences gained are a function of them going loud and might help enemy agents find them. When mortals make Pacts with them, that boosts their Resolution Points, thus making it easier to pass undetected. If they transform quickly and violently, they cannot even attempt an Opposed Roll and are automatically found out. Afterwards, they can hide but based on WIL without any bonuses.
  13. Glorantha is Bronze Age because the major metal used is Bronze. Iron and other metals are magical and used for Rune Lords or elemental cults. Dara Happa uses something similar to New Stone Age or Bronze Age Mesopotamia, with ziggurats and God-Emperors. The Lunar Empire is based on Assyrian principles, with a Moon Goddess leading a pantheon and having similar ideas to Dara Happa, but with Moon instead of Sun. Nothing else really is, in my opinion. Nomads are nomads and don't really have an "Age". The real world had bronze-using nomads and iron-using nomads, with very little cultural differences between them. Similarly, Pentians and Praxians are interesting for their cultures, beliefs and mounts, rather than the metal they use. Non-humans generally use their cultural metals, so Aldryami use copper, Uz use lead, Angels use gold,Wind Children use tin and water folk use aluminium. Mostali use iron, but they are odd anyway. Glorantha, in my opinion is Mythic rather than Bronze Age. It has multiple pantheons of competing deities, myths you can relate to and intercat with, HeroQuesting to change the world or, at high levels, change the world of myth.
  14. They also gave Orlanthi a Common Magic spell that was associated with the Chaos Rune. I use their stuff as interesting guidelines but change what I want.
  15. I would just cover the above in a couple of sentences each, to be honest. Players don't want to wade through pages of background for a scenario. As to bringing out the flavour, I'd concentrate on what is different. Describe a marketplace as being full of stalls selling frgrant spices, bright cloth and jewellry, with a small square selling slaves. You show the familiar and unfamiliar together.
  16. Arkat and Harmast probably discovered modern HeroQuesting independently, as they were HeroQuesting at the same time but in very different places. It was only when Harmast brought Arkat back from Hell when their paths crossed. As Arkat was recognised as Arkat Humaktsson and joined with the Orlanthi, I would have expected some of the secrets to have been shared. The Lightbringer Missionaries of the First Age were HeroQuestors, in my opinion. They visited different cultures, looked at their myths and sewed them together, to remake the world. For example, they recognised Dara Happan Yelm and the Orlanthi Evil Emperor as the same deity, which seems like the result of some HeroQuesting. As the myths were all broken, I would have expected them to re-enter the myths and to bring them together. The God Learners did similar things, but from an outside point of view.
  17. I just assumed the web was Arachne Solara's web that held Glorantha together and the bloated shadow was Arachne Solara repairing the web. Those who wanted the Sun not to stop succeeded as the Sun carried on moving. However, the Sun had stopped and that caused a problem. The breaking of the web allowed Chaos into the world, which is why the Bright Empire contained chaos. I don't think that creating a new God is particularly against the Compromise. Many demigods have been born after Time and they haven't broken the Compromise. The only times this has happened are when Nysalor was born, when Zistor was created and when the Red Goddess became a deity. Interestingly enough, each was then succeeded by a Full Lightbringers' Quest, two of which succeeded and one failed, although Argrath subsequently succeeded twice, so the Red Goddess had three LBQ attempts to unseat her. Probably both. Unless you have photographs or paintings that show the exact colour of the Sun before and after, it is very difficult to say. The Dara Happan astronomers might have checked. That might be why it says "Some said". Most people don't track the sun's path on a regular basis, why should they?
  18. In my Glorantha, Entekos is above Orlanth and the closest Air to the Sky. She is also part of the Pelorian pantheon as the Upper Air. I think the is the Lower Sky or Upper Air. She is subservient to Orlanth in the Storm Pantheon and subservient to Yelm in the Sky Pantheon.
  19. All in my opinion, of course ... What effects should gravity have? Allowing things to "stick" and move around - No need for gravity as such, as that is what people do. Allowing things to fall - There is an Earth Goddess, Kadone the Grounder, who forces flying things to the ground, using the power of Earth. This implies that Earth pulls things to the ground. Things flying in the Sky still fall, as the Sky is still attracted to the Earth, as Aether Primolt tries to reconnect with Gata. Allowing celestial objects to orbit - In Glorantha, they just move on their own paths as the bodies of deities. demigids and heroes. So, I don't think that gravity exists in Glorantha. The effects are the same as in the real world.
  20. That would work as well. It gives a random number, rather than the fixed amount from using the tens part of the skill, but saves rolling another die to find the Strike ranks lost. Another reason why Revolution d100 is flexible, one simple rule has three ways of working, depending on the context and how the GM and Players want it to work.
  21. And brought some sanity back to it ...
  22. Personally, I think that each Regiment has its own distinct look and feel, with different armour and weapons. Dara Happan Regiments follow different regimental deities and would dress differently. Lunar Heartland Regiments often follow Yanafal Tarnils and might have similar armour and uniforms, but would vary in colour and style to signify which regiment they belonged to. Lunar Provincial Regiments follow a wide variety of deities and would have distinct armour and uniforms. What this means is that places like Pavis would have the same Lunar uniforms and armour, as Pavis has a handful of regiments, as well as some mercenary forces. Prax would have more variety, as the Sable Riders act as auxilliaries and the Antelope Lancers have their own uniforms and armour, other Regiments might be stationed in the various forts of Prax. Sartar might have even more variety, reflecting the different types of Regiments stationed there.
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