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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. It can certainly be viewed in that way. And I'm sure the Cosmic Dragon had a good laugh about it!
  2. Personally I like much more random birthdates and then see how that relates or contradicts their runes - makes for some interesting questions and storylines about why they are different. The entire second week of Sacred Time is holy to Chalana Arroy. It also represents the time when Chalana Arroy was in the Underworld on the Lightbringer's Quest. Having a baby born to a Chalana Arroy healer during the Sacred Time strongly suggests some interaction with creatures of the Underworld during the prior Sacred Time - perhaps the result of a union with a demon, darkness entity, or even a spirit. Or even if the mother was not a Chalana Arroy healer, it could still represent some similar union where the mother encountered an Underworld figure while the energies and magics of the Lightbringer Quest were strongly in the world.
  3. One reason I created some alternate birth date generation tables here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/8138-rqg-birthday-tables/ The week runes are Luck and Fate. The former suggests some random blessing, boon, or curse (with an elemental association if on Freezeday through Fireday, totally random on Wildday, associated with a random deity on Godsday). Could be a blend of the random gift tables from Humakt and Yelmalio, or a random skill or rune increase, or even a random spirit or rune spell as a natural ability. The latter something pre-ordained (much like the gift/geas concept for Humakti and Yelmalions). The player can choose one specific blessing, but will receive 1-3 specific limitations as a result (GM select from the geas tables or the shamans taboo table), and if they break that limitation, the blessing is forever lost.
  4. It is also about the recognition that the One is simply part of the Many and also part of the Void. There is no You. You are all and none. Beyond accepting Chaos. You are Chaos, and contain Chaos. You are also not-Chaos. No. That is a recognition of Duality. The triumph of Illumination is shattering both uniqueness and duality. You can be/are Multitudes. Also disagree with this. Illumination includes the recognition that You does not exist. You are many, two, one, and none simultaneously. You are God, mortal, chaos, spirit, and nothing. Agree. To see yourself as the One, is I think the hubris of the gods. There is no One. This is part of what the Dragons see, that destruction of the shell helps to return oneself to the many, the infinite, and the none. Nysalor, as Illuminated, is Beyond Good and Evil. There is nothing 'evil' for him to do. It is failure to move beyond stages of Illumination that leads to evil such as believing you can use Chaos to become more powerful.
  5. jajagappa


    First, I'd just say go for it! Sounds like it could be a really fun area to run a campaign. Between the Kings of Seshnela (GtG p.412), Seshnela events (GtG p.415), the Hero Wars Begin (GtG p.424), possibly the voyages of Dormal, and whatever other dates you can glean from the Seshnela chapter, you should be able to get a good basis for this. Keep it simple at the start: Fornoar, maybe Rindland, maybe some Orlanthi area in Ralios (where you can use the Sartar or Old Tarsh homeland as a model). Sorcery spells for your Malkioni cults (or even for sorcerous 'schools' that characters might get magic from).
  6. Given that I believe they are typically spirits that appear, I see no reason anyone needs to travel - the spirits appear in some capacity. Of course, it may be more auspicious for the child to be born in some place favored by such ancestors (e.g. the stead with some small shrine to the ancestors).
  7. No, it's true in RQ2 as well (p.36) as seen in the spell strike rank table. A 1 pt spell (used POW instead of MP then) took 0 SR. Each additional point added 1 SR for casting.
  8. And I'd say YGWV. I think as Jeff has said elsewhere the rules are a toolkit to work with, and this point doesn't need to be explicit. If you want low-power NPC's, do so. If you want a lot of NPC's with magic, do so. I don't think this is a question that requires resolution within the rules.
  9. Illusion and Disorder primarily. Maybe Moon originally until it acquired its more chaotic taint. For instance, you've always known young Asborn to be troublesome and selfish, full of pranks and mean jokes. When he emerges from his initiation he's clearly marked with the rune of Disorder. His kin are worried. Perhaps it can be channeled towards the Storm Bull, but everyone has their eye out now on Asborn. And what of young Hereva? She's always been very secretive, hidden, and prone to hiding things. Her rites show her with a bent towards Illusion, not the practical ways of the Earth. Maybe they'll encourage her towards Vinga - see if she can come to terms with this in association with her Air rune. Or maybe she has an affinity towards music and dance as well and someone will encourage her to find a Donandar troupe. But maybe that association with Illusion is just too strong and her kin think it likely that she will fall towards the Trickster. I'm sure post-birth blessings and omens are commonly looked for. Who are the Three that appear at their birth? Some may be ancestors (there's a reason Orlgard is so like his great-grandfather Hargard!), some may be known clan spirits, but there may well be Strangers or Gods, or even a discorporate shaman! If Eurmal shows up, well that's a strong omen. But Eurmal likes disguises, so who knows when he's secretly appeared. If you figure the typical Orlanthi All, then 85% may well fit expectations at initiation, but those other 15%... well who knows!
  10. I agree. Although I ran RQ for 10 years, I had not done so for 20 years at the point where I picked up the RQG Quickstart. It gets you into the basics: use of skills, basic combat, use of augments/runes/passions, use of spirit magic, use of rune magic, how to heal damage, and I extended slightly to get in some spirit combat. Using pregens allows you to get to those aspects quickly and give you a reasonable balance of characters to start (though not sure why the pregens had such crappy Herd skills!). With basics down, explore character creation. Start with humans (or something very close like ducks). Well, that didn't take long at all! Harmast with a sword and inspired by his Hate(Greydog) went right over 100% during my Quickstart run. But that was just one addition to figuring out the combat results. Yes!
  11. No, not until they can through cult initiation. I don't know that this would be so. It's only here where those with the Chaos taint, or Trickster runes, are really revealed. Perhaps their personalities will give some indication of what people suspect will be dominant, but not yet manifest. (E.g. that boy was very restless - we thought he'd manifest the Movement rune, or Air, but turns out he's got Fire and Disorder within.) I do agree that there will be a lot of reading of omens. It may well be that the Runes are very much in flux as a child grows so that this is an inexact art. Some you can read well and direct accordingly, others are very much a mystery and even hidden from the gods and ancestors.
  12. Years ago one of my players created one of these type of characters. So bland that the character was named Grucius Grey. IIRC the character ended up as an Irrippi Ontor scribe who trekked off to Giantland and later helped establish Amber Fort on the shores of the Elf Sea. But despite the mediocre rolls/stats, the player just went with it since he wasn't really sure what he wanted to create. But the PC got increasingly fleshed out over time - and the Character Background Generator certainly helps with that. I certainly wouldn't force mediocrity on a player's character, but it can still be an interesting change of pace for those who want to run with it.
  13. Since it is not up-to-date vs. the pdf of 11 October, I would say not to as you'd just end up pulling in items that have already been addressed.
  14. Could be that a copper axe ignores armor, and when Redeye's HP drop to 0, then he fades back into the Otherworld. Or maybe the touch of the copper axe drinks up MP like a spirit combat attack and if MP drop to 0, then he fades away. Or maybe you need to find a ritually enchanted copper axe that has some other properties or powers. Or maybe no weapon will work well - you need another way. Perhaps you need to borrow the Jeweled Notes from Queen Leika to lull Redeye to sleep (it's really why he's got red eyes - he can't sleep!). What you need to do when he's sleeping may be another question.
  15. Set up a quest for the PCs to gain the weapons, magics, and/or blessings needed to defeat Redeye. They go to Queen Leika with the news. She consults her advisors and recommends they talk with the Earth priestess at Clearwine (thus getting Ernalda's blessing). What might they need? a magical truffle taken from an aldryami grove (negotiate with Tarndisi perhaps? or something more distant like the Stinking Forest) to lure Redeye out of his place of refuge a shadow to blind Redeye (from an Argan Argar merchant) a copper axe to ritually drive Redeye back to the Otherworld (perhaps the Earth temple will loan it for services; or perhaps they have a vision of it in some ancient queen's barrow?)
  16. "North of Dragon Pass, in the region called Peloria, there arose the Red Moon Goddess. In her were balanced Constancy and Change, Life and Death, Love and Indifference, and all the dichotomies of the Universe, including a touch of Chaos. Her arrival changed the face of the land." So too did Greg's arrival change the face of gaming and helped launch the world of tabletop roleplaying which I discovered in the form of RuneQuest back in 1982. 12 years later at RQ Con 1, I met Greg for the first time where I had the chance to talk about my explorations of Glorantha, Imther and the Lunar Empire. That began a correspondence with Greg through which he shared his thoughts and guidance as I explored the mythic side of Saird, Sylila, and the Lunar provinces. He was happy to help in that exploration even though little of my work in that period has surfaced beyond a few fanzines. While we talked more in person at RQ Con 2, my favorite memory of Greg was during a trip to the Bay Area in 2001. Chaosium was in the former naval yard in Oakland at the time and Greg invited me to visit and gave me a personal tour of the offices including much of the unpublished files. We had dinner at one of his favorite restaurants in Berkeley. A very enjoyable day! I'm sad to hear the news of his passing, but glad that he was able to see the restoration of Chaosium and the return of RuneQuest to its roots. Condolences to all his family!
  17. I like that much better! On the taboos, I note that these come directly from Sartar Companion, so fine to use as is, but a couple thoughts below: > Never commit adultery - another possible taboo could be "Never wear clothes [possibly for specific location]" so that you are closest to the winds. > Must Tend Oak Trees - I don't tend to think of oak trees in association with frost/snow. You might consider something like "Gather mistletoe each Freezeday during Darkseason" > Rise Early From Sleep - I'd make it more specific such as "Rise each day before Dawn" or "Never rise before Dawn"
  18. I don't think it would be amiss to have the Kolating shaman hunt down spirits that have a single specific rune spell, particularly if that spirit has a taboo that the shaman must adopt. If you just grant them as rune spells all you have to do is spend the rune points to get them, and at that point you have a cult as powerful as Orlanth (which is why I wouldn't play it that way, and would simply ask 'why not use Orlanth?'). [Note: one additional way to play and limit Kolating scope is that Kolat has only shrines and each shrine only has one rune spell available, and possibly on a one-use rather than reusable basis.] As for the Spirit Society of Oakfed, I think we've really only had a preview in RQG. He's really only got one special rune spell, and you go to his one main site to regain. Otherwise, you're acting as a shaman and you are travelling into the spirit plane to find friendly spirits with whatever magic they have. Assuming Oakfed is friendly with Kolat, his shamans could gain a spirit that knows Increase Wind to help spread Oakfed's fires. Different ways to play - I'd just tend to focus on the shamanic rather than rune spell aspects.
  19. Yep, my sentiments as well. Very simply for basic notifications, yet able to include short responses on a wide range of topics. While I enjoy the BRP Forums, they aren't as easy for quick social media type posts. Will not use Facebook for this.
  20. I like this idea a lot. I'd probably make it a result that is Major or Complete (since that is effectively what I've focused on), but like the idea of including both Victory and Defeat. Rolling against itself makes sense.
  21. That's really what the two Demon Lords from Plates 30 and 37 of the Cryptic Verses of the Yellow Calendar (GtG p.745-6) are doing. The twin phoenix eggs are just a ruse. In Plate 30, they are busy gathering the ingredients in the East Isles. In Plate 37, they are presenting the 1000 Island Dressing to Can Shu for his ritual feast ala Elder Races.
  22. Consider one of our modern day equivalents. You're in a team meeting watching a powerpoint presentation (the action around you). You've got your laptop open and you're focused on finishing the spreadsheet you have open as it is due at the same time the meeting is to end. You're generally aware of the presentation and discussions around you and nod occasionally when you see a face occasionally turn your way. But you are focused and concentrating on the spreadsheet spell. And then something in the powerpoint catches your attention that you know is wrong. You've got to make a concentration roll to complete that one function and save the spreadsheet before responding. But if it breaks your concentration, or you really have to respond or even answer a direct question, you've lost your focus on the spreadsheet. If it hasn't fully broken your concentration, you readily pick back up. If it has though, you discover you lost the wifi connection in the room without saving.
  23. This seems way too much for Kolat. His followers are shamans, not theistic worshippers. Personally, I'd tend to make them strictly shamans with an affinity almost exclusively to spirits of the Air and Movement. However, if you like the cult model, follow that of Oakfed (RQG p.379) who is the equally powerful spirit of Fire. Common Rune Magic: Divination, Extension 1, Multispell 1, and Spirit Block. Special Rune Magic: Summon and Dismiss Air Elemental (any size), and probably Increase/Decrease Wind. All other magics through spirits. I'd exclude spirit magics associated with other elements (i.e. no Darkwall, Firewall, Firearrow, Fireblade).
  24. Well they had multi-years of grain stored in Nochet and probably most Esrolian cities. Controlled of course by the cult of Asrelia, which means the Grandmothers of the Noble Houses had a lot of power over access to and distribution, and what refugees from the countryside might receive (and for what price). Samastina's coup at the end of the Great Winter (same day as Battle of Auroch Hills) could have had some impact, but since this is not a central, bureaucratic organization, odds are sale and trade of grain went on as normal. Demand in Heortland and Sartar likely mean those controlling the routes across the Mirrorsea exacted higher prices. Those cities outside of Nochet with surplus could have used the Trader's Road to gain concessions from Maniria or the riverine route to Sartar/Grazelands.
  25. Effectively what I've ended up with is this: You get 3 HP's to start play which can be used at any point including establishing/cementing relationships At the end of the session you have 3 points of experience If you have HP's still available, you can apply those for any type of increase as part of experience (i.e. new abilities, new breakouts, increases in existing abilities or keywords, cementing relationships, etc.) If you don't have HP's available, your experience points are restricted to those skills where you either: 1) applied an HP during play; 2) achieved at least a major victory; or 3) rolled a critical success
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