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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. The new RuneQuest is looking as though it is very similar to RQ2. One of things I hated about RQ6/Legend/Mythras was the very small skill set, as compared to RQ2's many detailed skills. Now, having seen how revolution D100 uses an even more reduced skill set, with Traits, one of the things I hate about RQ2 compared to Revolution is the bloated skills. I would definitely use the Traits mechanic in future games that I run and in any SRD that I produced.
  2. Which cannot be a bad thing!
  3. Iwouldn't bother with both Swing Swords and Swing Bastard Sword, as skills, to be honest. Sure, have Swing Swords as a skill and Bastard Sword as a Speciality, to give a bonues, but having both is redundant. What happens if I start Swing bastard Sword at 50% and then increase Swing Swords to 60%? Does my Swing Bastard Sword stay at 50%, meaning I am worse with it than other swords, or does it rise to 60%? Sounds like a bookkeeping nightmare to me.
  4. You can play 13th Age in Glorantha with Mythras Classic Fantasy.
  5. Cults Compendium - It has a lot of mythology and God Time background, basically the ones from Cults of Prax, Cults and Terror and bits from Borderlands, Griffin Mountain and Pavis.
  6. A surprising amount of D20 stuff can be ported over to D100 fairly easily. Although D20 is a Class/Level system and D100 is a skill based system, a lot of D20 variants add skill-based things to D20. O haven't seen Big Eyes Small Mouth, but have heard a lot about it. If there are D20 rules then you should be able to port across fairly easily. Character points used to purchase Characteristics, skills and powers works, after all HeroQuest uses a character pool to build characters. That kind of system is self-balancing, to an extent, because emphasis on one area reduces the spend in other areas. That isn't necessarily something I like, but I understand it. Ah, if you are planning to publish it, that makes more sense using OGL material. You can use any OGL material with any other OGL material, as long as you reference it. In any case, I would use HeroQuest for Supers, not a D100 variant. I love D100 games but would not use them for SuperHeroes, having played Superworld for a bit it just didn;t work for me. Super Heroes with HeroQuest just works for me. It isn't crunchy but allows a lot of control over what your powers are and avoids problems with point-buy/point-spend systems.
  7. The beauty of the OGL is that it allows you to take bits from various different SRDs and merge them together, as long as all the content is from an OGL supplement and you list the Intellectual properties used. So, for games designers and publishers, it is very useful. For home brew stuff, it doesn't matter whether something is OGL or not. For my campaign, I can happily pinch bits from HeroQuest, Mythras, RuneQuest or BRP and combine them into a homebrew system with no worries that none of those systems are OGL. If I wanted to publish the rules, I would have to be a bit more careful.
  8. Is this the one with the fantastic artwork? Each character template is one page, with a wonderful picture and the skills and description on the same page? If so, it looked lovely when I saw it online a few months ago.
  9. The map looks as though it could be part of the Big Rubble, especially if the wiggly bits at the bottom represent one of the gates.
  10. I have had the pleasure of playing in one of Andrew's games in the past, so I am sure that it will be a fun game to play in. Pity that South Wales is such a long way from Birmingham.
  11. I voted softcover, as I don't really like hardcovers at all.
  12. In my Glorantha, Umath was born from the union of Earth and Sky and did lift the Shy from the Earth. My Glorantha is very mythical in nature and the myths are, more often than not, actual representations of what happened, rather than analogies.
  13. Glorantha Classics, in particular Cults Compendium, also Sartar and Sartar Companion.
  14. I saw a playtest version of RuneQuest at UKGE and it looks pretty good to me. With artwork and a nice cover it should look very good indeed.
  15. Hopefully you'll find this a very friendly forum. If you have the PDF then you might be able to extract the images from the PDF with some cheap software, or use the Snipping Toool to pull out artwork. Once you have it as a saved image then you can use a paint package to cut bits out, hide bits or amend it however you would like. That's what I try to do if I need player handouts from published supplements.
  16. From a personal point of view, I bought the RuneQuest Classics as PDFs and will buy the RQ3 supplements if they are brought out in a similar way. Why? Because I loved those supplements and would like to own them as PDFs, legally. So, if there are a thousand people like me then that would be a good business model. However, I do agree that there is not a need to produce a new set of rules for each setting. Having a core set of RuneQuest rules and then modifications for settings works best for me. As supplements for BRP/RQ/OpenQuest/Legend/Mythras/Revolution can be fairly easily used in any of the settings, we will end up with a lot of interoperable supplements, which is good for fans.
  17. Revolution D100 is a fine system. Advantages and Traits work really well, for example. I take what I like from various systems and use them in my RuneQuest rules. If I started a new campaign, I would definitely use Traits and Advantages from RD100, alongside hero Points, runes and various other rules from other systems. That's the best thing about D100 systems - You can mix and match rules and they normally work without a problem.
  18. I just assume that Bronze is the "normal" metal and leave it at that. Other metals are strange/magical, Iron is a military metal for Rune Lords (and Dwarves or Sorcerers but they aren't normal anyway), Lead is for trolls, Copper for elves and earthy folk, aluminium for water folk (and quicksilver if you want to be flashy), gold for Sky folk, Tin for Storm folk and Wind Children and Silver for Lunars. Players might want to think of them as their earthly analogues, in fact I often do. But, they are in essence magical metals.
  19. They are probably too busy gaming and circulating. Eternalcon is a great convention, but spare time to provide updates is very scarce indeed.
  20. Revolution D100 has an elegant way of doing this. You have core skills and than gain traits. So, you might have Stealth as a core skill but have the Traits of Move Quietly, Hide in Cover or Forest, giving you a bonus to your Strealtyh if you are trying to Move Silently or Hide in Cover, with a double bonus if doing so in a Forest. It works really well and immediately removes the need for multiple skill trees for different genres.
  21. I've backed it now, but only at PDF level - My wife won't let me buy new RPG books!
  22. Revolution D100 has an elegant way of doing this. You have core skills and than gain traits. So, you might have Stealth as a core skill but have the Traits of Move Quietly, Hide in Cover or Forest, giving you a bonus to your Stealth if you are trying to Move Silently or Hide in Cover, with a double bonus if doing so in a Forest. It works really well and immediately removes the need for multiple skill trees for different genres.
  23. I expected something completely different, based on the title. Whilst Historia Rodentia is not my cup of tea, it sounds perfect for what was described.
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