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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Another thought: Animism is something you have. What powerful spirits are at the beck and call of the Uncoling shamans? Spirits of the land, the very ground the battle is fought on, would be a really valuable resource.
  2. Not going to happen, as this was a licensed product from Midkemia press. You ccan still order the 1980ies original as pdf directly..
  3. What would give her away as living in Lunar territory would be the language. Pretty much every Tarshite speaking Orlanthi is living under the rule of the Lunar Empire, with the exception of some Vendref in the Grazelands and possibly Black Horse Country. She can always try and claim being a refugee from Lunar injustice of some kind. She is about going to be as popular as a German shortly after one of the world wars, being asked what she did during that time.
  4. Equestians and race: The RQG rules state both physical and runic variations between the major human tribes. Zebra Riders share some of the same ancestry as the Grazelanders, they are descendants of the Pentan Pure Horse Tribe settled in western and northern Prax by the early Second Age Kingdom of Orlanthland as a buffer to Beast Rider (and troll) raiding. These early Pentans share the blond hair and brown skin phenotyp with the Yelmic nobility of Dara Happa (which also spread out to much of Peloria during the Anaxialian dynasty) as an in-bred elite, although on the fringes exchanging wives with other nobility. After their defeats at Argentium Thri'ile and subsequent ethnic cleansing throughout western and central Peloria, the Pentans moved further east and got into contact with northern Kralorela and the Shan Shan Hsunchen. Much like the Praxians, the Pentans take slaves from sedentary populations, and the offspring of those slaves will be raised as riders among the nomadic clans, while Pentans lording over sedentary people may not adopt such offspring usually. Still, those who qualify as riders will be integrated into the clan and tribe regardless of their maternity, if usually at significantly lower status than offspring from marriages or fertility rites. As a result, there will be Pentans with more or less strong Kralori phenotypical admixture. While this is mainly my personal head-canon, I think that the Char-un are a case of stronger Kralori admixture than the Pure Horse Folk of Prax ever had. Horse Nomad leaders also take trophy wives, and their distinguished warriors probably are awarded, such, too. Hyalor himself was a descendant of Yamsur and his hippogriff-riding solar tribe of Genert's Garden, and thereby probably also a descendant of Tada through a maternal lineage. He or a desccendant/reincarnation bearing the same name came to Nivorah with his Hyal horse joining the Gamari exodus with their Sered horses. Beren the Rider led a group of non-Pure Horse riders to join the Vingkotlings. Another branch of Pure Horse riders became he Hyaloring overlords of the dryer parts of Darjiin in the Grey Age, and their king Vuranoste succeeded a son of Jenarong as the third emperor of the Jenarong "dynasty" (a dynasty defined by the rites they used to ascend to the imperial throne rather than by ancestry). This brought his peopla into contact with and overlordship of other horse warlords, leading to admixture with the Zarkosian goad-herding charioteers. By the battle of Argentium Thri'ile, horse riding had replaced the chariots as the main force of the horse warlords, with chariots relegated to ceremonial use in those tribes that maintained their charioteer noble lineages. Ulanin the Rider was a descendant of Hyalor, too, but as said before, I am not sure whether he came to the Quivin region via Nivorah or through Genert's Garden and the Redwood savannah of Prax. It isn't quite clear whether he brought and his horse-herding followers and a significant amount of Hyal horses. In the Vingkotling era, the main Orgorvaltes horses appear to have been exchanged for or interbred with the Galana hill ponies that originated in eastern Safelster but became omnipresent south of the Rockwood Mountains already in the Storm Age. The Second Council of the Theyalans also brought Ralian Galanini horse riding mercenaries to battle the Pelorian Horse Warlords, who may have been Enerali or nomadic (more Hsunchen-like) nomadic Galanini, but I doubt that any Pelorian population that just had been liberated from one horse rider type of overlord would have accepted a new type of horse rider overlords.
  5. So, Gloranthan races and ancestry... The Heortlings and their Vinfkotling, Helering and Dureving ancestors are some of the least endogamous peoples you will find. The Vingkotling founding myths tel about exo-marriages. Vingkot was the demigod son of Orlanth and the human woman Janerra Alone of the On Jorri people of the southern Oslir Valley - a portion of Peloria that was saved from the Flood by Orlanth and his followers, so probably somewhere in northern Saird, Sylila or the Provinces. Vingkot married twin daughters of Tada, thus the Heortlings share ancestry with the Oasis people of Prax. Vingkot's daughters married outsiders. The Berennethtelli have Hyaloring horse rider ancestry from Nivorah, the Orgorvaltes have Hyaloring ancestry which may have come to them via Nivorah, or from the followers of Yamsur via Genert's Garden. Three other tribal ancestors are Goralf Brown, Porscriptor the Cannibal and Kastwall Five. Little to nothing is known about the ethnic background of these three. Four Star Captains (Orlanthi heroes or demigods who participated in Orlanth's conquest of the Skies) are the ancestors of Vingkotling Star tribes. We know the origin Kodig's wife - an Earth priestess from Nochet, ultimately descended from the Ezel earth worshipping humans/demigods. There doesn't seem to be any information on the wives of Korol, Janard Lastralgor or Jorganos the Archer, but there is a chance that they brought back wives or at least concubines from their first raid against Dara Happa. (I'd like to point out that there are consensual forms of wife raiding, too.) I don't know whether there are or were any Heortiings who can claim descent from Janard Lastralgor. The male lineage of Kodig (or at least the royal male lineage) has died out iin the Greater Darkness, but his daughters and granddaughters etc. contribute to the ancestry of Nochet and Esrolia. The Vingkotlings would have exchanged daughters as wives with their fellow Vingkotlings, and with other tribes around them. Sons too, but to a much lesser extent. Orlanthi tribes of different descent like e.g. the Aramites or the Entruli will have intermarried with the Heortlings, too. Earlier, the Durevings and the Helerings exchanged wives with other native humans they encountered, too. The Pelaskite survivors of Karse are now integraed in the coastal popzlation of Heortland and to a lesser extent of God Forgot and Esrolia, and will have intermarried rather frequently and freely with the Pelaskite survvors (and descendants) at Serid Yarkassa who spread to the Rightarm Isles, potentially to God Forgot and certainly to Mirrorsea-adjacent Caladraland and Esrolia. They also interbred readily with visiting sailors, such as Waertagi, Middle Sea empire sailors from all over their world, and more recently vsitors after the Closing or foreign wives e,g, from Melib, Teshnos, Handra, the Quinpolic League or even Maslo or Fonrit brought back home. A certain amount of Wolf Pirate ancestry will have been added, too, when women abducted in those coastal raids could be ransomed back pregnant or with offspring. There are places well known for haing experienced interbreeding - take for instance the Praxians. Following the Battle of Argentium Thri'ile, clans of Bison Riders and Sable Riders settled down as new nomad overlords over the sedentary people of Kostaddi and the Dara Happan parts of Sylila, Following the Battle of Eleven Beasts, something similar may have happened in eastern Fronela. There is no mention of Impala-descended Pelorians, or High Llamas found in the region. Boshan was conqured by Sheng Seleris, and quite a few of his Praxian followers went native there, becoing a warrior nobility of the place and doubtlessly taking concubines or even wives from the local population. They are a part of Godunya's empire now. Teshnos has been raided by Praxians since their exodus into Genert's wastes, and they will have taken slaves from there, especially female ones whose offspring then would have become regular tribesfolk. A similar fate will have been met by Dragon Pass folk, Sun County and Pavis County peasants, and there is a high likelihood that most Oasis Folk have Praxian Beast Rider paternity in their lineages, too. Morokanth and Impala Riders take slaves, too, and there will be some interbreeding between female slaves to the Impala tribe and their male owners. The Morokanth may have the occasional awakened Herd Man (or Herd Woman) in their tribe, and those might be allowed to breed with human slaves, too, but overall the admixture of humans from the pre-Waha Morokanth rider ancesty to extant humannity will be rather low. Likewise, there will be the occasional/exceptional Awakened High Llama, Bison, Sable Antelope, Impala, Rhino, Ostrich or Bolo Lizard in those respective tribes as full tribal members, although with very limited expectations to sire or give birth to inelligent offspring. They may be ritually married to humans in the tribe, and adopt human offspring of their marriage partners. Hsunchen are weird in their humans generally adopting the racial phenotype of the neighboring non-Hsunchen humans. Quite a few of those neighbors may be Hsunchen-descended but at some point in the past converted to the human culture of their neighbors and losing their direct beast connection. Especially the eastern expension of Malkionism is full of such Hsunchen-descended population, and also much of Kralorela. The Hsunchen of Pamaltela generally have Agimori traits, although there are several subtypes of Agimori they could be modeled on, including the pygmy tribes of the Errinoru jungle who might be the archetype for small-bodied Pamaltelan Hsunchen/Fiwan. There are two general ethnicities labeled Agimori, those who originated south of the Fense mountain ranges whose ancestors migrated north (mainly to Banamba and Laskal and from there into the rest of Fonrit), and those from Thinobutu who migrated to the coasts and coastal islands including Kumanku, and Loral. There also were migrations of holy Chaos fighters into the north, resulting in the men-and-a-half of Prax, and after the Gbaji Wars the Pithdarans of Nolos. The Teleosians are labeled as Agimori, but it isn't clear whether they were part of the Man-and-a-Half migration who remained on Teleos, or whether they were one of the waves of exodus from sunk Thinobutu or the sunk initial refugee lands. The Agimori/Doraddi claim to be (mainly) Made People from clay and other ingredients, created by Pamalt and seveal of his Necklace buddies, while the Thinobutans have the great spirit Soli as the sole shaper of clay etc. to create their four pairs of ancestors from four differently hued types of clay, who then proceeded to breed in all available combinations of coloration creating a spectrum reaching from light gray/brown or red to black in skin colorations. On the whole, Thinobutan-descended Agimori are lighter skinned than Doraddi-descended Agimori, as attested for Thinokos in Fonrit. The Exigers of the eastern Tarmo and western Mari mountains are of unclear and by now probably mixed ancestry. Their culture doesn't have any vestiges of Doraddi lineage plant ancestral worship, which makes a former Hsunchen/Fiwan origin as good an alternative, and as a third possibility a branch off the Kimos people unwilling to continue the eternal fighting against the Gorgers. Or, as a fourth possibility, an exotic origin from other demigod beings taking human form, possibly including dryads and other genii loci There are no (known) Hsunchen conforming to the Veldang race, peoples of a planetary (or Lunar) origin with generally blue hues of skin coloration. Two major groups are known, the Artmali whose voluntary and involuntary migrations spread them to southeastern, central southwestern and central northwestern Pamaltela, with the central southwestern population mostly destroyed by the Skyspill that created the Nargan Desert, and the Zaranistangi Loper people whose main migration ended in Melib and Teshnos, although they sent a significant contingent to Ralios during the final years of the Seshnegi crusade against the Stygian Autarchy, from where they migrated south into Slontos before being genocided there. Their domination over parts of Teshnos ended with the establishment of the Middle Sea Empire Colony of Eest first on Melib, later also in the Teshnan mainland. Wareran ancestry was spread by both the Brithini-descended mortals and the Lightbringer missionaries. The Kachisti Speaking Tour established cities in the Hykimi (Hsunchen) lands of the Genertelan Greatwood, including modern Fronela, Ralios and Seshnela, and possibly Slontos. The Vadeli enslaved vast portions of anciesnt Danmalastan, also including the Kachisti of Genertela but mainly the Kadeniti and Tadeniti populations and some of the Enrovalini population of the lowlands outside of Brithos, and as a guess I would expect survivors of this enslavement to make up a significant of the human population of Slon. Which makes a Wareran phenotype for the Dinosaur hsunchen of Slon a possible alternative to an Agimori appearance. The rest of the Slon humanity may have other Hsunchen, Veldang, Doraddi or Thinobutan ancestry, making a racial categorisation as difficult as for the mixed Torab slave population of Fonrit which includes Veldang, Doraddi, and to a lesser extent Thinokan and Umathelan ancestry. As vile as Vadeli culture is, they seem to adhere as strictly to the taboo against interbreeding as the Orthodox Brithini of Brithos, Sog City and Arolanit. Less orthodox Brithini found interbreeding with their Malkioni cousins acceptable, and potentially even undamaging to their prospects of extreme longevity, at least during the Dawn Age and Middle Sea Empire. The Closing prevented any further exodus from Brithos, but maybe Zzabur's ethnical cleansing had already been sufficient to clean up the Brithini population from dissident thinking. The non-orthodox Brithini Malkioni were fairly open to interbreeding with non-Malkioni, assigning them appropriate caste designations once they accepted them into their domain. (The strictly endogamous Aeolian Esvulari are a bit of a headache, there, as is their relationship to the somewhat more enigmatic Ingareens and true Brithini of God Forgot. But then their total population is less than that of Nochet.) The Waertagi are a hybrid race of ancient westerrners claiming descent from Malkion or the Logicians and the Wartain mertribe. They seem to have normal human life-spans, and there are known cases of interbreeding with coastal populations e.g. in Nolos, although they also maintained ethnically separate colonies during the Closing on the Edrenlin archipelago and in Sog City. The riverine Waertagi of the Janube, Poralistor and Oronin rivers on the other hand seem to have left mixed offspring on the shores, possibly explaining the Dona culture of riverine Fronela, the Harangvats of the Sweet Sea, the Oroninans of Carmania, and the Castle Blue population. There may be Waertagi descendants on the White Sea, too - there definitely are some on the Thunder Delta, and probably a few crewing vessels on the Oslir and Arcos rivers, too. Still, the Waertagi ships probably are crewed by Waertagi with rather little non-Waertagi or non-Triolini admixture. Half-breeds born to the ships might be encouraged to seek unions with Triolini, or to leave for a iife on the shores if they feel attraction to non-Waertagi. Other than the Hsunchen, I wonder whether the Ludoch follow the race of the neighboring humans or whether they all are Wareran in appearance. There are four major Ludoch kingdoms, two in the East Isles, one in the Marthino Sea and one in the Solkathi Sea, Rozgali Sea and adjacent coastal waters. The latter clearly are of Wareran phenotype, and probably direct kin to the Waertagi, but I don't know about the other three groups. Do the Marthino Ludoch resemble the Thunobutan-descended humans e.g. of the Maslo Sea? (And does that mean they resemble the Doraddi or Men-and-a-Half?) And do the east Isles Ludoch facial types resemble the nearby islanders and the Zabdamar women more than they do resemble the Choralinthor Ludoch? And how comes that the places with the most widespread interbreeding (Fonrit and Melib) have Veldang admixture?
  6. The Gloranthan concept of human race is rather broader than the categories used in the fallacious categories in US documentation or Third Reich persecutions. There are four major human races, generally of varied mythical (and thereby real) origins.. Skin color follows general guidelines, but varies inside each of the categories. Of the four main human races, the Wareran phentype has the most varied skin kolorations unless you count the Teleos phenomenon for the Agimori spectrum of skin colorations. Each group has several approaches to ancestry - there are made ancestors, often from clay and other elemental portions, there are ancestors who were beasts or plants (or, if you are nitpicky, demigod or divine beasts and plants), there are ancestors who were deities, demigods or spirits, and there are claims that there were ancestors as direct expressions of the man rune (in effect, another type of demigods). Non-aldryami humans claiming descent from trees are rare, but Entekosiad mentions such in the Wareran spectrum. There has been a lot of interbreeding between humans of different origins, and finding pure-blooded descendants of a specific mythical origin is fairly hard outside of the Brithini, Vadeli and Men-and-a-half. And even the Brithini and Vadeli confess to mathical admixture to their ancestry. Lunar Tarsh outside of the lowland cities is predominantly Heortling in ancestry, much like Sartar. The Lunarized cities have a strong portion of immigrant Dara Happans and other Pelorians, bringing their own phenotypes. (Just out of morbid curiousity, how does "Mestizo" differentiate from "Lationo"?). The phenotypes of Peloria have some regional variations, but all are within the Wareran spectrum. I'll discuss a few special cases in separate posts to keep this reply legible and under the "critical word count"... Looking at your extremely narrow definition of race, I wonder whether you would class Bison riders within the same race as Sable Riders, let alone the pygmy Impala Riders. Praxians take slaves, and descendants of female slaves are accepted into their tribes as free (but usually poor) people (unless pleasing their fathers). Male slaves don't usually get to sire offspring, although some might escape emasculation, and might even be allowed to participate in Eirithan fertility rites. There is evidence to the contrary that Argrath was gelded... Again, I'll separate out my detailed reply for the sake of legibility. Shorter answer, the High Llama, Bison, Sable and Rhino riders are mostly normal sized humans of the Wareran type, with skin coloration ranging in a spectrum similar to that of the Sartarites or the Pol Joni. The Impala Riders are very dark-skinned pygmies and may be considered something different from the Wareran race or at least a highly variant branch of that race. Heortlanders and Esrolians are phentypically the same as the majority of the Tarshites. Sun Dome Templars in Tarsh and Sartar may resemble the Solar Wareran phenotype of fair hair accompanying a medium brown skin, a trait also found dominating (but not exclusive) among the Grazelander rider population and the Zebra Riders of Pavis and Prax. Urban Tarsh has imported a significant amount of people from the Heartlands, with Dara Happan (noble and peasant) ancestry and other regional ethnicities. The Lunar dynasty of Tarsh has Doblian and Red Emperor (i.e. Rinliddic, from Teelo Norri) ancestry admixed to the Illaro lineage of Heortlings. This might result in red or black hair and medium brown skin from Hon-eel's ancestry, and the usual brown or orange Heortling hair .and olive (medium brown) skin tones from the Illaro and Sorana Tor side. Moirades' mother probably was from a Sylilan noble family with all manner of possible ancestry, Pharandros' mother was Fazzur's sister and thus of mainly Heortling ancestry, Moirades daughter has the FHQ as her mother, with mixed Grazer and even some Sartar (the hero) ancestry, and Phargentes II has more Eel-Ariash and unknown Heartland (Reclusus) ancestry in addition to every Red Emperor's magical Red Goddess maternity. Race is much less an issue than ancestry in both the biological and ethnic sense. (Unless you want to use the even more flawed Third Reich definition of race of the already deeply flawed US definition of race that continues the fallacies of the Imperial Age colonialism race theory which wasn't based on strict application of the scientific method but working backwards from an expectation of superiority.) Mixed ancestry is pretty much the norm. I'll point out some mixtures in subsequent posts, and also a few potentially "pure" lineages.
  7. But unlike this world's anthropologists, the God Learners were able to observe the magical exchange and access to the Otherworld in those rites, and they acquired the knowledge to ride on that same magic to enter the Other Side, and to follow the paths through Godtime, and encounter the entities of Godtime. There is no requirement for belief. Not for the real initiates who have the soul connection (the initiatory POW exchange) with the cult entity, and not for the community of lay worshippers supporting the initiates and rune masters with their MP sacrifice, votive and sacrificial offerings expecting these people to use their blessings and rune magic on behalf of the community, or out of obligation for previous events. Or the hangers on who participate in the rites in exchange for other personal gains like skill training, battle magic, or knowledge. The God Learners did one experiment where they made a population in Umathela conduct worship to an invented deity, Jogrampur. It isn't quite clear how they managed to do that, but I suppose that God Learner wizards acted as the priesthood for this community, probably using some form ofyter as receptable for the magic points and personal power invested by the community which they then used for their sorcery which provided the magical reawards to the community, possibly by commanding lesser Otherworld entities under their domination (sprit cult entities) to provide some rune magic. On the Other Side, they would observe the nexus of energies coalesicng and leaving a trail of energies connecting to the rest of Godtime I suppose they made this experiment to further their understanding of what happens with the magic sacrificed in the Invisible God worship rites, that part of the magic that does not go to the officiating wizards but is passed on to the worshipped entity instead. But in the end, the worship rituals are a pretty predictable exchange with the Other Side, where a regenerating resource of the Surface World is given to the worshipped entity, and an amount of Other Side magic is entering the Surface World, in the fom of blessings or rune points, or in the case of the worship of the Invisible God, magic points available to th officiating wizards to cast magic with. There is no questipn of belief. The God Learner participants certainly did not havev the same perception of those rites as regular initiates would have, even if they were technically initiated to the cult and perceive the rites like normal initiates or rune masters, since they had the additional information from their RuneQuest Sight. But then, an Illuminate participating in a cult rite would have an extra perception of the activities, too.
  8. I think that this statement is weird. Probably wrong. The God Learners would not have wasted time researching a topic that wasn't meaningful to them in some quite fungible way. Instead, they put in resources and risked their own lives to usurp and enter these deities rites and myths in order to be able to understand, exploit and manipulate them.
  9. Joerg

    Voyage Myths

    Anaxial, Waertag, Diros, Varanorlanth, Jeset, Artmal, Miirdek come to mind, and any number of heroic figures from the East Isles. Basically any deity that you can associate with the Boat Planet. Many a Godtime "actual" ship is made from impossible components. Including living or "dead but active" creatures. Take for instance the Lightbringers' sea journey on Sofala, the sea turtle goddess owing Orlanth a favor for him saving her Diroti children from the Seabird Army. That turtle could easily be a Waertagi Dragonship that lost its crew. There is a problem with the God Learner maps of Godtime Glorantha - they have a very short window to allow inland seas, and otherwise only offer Sramak's River as the surface where naval journeys were possible. The invasion of Sshorg brings the first deluge to the island (!) of Thinobutu. Both the Togaro and the Hudaro oceans begin invading the Dry Land surface of the Earth Cube after the birth of Umath pushed the cube down the shaft of the Spike. (Possibly deforming it from a perfect cube into the Lozenge that floats just about the sea level.) The river gets defeated or arranged with and accepts its banks, and apart from a couple of pools that have other origins, there are hardly any inland bodies of water that would register as seas. That changes in the Flood Era, when standing waves enter the land and even lay themselves across mountain ranges like the Rockwoods (and presumably the Mislari). For the duration of their war against the dry lands defended by Orlanth or Tada, the area around the Spike is covered by seas. After the standing waves have been blown away by Storm, only the Faralinthor basin remains for a while, offering quite the surface initially but ultimately dried out by the onslaught of Vadrus. The flooding of lowland Vithela is irreversible, and while the Neliomi had been tapped out of all energy by both Brithini and Vadeli, it never went away either. Other seas or currents or waves from that period came and then disappeared in the later Storm Age or Ice Age, at least north of the Spike. The sea around Thinobutu apparently extended all the way to Kumanku and Thinokos, and may have been linked to the Churkenos Sea before the Somelz magic raised that square land in the southwest. The seas only returned (with a vengeance or two) after the Breaking of the World, bringing in Magasta's Pool and the Doom Currents. This marks the rough extent of the modern shore lines, give or take a few lands drowned in the Second Age cataclysms or otherwise during the Closing. The Flood Age in western Glorantha brought Artmali, Banthites and Helerites to rival Waertagi and (a little later) Vadeli sailing. Finzalvo the Fisherman and the East Isles campaign against the Antigods on the eastern shoe of Pamaltela is another one. The Sendereven migration onto Sramak's River is one. The Outrigger epics around Thinobutu are another one, a sequel to the Sendereven story tracking a lost vessel from that fleet. The rise of Mokato and its ally against the Waertagi expansion into the East Isles, the sea and sky journey of Errinoru, and the Closing-defying sea travels from Jrustela or by Jonat are notorious, too...
  10. Temple Spirits are a special case of Wyters, and have a clear initiatory relationship to the deity whose temple they guard, which is why I am fine with giving them rune points to provide rune spells as blessings. I would not allow them to use the community "add another POW to affect up to five community members" feature with these rune points, though. IMG there are plenty wyters that do not have a direct temple relation. Their communities determine the maximum manifestable strength of the wyter, expressed as their POW stat which also defines the MP holding capacity of the wyter from worship. (NPC) community members might be willing to sacrifice POW gained in worship involving the wyter to the community spirit rather than retaining it for their personal growth. PCs might do so rarely, too. Often upon joining a community, proving their sincerity and commitment. (I wonder whether something like that happens in marriage rites, too.).
  11. Good question. She appears to be a goddess of contradictions or in-betweens. Her domain Suvaria is both water and land. The Dara Happans (or at least Plentonius) refer to it as Land of Brilliance. Her powers are those of life, but she also delivers death. She is the mother of physical beings - both of Man Rune and Beast Rune - and spirits. Her form is a bird, but she doesn't appear to have any ties to the Fire Tribe, or celestial aspirations. And yet, there is a celestial river, and a celestial marsh. She (or rather her son) brought her people through the Flood without any help from Anaxial or Antirius, but her people became vassals of Anaxial's empire, until Emperor Manalarvus (Manarlavus?) abandoned them to the Ice. Under the Three Separate Worlds dogma of the Hero Wars era, Surenslib was defined as a Great Spirit rather than a deity, much like Genert was. For a theist RuneQuest cult, her runes need to be taken from the six elemental and eight power runes, or the two form runes of beast and man. I am inclined to let her worship follow the same runes as Arachne Solara's in The Smoking Ruins, where her devotees appear to have Beast and Fertility in common - something applicable to Surenslib as well. The Dorkath Rite is similar to the Wild Templer Rite in its ecstatic combination of Fertility and Death, and while Dorkath is a city, the rite itself appears to be wilderness themed, resonating with the less social tendencies of the Beast Rune. .There might be a Balance aspect to her, possibly linking her to the Blue Moon, another deity tied to the balance of water and land. Thus, there may be Moon, Earth or Water elemental aspects of her, but much if not most of all that will be from associate deities who will have their own sets of runes to cast those magics.
  12. Whar kind of tool would a wife of the World Machine be? If Mostal had a wife, it may have been Grower, one of the few beings of equivalent status to the World machine/Maker. Growth is a necessity to replace that which was used to Make. It is the part of Creation Mostal is unable to provide. Mostal is the balancer of Growth and Creation, his Making transforms that which is brought into the world into stability and continued existence. Making always comes with losses, and those losses require replacement as much as recycling.
  13. Missing Lands had a myth about Bab, the Food Goddess, made to feed the fish (so to say) who turned out to be (or become) Gata, the broad earth (or was it earth broad?). Nurturing the Seas sounds like caring to me.
  14. Joerg

    Kero Fin

    Stone is different from soil. For instance, it is no longer vibrantly alive.
  15. Sounds dangerously similar to why the EWF Third Council went wrong.
  16. Horses are sky creatures, originally feathered, probably always viviparous, and their descent from Vrimak may be more of a God Learner echo (a Vrimak like phoenix ancestor of Hykim and Mikyh) than Dara Happan canon which has King Griffon as the ancestor of Hippogriff. The horse people (charioteers, I assume) were foes of the Ratite riders of northeastern Genertela. This may be the disdain for a fallen sky creature, though. So, if by "bird" you mean "originally winged, clawed and beaked", yes. If you mean "one pair of wings for the main limbs, one pair of legs to walk on", then definitely no. And the Gazzam (earth shakers, dinosaurs) of Dara Happa were in all likelihood covered in down or had actual feathers, but many lacked the beaks, too. Speaking of nurturing, I wonder when the earth goddesses began to manifest mammaries. According to elemental descent of animals theory, it required the birth of Storm to introduce milkgving animals.
  17. The matrix is taken out of the Charisma limit for the rune point pool, and recovers RP independently from its creator(s). While itmaintains a connection to the deity, it has been severed from the creator.
  18. You find someone literate to read it out aloud. Literacy isn't that rare, at least one in seven people will have basic literacy and be able to read out aloud their native language or Tradetalk haltingly. To be literate means to be a lay worshipper of Lhankor Mhy, and probably vice versa, too. (By this logic, given the darktongue literacy requirement to join Argan Argar as an initiate, all Argan Argar initiates are lay worshippers of LM.)
  19. This could still have had a variation on the Land of Ninja campaign in some Lunar place like two households both alike in dignity.
  20. Weirdly enough, the semi-circular shape with the great acoustics is a Greek theater, while the full circle or ovoid shape is an amphitheater. Any such competition in a knowledge temple sounds more like a game of Jeopardy or non-trivial pursuit, with the rewards being funds for new scrolls copied or bought. While I remember MOB suggesting a hippodrome for Nochet since it is one of the Gloranthan metropolises like Byzantium (alongside Sog City and possibly more), I don't think that the Storm Sixth would have many stadions for competitive sports. While there are athletic competitions, those would be at city assembly sites or at certain temple complexes, at least IMG. Casino Town should have race tracks for horses (and other riding animals) or chariots, and for athletics. Also fighting pits for pancration, wrestling, or bear and other monster fighting, or cock-fighting, or Rubble Runner fights. (Or plushies, as in the Radioactive video by Imagine Dragons...) Minoan-style Bull jumping sounds like something done in Fronela or Carmania. Spanish style Bull-Fighting might be Carmanian, too, and possibly Jonatelan (a land surrounded by potentially hostile bull-Orlanthi that doesn't worship bulls but bears). I always thought that RQ3 Monster Colliseum was the failed first Lunar supplement. A 56 page booklet on dart competitions and some urban Lunar background could have made that generic supplement a nice Gloranthan one.
  21. That makes her old enough to have played with the children of Salinarg as a toddler, but a year or two too young to be a fighting member of the Household of Death in 1602. She may have undergone some initial training, though.
  22. In that case, the wyter needs to be an initiate or priest of a greater deity than itself. That's entirely possible - even Orlanth started his questing addressing a higher power. I don't think that an entity's innate powers would require rune points. Rune points are gained from transferring POW to the deity granting the spell, either from their own list or from one of the locally recognized and worshipped associates. (One might say that the common rune spells are given through association of the deity with the deities of the Celestial Court.)
  23. Your heroes will (doubtlessly/hopefully) contribute to the outcome, but they cannot be everywhere. Heroes and demigods from all over the world participate and impose drastic changes. The fragment in question is about a stage in the Lightbringers' Quest - one that Argrath doesn't exactly visit in his quest for Sheng Seleris, as he departs from the Lightbringers' path at the Court of the Dead to go into a deeper Underworld to find and release Sheng Seleris, and possibly using a different exit, too. Otherwise, the death of the gods would be in effect in 1643 already, with drastic consequences.
  24. The problem with letting the wyter cast this is that it costs the wyter's permanent POW, which can of course be replenished by the congregation donating that POW. Wyters don't have rune points, their POW acts as one-use RP.
  25. IMO/IMG the "inherited wealth" is really delegated household wealth. The young noble or priest offspring gets to administrate one or several of the hides supporting the family, contributing to the family wealth and income while upholding the required personal status and ostentation. Property comes with obligations, like taxes paid to clan and temples, and solving everyday problems that pile up, like predators endangering herds, herbivores plaguing the fields, diseases of plants or livestock, vermin in the storage, maintenance of the infrastructure... One could make this an economic interlude game with a few rolls between the seasons, to take care of the problems, seeing how good the measures take.I have played in two convention heroquest games with that kind of resource management, and then there is of course King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages with its clan activities per season.
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