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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Where is the Don't Like button?
  2. I have some general Timelines at http://www.soltakss.com/timeline.html, http://www.soltakss.com/pavis01a.html and http://www.soltakss.com/pavis01.html but I am not sure how accurate they are.
  3. There are a number of HeroQuests on my site, but the links to other people's HeroQuests are probably out of date.
  4. Maybe, but I copied these from the Mythras PDF, although I added 1D2 and 1D3.
  5. A Slaver may well use Craft Slaver or have a Craft Knots skill. Normally I would use this if I needed to tie someone up quickly who was resisting. Tying up an unconscious person shouldn't need a roll.
  6. That's good, otherwise I'd have been wandering around looking for you for a few days.
  7. As someone who knows a bit about Japanese history, but not an awful lot, Land of the Samurai was very good, I would say better than Land of Ninja. Price of Honour seemed to be a good scenario, certainly useable in a Nippon game. If you liked Land of Ninja then these are worth buying.
  8. To a certain extent, but that penalises shy players or those who don't like talking much. RuneQuest and heroQuest, to a certain extent, are skill-based systems, where the skills determine how good you are at doing something. I might be an eloquent speaker in real life but have a PC with Communication 30%, why should real-life eloquence mean that i always succeed in social situations? What i tend to do is to use the skills but to award a bonus, or penalty, based on how the situation is roleplayed. So, a player might roll a fast talk when talking to Bigclub the Giant in SnakePipe Hollow, howerver if if he also called him F**kface, which happened in one of the scenarios I was in, the roll makes little difference.
  9. If anyone has any questions regaring Merrie England:Robyn Hode then feel free to ask and I will try to answer.
  10. Where are you party from/based? That might affect the HeroQuests they would do. For Orlanthi, I'd do a Magical Weapon Quest, maybe Lightning Spear or Sandals of Darkness. For Praxians, perhaps Waha Rescues the Beasts.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. I was planning on coordinating with Paolo regarding what he wanted me to run, but we might be able to run something at Alephtar's stall, however, I am not sure about the amount of space.
  12. In a way, I suppose. However, some of us have had years of exposure to Gloranthan cults that are all written as outsiders and are pretty easy to knock up. The hardest part about writing about real world religions is to treat them sympathetically. Anyone who reads about their religion in a RPG supplement could well be offended. In fact, treating a relifion as something that provides Blessings/Miracles/Spells/Whatever might automatically be offensive, so it is worth explaining at the start what the author is trying to achieve in the context of the game.
  13. No problem. Feel free to mention any of Alephtar's supplements in all threads, especially when praising me!
  14. That is exactly how it should work, as it moves the weapon damage up to the next step. The progression of damage is fairly clear in Mythras, 1d2>1d3>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10, but gets a bit flaky after that. Damage Bonus uses a different progression,-1d8>-1d6>-1d4>-1d2>+0>+1d2>+1d4>+1d6>+1d8>+1d10>+1d12>+2d6>+1d8+1d6>+2d8>+1d10+1d8>+2d10>+2d10+1d2>+2d10+1d4, which is a bit annoying. However, in each case you simply move some step to the right for Bladesharp. Combat Effects such as Maximise Damage, however, affect one die, so 2D6 would become 1D6+6, which, I think, is similar to what you are aiming at. You would expect Bladesharp to move 2D6 to 1D6+1D8, I think.
  15. If anyone wants a copy, now that it is not available via download, just drop me a PM - I have two versions now. There are various supplements that are available from other people, not from the original authors, for whatever reason. Sharing is good. The various SRDs are also good as they are under the OGL and can be freely used, under the OGL.
  16. With Terraforming, especially Ancient Terraforming, a lot of worlds could be Earth-like, to a certain extent. Sure, you wouldn't get hundreds of millions of years of life-geology unless the worlds were terraformed millions of years ago, but large bodies of water should be fine if you smash enough comets into the planet. Although I agree that single biome planets don't make a lot of sense, they are easy to use. Planets with a higher mean temperature will have more deserts, especially if they have less water. Planets with a substantially lower temperature will be Ice Worlds, especially if they have a lot of water. Targeted terraforming might create jungles, deserts or whatever biome you want. After all, these are engineered worlds, designed to be what you want, not natural worlds that have developed organically.
  17. I did it with Merrie England, in fact all 3 versions describe Judaism, Christianity and Islam, albeit with caveats saying these are rules for a RPG, not a reflection on real religions.
  18. Same STR/CON/SIZ as a whale, DEX whatever you want, POW whatever you want. Has the power of Flight. Hollow on the inside would be a description rather than a trait.
  19. I now have two different versions, which is even better. Thanks guys.
  20. Make it up. Unles it is a really odd creature, I can usually say that some part of it is like another creature.
  21. At the risk of igniting something very bad, there is a thread at rpg.net about rolplaying in Disney's Duckburg.
  22. We play every Monday, except when circumstances interfere. Our current campaign is twelve years old, so assuming 40 sessions per year, that's around 480 sessions. One of our players also plays in another RQ game every Wednesday, so be jealous of him!
  23. In the olden days, heroes and minor deities had One Rune, medium deities had Two Runes and Greater Deities had Three Runes. I think Ronance should have Two runes, Movement and Fertility, Movement because he is a chariot god and travels Genert's Garden, Fertility because the earth between his tracks grows special and magical plants. I don't see his as a trading god, to be honest. However, in your campaigns, Ronance sounds fine.
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