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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The emptied aren't quite new. They were extant in Hero Wars to explain those people who had joined the Sword Brothers and were unable to speak to spirits.
  2. metcalph


    One possibility about the morokanth chariots that has not (I think) been mentioned so far is that they are not for religious, magical or military purposes but to unnerve humans through gestures of dominance. I would give numerous web literature on how such chariots might work but the material that I can find is not quite what I was talking about....
  3. Even worse, some cultures (Malkioni, Dara Happans, Kralori and Vithelans) actually number the Godtime in years. Their estimates are all contradictory though. The idea of a sequence in the God Time goes as far back as Cults of Terror which has a Golden Age followed by the Lesser and Greater Darknesses. There were human civilizations in the God Time that experienced sequentially as far as can be seen. At the same time, there are known places in the God Time where there is aan apparent error in the sequence. The Malkioni for example have two first crities. Orlanth has a famous journey west of which points the God Learners determined did not exist in the same age.
  4. metcalph


    They run on four legs, I assume, being as speedy as any other steed in Prax.
  5. Not so. There are 700 Newtlings in the Rightarm Isle settlement of Serid Yarkasa according to the Guide p708. The best reference to Ducks before the Modern Age is the statement that the Orlanthi have surrounded them since Time began (Guide p107) Bottomland is inhabited by Adult Newtlings (Guide p251). Little room for Durulz.
  6. Ganderland is referred to as Keetela in Revealed Mythologies and that exists outside the Monomyth of the God Learners. It was sunk by the Togaro and the surviving Keets made their way to the Eastern Isles pursued by the Bezarngay Boil.
  7. I think the Ducks look intentionally stupid to such an extent that gloranthans themselves believe they look stupid and despise them for this. There's no one history of ducks. There is a history of the Keets but the history of the Durulz is quite obscure before the Human Resettlement of Dragon Pass - to such an extent there's a theory going around that Delecti made them. The ducks of Dragon Pass are known as Durulz. The Ducks of the Eastern Isles are Keets. There is an extinct species of Duck known as Umbakko. It's not known for certain. The Keets did fight against the Sea God Sshorg who later warred against Genertela. A duck-like hero called Imarja appears in Esrolia in the Storm Age. Further west, Zzabur *boils* an invasion of Umbakko ("Beakies") who were accompanying a sea god. Hence the suggestion is that some of the Ducks sold out to Sshorg and other sea gods and willingly became his toadies in an invasion of Genertela and the West. While that does not sound like the Keets who are a kind and gentle folk, it does describe the Durulz to a t. They share a common ancestor as far as I know.
  8. metcalph


    There is a map on p92 of History of the Heortling Peoples
  9. There are considerably more than seven stars in the Broken Ring. There are currently seven orange stars plus the green Dragon's Head. The Guide says there are between one and three additional stars (two disappeared during the Sunstop and returned when Gbaji was killed while a third vanished during the Battle for Castle Blue - Guide p651). After the Dragonrise there will be ten orange stars and one green one. The ten stars brings to mind the constellation of Yelm, Entekos and the Eight Sons on the Copper Tablets. So it's really IMO another variation of the original Celestial Court rather than the Lightbringers. Among the Orlanthi, the Broken Ring would be identified as Orlanth, Ernalda, Elmal, Humakt etc with Flesh Man and Ginna Jar not counted among them. The current Lunar belief about the Broken Ring is that it is to be mended Fortunate Succesion p63.
  10. Since Aerlit is associated with Seshnela and the father of Damol (Guide p411 and 417) I doubt that long-ago statements about Malkion's descent from Aerlit and Warera are even correct. Otherwise Damol would have had a considerably far more exalted status as Malkion's brother something which isn't mentioned in the sources.
  11. Both the Piscoi (Malasps, Yssabau) and the Cetoi (Ludochs, Ouori) breath water. The ancestors of the fish-like Piscoi fought the storm gods while the Cetoi ancestors welcomed them. The ancestors of the Black-Lagoon-like Gnydrons who defeated the storm gods and so breathe water. The Zabdamar and the Dwerulans are also air-breathers but they have a different origin. There are underwater cities of Ludoch such as Deeper in the Holy Country. The merfolk there have special magics to create a bubble so they don't have to swim to the surface. The principle is the same as the Fish Roads. I expect similar cities in the Mournsea. Hence I don't think it odd at all that the Merfolk have deep underwater cities (I would prefer different methods of doing so in each merfolk cultural zone - Jrustela/Dashomo, Masloi/Marthino, Eastern Isles & Southern Genertela - the Ouori don't have a civ as far as I can see) The merfolk in glorantha say close to the surface because that is where most of the food is. The deeper zone between 200-1000 yards is somewhat scary and full of menacing creatures while below 1000 yards is Cthuloid territory which even the merfolk fear.
  12. In a series of articles that were once published on glorantha.com, the missing phalanxes were Diamond Phalanx of Yuthuppa, destroyed by the Mad Sultannate. Slate Phalanx, destroyed by the Carmanians Onyx Phalanx, devoured by the Dragons. Emerald(ite) Phalanz, destroyed by Sheng Seleris. Because the article has been removed and that much information elsewhere in the series has since been made non-canonical, I don't considere the above names to be canon. EDIT: Just did a search. Emeraldite appears to be an obscure name for Green Tourmaline..
  13. I would say less than 1%. People under compulsion would be most (but not all) of the movers and shakers in Afadjann plus a few fanatical servants.
  14. Ginkizzie are Openhandists and Apostates. I don't see any evidence for Individualists among them. Their founder was Flintnail (a rock dwarf) not Isidilian (a quicksilver dwarf).
  15. Zenith is a balloon that the mostali built to act as a forward observation post to fire all those cables to drag the sun back on course during the Sunstop.
  16. metcalph

    Big Rubble

    The Kickstarter Big Rubble you refer to is a reprint of the RQ2 publication. The Big Rubble that is the subject of this thread is a HeroQuest version and a companion to Pavis: Gateway to Adventure.
  17. They would see them as being strange and weird. Their worship of the Gods makes them tolerable compared with other Malkiioni and so they would be like worshippers of Argan Argar, Maran Gor or Kolat.
  18. There's been no official justification for familiars in glorantha. If familiars do exist, the best explanation would be that the wizard uses the power of creation to create an animal (or spirit) in order to better understand the Invisible God.
  19. Ygg is described in the Guide as the God of the Winter Wind (Guide p232). Although he's described by the Orlanthi as being a son of Valind, I think it more likely that he's the native face of Valind among the Yggites (parallel examples being Veskarthen and Caladra). As such, his runes would be storm and stasis (representing icy cold air). Other deities worshipped by the Yggites would be Nelarrina, a goddess of the Neliomi Sea (Guide p232) and other Vadrudi (Iphara, Gagarth, Molanni etc)
  20. There's more material in the HeroQuest 1.0 book but that has been superseded by the Guide. The big change is the de-emphasis of the Aeolians as a church. Instead it would be a philosophy believed by the Wizards of Heortland. The ordinary Heortlanders don't participate in the philosophy of their intellectuals and are quite happy to take their word for it on the existence of the Invisible God (in pretty much the same way you or I am prepared to accept an astronomer's statement about the Big Bang). Unlike other Malkioni nations, the Wizards are quite happy with the common worship of the Gods. As for the sorcery rules, well, the wizards and their acolytes use sorcery. The best rules will probably come out in the upcoming RuneQuest: Glorantha
  21. It's off the northern edge of the map on p92 and can be seen on the map on p56.
  22. I don't think Vadrus fought with Enshokons in Dragon Pass. Rather I think he fought her in Fronela giving rise to the Janube. Sshorgs is a name that only occurs in Belintar's syncretic mythology and should be avoided in favour of Aroka. While Nestentos can be identified as Aroka, I think that such an identification can only be made in Peloria after which the differences becomes too great.
  23. metcalph


    The multiple schools being destroyed by Sheng was just something that I made up. There's no canonical list of Teshnan mystical schools as far as I know (and the one in Glorantha: the Second Age is rather too cheesy for my liking). On the subject of Teshnos, the sources are the Guide to Glorantha and Revealed Mythologies. Teshnos' Gods are a variation of the High Gods of Vithela (who are themselves analogous to the Celestial Court). There are nine deities of which five are openly worshipped (Guide p428) - the other four are celestial handmaidens and how they are worshipped is a mystery. Tolat would make up the Tenth Deity, a disruptive force but one integral to the Cosmos.
  24. As far as I know, the Pol Joni ride horses as a condition of tribal membership. I assume one of their initiation rites is for a Praxian to slaughter their own steed and eat it without Peaceful Cut as a sign of their commitment to their new tribe.
  25. AFAIK the Twin Stars are celestial relics of the primal Twins (Maker and Grower in the Monomyth? That's them twins). They had faded in the Golden Age (they appear on the Gods Wall as the two midgets whom Plentonius amusingly calls Orlanth and Valind). The Sables are one of the few people left in the world to actually have myths involving the Twin Stars. Everybody else has forgotten them and attempts to find new myths have failed because no gloranthan really understood what the Twins are.
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