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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. In RQ2, Storm Bull Berserker doubled your attack skill against Chaos foes, so someone with 60% attack and Bladesharp 4 could get 60x2+20=140% and so had 40% Anti-Parry. That is not unreasonable even for a low-level campaign.
  2. That is why we preferred Option 1, sometimes you just habve to go Berserk with a good Bladesharp, just to increase the Critical chance and to reduce your opponent's parry chance. I have seen many RQ2 combats where going berserk was a useful tactic. In RQ3, not so much, as it didn't have anti-parry, so someone with 100% parry could fend off a berserker, so we houseruled to bring back anti-parry.
  3. That is how we always played it in RQ2. Someone with a 200% skill has a Special of 40% and a Critical of 10%. I have seen this played 2 ways: The special/critical chance depends on the skill AND the extra skill counts against an opponent (We called it Anti-Parry), so someone with a skill of 160% has a Special of 32%, a Critical of 8% and opponents subtract 60% from Parries The extra part of the skill is subtracted from the skill before critical/special is worked out, so someone with a skill of 160% causes opponents to subtract 60% from Parries, leaving a skill of 100% with a Special of 20%, a Critical of 5%. I much prefer Optoin 1 and that is the way I always played it. However, it would be useful to get the rule clarified in the RQG rules.
  4. Interesting stuff, thanks. I am not really familiar with the myth, but it shows how different myths can be connected and many myths have echoes in others.
  5. RQ2 was a bit vague when referring to POW and Personal Power, RQ3 cleared it up by using POW and Magic Points. If you spent all your Personal Power in RQ2 then you died, but in RQ3 reducing Magic points to 0 sends you unconscious and reducing POW to 0 makes you undead. We played that attending a Holy Day gave you a chance of a POW gain roll, since it was a magical event.
  6. Do one or the other, but don't allow the option of both. The reason for this is that some people like the randomness of dice, mainly older gamers, whereas others like some certainty. I'd drop 6 and have an 18, so you don't have any really low values, but my preference is for no really low values. Unless you are a leader, lover or bard, your lowest stat will be CHA, as the others are more important generally. Nowadays, I am less likely to go for random characteristics, just because fixed values are easier to use and I can always train up/magically increase low values in the game.
  7. What? I agree with Call of Cthulhu? Oh, the shame ...
  8. Personally, I would have a Luck skill, or attribute, rather than POW. I know the idea of POW is your interaction with the powers of the world, which is similar to Luck, but I like the idea of a powerful but unlucky characters, which is not possible using POW for Luck.
  9. Revolution d100 has 15 core skills and uses Traits to expand on them. That is the way to go, in my opinion. When I play RQG or Mythras, I would convert the skills intoRD100-style Skills and Traits, as they are just so easy to use.
  10. Agreed on all points. My preferred version is RQ3.
  11. Mongoose have not abandoned Legend, as far as I know, they just seem to have other things to do instead and have done for a few years. I suppose I should ask them again whether they are continuing with Legend, but can I be bothered?
  12. Interesting, it says that paolo is the author and Alephtar games the publisher, but we haven't heard anything about it. Perhaps this is a new form of stealth advertising - Wait until someone sees it and spread the news by word of mouth or on forums.
  13. I saw Warding being used around a U-Bend once, there was a tunnel that sloped steeply down, then flattened slowly and then sloped steeply up again, with the Warding placed just above the flat bit, so you went through and out of the Warding to get down and through and out of the Warding again to get back up, so double the fun.
  14. Oh no, not again! I'd hate this thread to be another ten-pager on why longbows are/aren't the best medieval weapon ever. Nobody mention slings, either!
  15. Just noticed that this has successfully funded. Congratulations, Paolo, I know that a hardback is a bit of a gamble at the start, due to the cost, Revolution d100 deserves a hardback edition. My better half has forbidden me to buy more roleplaying books, so all my purchases are PDFs, otherwise I would have pledged.
  16. Merrie England:Robyn Hode - Still relevant in the 21st Century!
  17. If it harmonises you with a glance, it doesn't matter what the head looks like. Original jack o'lanterns were made from turnips or mangelwurzels. It would be difficult to carve a cabbage.
  18. To be honest, in BRP it doesn't matter that one PC has a weapon skill of 60% and another 40%. They will both miss often enough to be happy when they hit and the 40% PC will soon gain experience to reach near parity with the 60% PC. In my experience, BRP PCs usually end up with similar skills anyway, due to the tick-chase of ticking experience points, so the fact that there are differences at the start of the game is probably a good thing. If you use RQ magic, then Bladesharp 4 increases the 40% PC to the same as the 60% PC anyway, so the problem goes away, of course if the 60% PC uses Bladesharp 4 then gets 80%, making the problem worse. Although, in theory, a BRP Wizard could get a bigger damage bonus and combat skill than a fighter, in practice it rarely happens. OK, raw skill comes into it, giving a higher Characteristic Bonus, but then the player needs to put points into skills, if the Wizard's player puts enough points into combat skills then the PC becomes a fighting wizard, in effect crossing over the boundaries. Again, this is a good thing. Wait until you see RQ trolls - In Glorantha, an Arkati Troll Wizard could well have a 3D6 Damage bonus and still be casting Wizardry spells.
  19. I missed that, thanks. I need to check out KoS again, as it has been too long since I last read it. The Flood is definitely going to happen in my campaign, unless the River Voices find a way to stop it ...
  20. Looks interesting, thanks, have copied to my Google Drive so that I can have a play around with it. Will be useful for some future projects, hopefully.
  21. Merrie England:Robyn Hode for Revolution d100 has a number of real life diseases, notable for being able to die from diarrhoea. What I did for those was to take a disease, break it down to its symptoms and then map them back to the RD100 rules. It seemed to work well. The same approach could be used with pretty much any disease, although you might need to add some new symptoms.
  22. I think that a flood of the magnitude hinted at in the Hero Wars would be of the order of the floods in the God Time, those that reduced the mountains of Dragon pass to islands. A wall won;t stop that, or will delay it until it goes over the top. I agree, these floods would be catastrophic in nature and only stopped by Heroes. I don't think Orlanth's Quests would help against the blockage, rather they would help by blowing the waters back. The Thunder Brothers stopped the waters when combatting Worcha, for example, so that might allow Orlanthi heroes to temporarily stop the Flood from covering some lands. Stopping the blockage would be the best way of stopping the Flood permanantly. Breaking the ice up, perhaps by sending True Giants against it, Firebergs would work, using Kalikos might work, putting a huge object on one side to tip it over might work as well. However, when the block if ice goes into Magasta's Pool, would it reappear again, in the same manner as the Firebergs?
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