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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. p.368: "If both combatants succeed, the winner is whichever combatant achieved the better result." I take this to mean there is a winner and a loser, unless they both rolled the same. No, based on the above, at the same level of success, there is a winner. "The winner succeeds and the loser fails. The winner does spirit combat damage to the loser." Only in the case of both achieving a critical success do both take damage.
  2. On the edges are the members of the Celestial Court who held the Power Runes. These are the Powers that influence the body/mind. Left side, working down: Fertility Rune: Uleria Stasis Rune: Acos Truth Rune: Orenoar Harmony Rune: Harana Ilor Right side, working down: Death Rune: Kargan Tor Movement Rune: Larnste Illusion Rune: Tylenea Disorder Rune: Ratslaff Through the center are the Elemental and Form Runes (in relation to Man), and associated figures. Spirit Rune: Horned Man - the spirit Fire/Sky Rune: Dayzatar - the power of the Mind/Sight/Eyes Moon Rune: Red Goddess - the power of Magic/Pineal Gland (IIRC) Storm Rune: Orlanth - the power of Breath and Strength/Lungs Water Rune: Lorion/Blue Dragon - the power of Blood and the Heart Darkness Rune: Kyger Litor - the power of Digestion and the Guts Earth Rune: Ernalda - the power of Reproduction Beast Rune: Hykim - possibly representing the body or animal instincts
  3. I don't think we will see that as I think it's been noted that the book has already gone to the printers in order to be available at GenCon. Suggest a new thread for questions, speculations, and thoughts on the illustrations.
  4. Obviously the Yanafal Tarnils version.
  5. Definitely! And plenty of opportunity for a GM to create events that fit with their campaign (even adding into what's provided in RQG).
  6. For the Vasana saga ones, you can pretty much gauge the action/events by the saga text.
  7. For Lunar cults, Seven Mothers is provided. They offer spirit magic and rune magic. There are a number of associated cults which provide additional rune spells. Yelm and Yelmalio are included, so can provide a basis for DH and Light-worshipping cults. You could readily create a shaman following Jakaleel the Witch. Also some discussion of Lunar sorcery with some example spells (e.g. Moonfire). I think there's enough to get started with.
  8. It's really fairly similar. Identifying events that might impact survival, adding Passions or selected skills, and Reputation.
  9. No, not yet, though a couple sample clans are noted as well as descriptions of the main Homelands. As you note, something like Seshnela might be a challenge. You'd have to start with the Guide and see what dates come up, look through some of the key events occurring and go from there. But for areas like Maniria, the Lunar Provinces, Heortland, the Right- and Left-Arm Islands, a good starting point is the Events table from WF 15. That gives you army activity/campaigns and invasions/raids by others. Work out the significant dates, look for other events from the Guide (or for the Lunar Provinces from the Redline History in Glorantha Sourcebook), and assess who the actors likely were and effects on tribes/cities, etc.
  10. I believe so. And likely a group that could be encountered in Nochet or the Islands.
  11. No, sorcerers are limited by INT and Free INT. However, knowing spirit magic counts against their Free INT. Spirit magic is limited by CHA - you have to show the spirits who is boss. And non-sorcerers are not limited in spirit magic by INT or Free INT. If you want to become some weirdo warlock following Argrath with a mix of magics, though, you get affected.
  12. Just bump everything back 5-6 years. Assuming you want a character roughly aged 21 in 1621, they are born in 1600 and parents are born ~1580. Grandparent history remains as-is. Parents history can start with the 1602 events rather than 1608. Character's history starts with 1616 and anything that would indicate killed is changed to 'was nearly killed'.
  13. I think it is partially designed to keep players from going augment crazy and trying to bump up every task. Some skills such as Meditate will just naturally take awhile anyway. And inspirations might carry through an entire battle. But as with rune points, the limit forces you to think strategically about where/when you want to augment another ability.
  14. Not that I recall, but yes could be cobbled together. Roughly: Probably pre-1613: Apple Lane. 1616-1621: Borderlands, Pavis, Big Rubble, Sun County, Shadows on the Borderlands. Starts with the Grantlands campaign in Borderlands and culminates with the Giant's Cradle in 1621. Strangers in Prax largely overlaps (depending on what you do with the Coders). Griffin Mountain fits this period too, though as a sandbox, can be rather loose in dates. 1617-1621: Dorastor: Land of Doom (Risklands campaign) 1618-1625: Sartar Rising sequence, The Coming Storm, Eleven Lights. SKoH and Sartar Companion fit in 1618-1620. 1625+: RQG including Quickstart
  15. I don't think we have enough detail on such yet, but I'd be inclined to say yes.
  16. Based on one of the final pages in RQG which details upcoming works, specifically the RQ Gamemaster's Pack, it notes "includes a sandbox setting in Dragon Pass, detailed locations including Clearwine Fort and Apple Lane,... and three loosely-linked scenarios appropriate for starting adventurers."
  17. The base MP needed is the number of Runes/Techniques required by the spell (e.g. Combine, Water, Air = 3). Each Rune or Technique requires INT. With an INT of 13, you can know one Rune and one Technique. Each point of INT above that allows either an additional Rune or additional Technique. Then there are the spells themselves. Each one costs one point of Free INT. However, you need to keep some Free INT, which is what allows you to manipulate the spell by increasing Strength, Range, or Duration. So a bit of a balancing act to get enough spells, but keep enough Free INT to allow for more intensity.
  18. p.434 Spot Hidden Item and Spot Trap - think these should both convert to Search, not Scan.
  19. I'm running RQG in Dragon Pass among the Colymar post-Dragonrise. With King Kangharl dead and some of the tribal regalia lost/devoured, Queen Leika has set about gaining a new vision for the tribe and restoring the regalia.
  20. Agree. Just make it a Harmony rune feat (or perhaps it is really both).
  21. Don't forget the rumors of hyena skins! That may be something she strongly wishes to avoid (and would teach her something about Glorantha, too). In thinking about who might want her products: 1) Yelmalions - but only if the 'right' colors. But they also have weavers, so the demand may be low unless somehow exotic (and I don't think the Yelmalions will go for their women wearing the latest Esrolian fashions, but might go for new Lunar/DH styles). 2) Orlanthi at Garhound - same issue as Yelmalions in that they have weavers. However, they might well go for Esrolian styles (think Minoan-like - some good examples in The Coming Storm). 3) Morocanth! - they lack thumbs for weaving, and I doubt they can train their herd men to do that. I'm not sure why the Morocanth want such goods, but maybe they need them as offerings at the Paps (ritual items for Eiritha). Maybe they are looking for Morocanth thumbs too. And maybe they are offering slaves, maybe even someone interesting/important to the characters.
  22. Yes, there are moon rocks. They are needed to summon lunes. Remember too that there are living avatars of the Red Goddess (the Inspirations of Moon Son). The current one is Jar-eel, who is both living hero and immortal goddess.
  23. There's bits that get reflected in ILH1 and ILH2, Champions of the Red Moon, and Sons of Kargzant.
  24. My favorite dark fantasy works are Raymond Feist's Faerie Tale and The Talisman by Peter Straub and Stephen King. All American authors.
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