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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. What happens when a Wind Lord tries to recover one of the Magic Weapon Subcult spells at a shrine to Orlanth Thunderous? He could probably do it, but it might be difficult. I would have each version of Yelm as Aspects, so you could be a member of Yelm the Rider, Yelm the Elder, Yelm the Emperor, Yelm the Sun or Yelm the Arisen. If a member of Yelm the Arisen tried to recover Self-Resurrection from a Yelm the Rider temple, then I would say that was fairly difficult, as Yelm the Rider did not die and return from the Underworld. Alternatively, being a member of one of the cults might automatically make you a Lay Member of the other cults, so you could attend worship ceremonies but not gain Initiate/Higher level spells.
  2. Hermes and Loki are very different deities, that is like asking what if a Humakti tried to recover a spell from a Zorak Zoran temple, as they are both Death Gods. This is more like a Calvinist trying to recover a spell from a Catholic Church, in Glasgow. He might be able to do it, but would encounter social and religious opposition.
  3. Doesn't Disney have a few Ducks already? Scrooge McDuck and his family would fit in Sartar very well.
  4. Grazelanders/Pure Horse People are Pentians and all worship Yu-Kargzant. Some Dara Happans worship Yelm the Rider, especially in the north, where they have a lot of contact with Pent. Dara Happans wouldn't be seen dead worshipping Yu-Kargzant, as he is the god of smelly Pentian nomads. Pentian nomads wouldn't be seen dead worshipping Yelm the Rider, as he is the god of the effette Dara Happans. Dara Happa was under the rule of the Pentians at least twice - During the God Time/First Age and under Sheng Seleris - So there is some overlap and some cultural resentment.
  5. Unfortunately, I am busy with other things ...
  6. Broos and ogres happily take prisoners, but would you want to surrender to them?
  7. I like the high-tech lookouts, one standing on a coil of rope to peer over the side and the other peering through a knothole.
  8. As a GM, I could read all the supplements and tie myself in knots about what exactly should happen, or I could have a simple houserule and move on. I houseruled this ages ago, so someone could attack and parry on the same Strike Rank. Job done.
  9. The last time it was mentioned, Mark had little interest in a conversion of Mythic Russia, unfortunately. Some things would be easy to convert, other things a lot harder.
  10. Urgh. Double-urgh. RQ3 did Hit Points a lot simpler. RQ2 was very complex when calculating Hit Points. There are many backwards steps when going from RQ3 to RQ2, in my opinion.
  11. Yelm the Rider is a different god to Yu-Kargzant. They share some similarities, as they are Solar rulers worshipped by horsemen, but are different deities. Now, the God Learners might have said "Shiny Suns worshipped by Horse People" and tried to conflate them, had they bothered, in which case we would have got some overlap between them. But each would have gained some of the properies of the other, rather than merging the two deities.
  12. The best RQ2 supplements, in my opinion, had a light touch on the deeper mysteries of Glorantha. Cults of Prax/Terror, Trollpak, Borderlands, Pavis/Big Rubble and Griffin Mountain all touched on the Muthos and the Monomyth, but kept the rules as rules without getting tied up in knots about how things worked. In RQ3 the same thing happened, Sun County, River of Cradles, Strangers an Prax, Shadows on the Borderlands, Dorastor and Lords of Terror described places, cults, people and scenarios, without getting very deep into the detail of how things worked. In Hero Wars, we started getting too deep into the way that cults worked and the mechanics of worship. Some HeroQuest supplements got even more twisted up, Imperial Lunar Handbook 2 fo example. I would hope that the new RQ avoids this by saying in a very simple way "This is how divine cults work", "This is how Western cults work", "This is how Shamanic cults work" and "This is how Mysticism works", then describing cults in these ways. If a cult is more spohisticated and uses several of these ways, then this can be handled in the cult description, by saying "This cult works differently to the normal model and has ...", again in a simple and uncomplex way. Isn't that the official line, though? RQ <=> Glorantha I don't agree with that, as I love using RQ for non-Gloranthan settings, but for Chaosium, that's what they have BRP for.
  13. I would say that -ela and -ia are the names of lands, from the Land Goddesses (Daughters of Genert and Gata), -os, -or and -ar are probably the name of the daughters of these land goddess with Genert, or even their daughters. -land seems to be named after other deities, not land-related.
  14. Almost certainly. Don't forget that every version of RQ, and almost every cults book, must have a copy of the Kyger Litor cult.
  15. In my Genertela, the Land Goddesses are daughters of Genert and another Earth Goddess. So, the major ones are daughters of Gata and Genert, minor ones are daughters of the major ones and Genert, very minor ones are the daughters of minor ones and Genert. So, Pela, goddess of Peloria, is a daughter of Genert and Gata, Dorasta is a daughter of Genert and Pela, but Dorasta has no smaller land goddesses. One of the differences in the Earth Goddess, I think, is the divide between the Land Goddesses, daughters of a Goddess and Genert, and the Earth Mothers, daughters of other Goddesses parthogenically. So, Asrelia, Ty Kora Tek, Ernalda, Maran Gor, , Voria and Babeester Gor are descended from Gata in one way and Kralora, Penta, Pela, Seshnela and Esrola are daughters of Gata and Genert. The Land Goddesses have inherited Genert's physical body, of the land beneath our feet. The Earth Mothers have inherited the life and death powers of the Earth.
  16. Have you read Anglo Saxon? I tried when I was far younger and it is a different language to English.
  17. If it matters, the different Aspects of Yelm could have different runes.
  18. I do ... The top one is RuneQuest, the bottom one is RQ, I am a man of very little imagination. Would I do that to you?
  19. "Only" 2 player deaths? Gencon seems to be a very dangerous place to go ...
  20. They are if they agree with your point and are not if they disagree with your point. Some information in old WFs are just plain wrong, some things have changed over the years, but most of it is still valid.
  21. I have not played Savage Worlds, so am not sure what the Edge mechanism is. However, Consequences can be used to gain a number of things, some good and some bad. A well made item might have a good Consequence, such as light or easy to use, a poorly made item might have a bad Consequence, such as heavy or hard to use. Defeating an enemy might get a Consequence of Feared by Orcs, or Hated by Orcs, or Beloved of Orcs, depending on who the enemy was. You can play around with them and use them however you want. I would agree that something like Deadeye could be a stunt. In fact, many of Legend's Heroic Abilities translate as Stunts in Revolution d100. having the others as Concequences works as well. The more I use it, the more flexible it becomes. I just need to use it to run a game, now. In any case, I will be using a lot of the rules in any future RQ game.
  22. Oh dear, bows and crossbows again. Someone just needs to compare them to slings for a 10 page flamefest.
  23. Copper and Gold as metals, green and yellow as colours. So, what colour do you get when mixing green and yellow? Light green? Air has always been orange, I have no idea why.
  24. It's a logo, it says RuneQuest, I don't spend more than half a second looking at the logo on the cover of a book.
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