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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The Glorantha Sourcebook would be a more accesible text to quote from, considering that the Theogony is reprinted therein.
  2. Does not follow. For example, the bigger magisaurs are dumber than smaller ones (Magus Profundus (SIZ 2D6+12, INT 3D6; Magus Magnus SIZ 2D6+36 INT 1D6) RQ:G Bestiary p113-114 despite having more magic.
  3. I've already posted quotations from Tales #10 to that effect.
  4. They seem to refer to the same area. Dwarftown is listed as one of the neighbourhoods of New Pavis in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p213 but in the fuller description p228, it's Dwarfside.
  5. It didn't feel like Ygg to me. At the very least, Ygg should have been the God of the Icebergs and his original worshippers the inhabitants of those bergs. For land-dwellers, things get a bit trickier but there is the precedence of glaciers. The longships and lumber seems more like a development when the original old ways didn't work.
  6. Harrek's migration was in 1616 ST. The population statistics in the Guide are for 1621 ST. The population figures for Three Steps isn't known but is not likely to be very large considering that Skullport is a small city; I would be surprised if it's more than 10,000. Hence the half of the population is likely to be puffery. Since the Wolf Pirates threw such considerations to the deep sea, it implies that the Yggites had such institutions. There was one in Hero Quest 1.0 but I felt it was somewhat lacking. The Yggites first appear in WF #11 (Spring 1981) as part of the Sea of Neliom article). Vikings wasn't published until four years later. I think wooden dowels are used as it's based on Aldryami designs. I think their ships have figureheads instead.
  7. The following are the best sources of information. All of them were written by Greg and so are about as safe to use as say Middle Sea Empire. Wyrms Footnotes p20. Glorantha: Introduction to the Hero Wars - Battle of Brond's Serpent p34 (I didn't write this). This describes the defeat of the Howling Fleet of the God Learners. Brond the Carver creates the Sea Serpent from a sentient tree and sacrifices his brother to it so it drank the blood of humanity. Then the sea serpent laiden with warriors sets sail against the Howling Fleet. They fought in Astor's Bay and the fleet was destroyed. But the pissed-off elves made the crops of his people poisonous and the fish in their larders into Goo. To survive, Brond's people too refuge in the off-shore islands. This suggests that the Yggites originally lived in Bija which appears on a map in Cults of Terror. However the country is not shown in the Historical Atlases of the Guide. Tales of the Reaching Moon #10 p7. Probably the fullest account so I'll summarize heavily. It says they inhabit the coasts of the nearby Winterwood. They are culturally and linguistically unrelated to other Gloranthan peoples (which might mean they are descended from Vadrus's frozen land). They trace their descent from Ygg and Nelarrina (a minor goddess of the Neliomi Sea). They were mostly fishermen, sealers and whalers. They were initially friendly to the Aldryami but soon Loskalmi settlers controlled the export of Lumber from Winterwood. But in the Imperial Age, the Loskalmi were ejected as the Elder Races found fault with most humans. The Yggites were never ejected and maintain their lumber rights in exchange for quarterly tribute and gifts (this is hard to reconcile with the aftermath of Brond's sage). They were isolated by the Closing and the Syndic's Ban. Their whaling was wiped out but they used small boats to fish and hunt seals among the islands. Their population grew until they were nearly overcrowded with people who were hungry. When Dormal sailed among their islands, his ships were driven onto the rocks and one wrecked. The Islanders helped him. Some joined Dormal while other's studied the wreck and built their own ships. The Loskalmi forbade any Yggite shipping. The Yggites joined with the Vadeli and gained restricted shipping privileges for a while. But they were betrayed by the Vadeli and placed under Loskalmi control once again. The Loskalmi even sent troops to occupy the islands. The Yggites refused to build ships for the Loskalmi or cut down any wood for them. They paddled away when the Loskalmi came and many even hid on the mainland. Eventually the Loskalmi offended the Elves. In return, the elves called upon an ancient Hero (obviously Errinoru) and received plans for a warship from him (the Elvish Gallegas). With these ships and Yggite help, the Loskalmi were wiped out. The Loskalmi were still growing stronger as the Ban kept melting away (ie suggests a date of the 1590s). They sent a new force and even occupied the Vendreog, a sacred island of the Yggites. There they build Coldfort and began to take the wood which they wanted. This led to the rebellion of Orstando Blackwolf. His combined the designs of the Elvish warship and the Loskalmi patrolboats to create the first Longships. From there he fought aainst the Loskalmi. This led to a fruitless conflict in which Orstando's people begged him to stop, leave or drive the Loskalmi away. Orstando then sailed his fleet into the sea of fog where he defeated the Loskalmi with help from sea-creatures. He fled south and raid along the southern coast before settling on Three Steps Islands (1605 ST according to the Guide p239). When Orstando died, he was then bound into the figurehead of his ship, which was carved in the shape of a wolf and had a shaggy skin upon it. The wolf pirates are a brotherhood of equals. All factors rank, inheritance and family were given to the deep sea after they left Ygg's Islands. Men and women are judged by what they can do for the fleet. About two dozen ships left the Ygg's Isles with Ortsando and there are about 30-60 ships in total but never in the same place. Missing Lands p44 Mentions that the Yggites were eating their own children when Dormal arrived. They allied themselves with the Vadeli and scoured the Neliomi Sea, splitting the booty between themselves and the Vadeli Isles. After their defeat they spread eastwards along the southern coasts.
  8. metcalph

    The Hydra

    In the hope of luring it onto an enemy army (c.f. the Dragon Pass boardgame).
  9. metcalph

    The Hydra

    It never fell away. It appeared in RQ3 material (Genertela: Cruciible, Elder Secrets) and the only reason why it wasn't prominent was that it was stuck over in Tarsh which itself never received much treatment.
  10. metcalph

    The Hydra

    The Lesser Hydras it spawns feel a need to migrate to the clan's tula and cause havoc.
  11. There are: Two Sons of the Devil: Black Hralf of Fronela and Argin Terror of Ralios - precise powers unknown. A Son of Chaos worshipped in the Umathelan City of Gargulla. Cacodemon is the strongest remnant of the Devil and the Ogres believe him to be the Creator of the World (Guide p108) The Eye of Wakboth beneath the Devil's Playground. If you want the raw Wakboth then the easiest thing might be committing acts of evil to gain chaotic features. But each new feature requires committing a worse evil than the last successful evil act. Also the nature of the feature would be somehow relevant to the evil that was committed.
  12. Thunder Rebels/Storm Tribe's chief flaw in my opinion was the clean scheme imposed on the Gods and subcults. If I were to model it anew I would have based it on feats. The older more primal feats stem from Orlanth whereas the newer sophisticated feats come from heroes and lesser deities. The first feat would have been the Star Heart from Heort. Then would be the feats based on the Mountains that you worshipped (ie Kero Fin, Top of the World, Stormwalk) The third feat would have been based on the aspect of Orlanth that you worshipped (Thunderous, Adventurous etc). These feats would be being a good warrior or commanding the wind and rains. Then would come the Feats of the Heroes and Thunder Brothers. Most heroes would teach one feat, particularly impressive heroes (ie Vingkot) would teach about five. Most clans would know only one feat from a hero
  13. I'm not finding your distinction between luminosity and coldness to be very persuasive to be honest. The world is getting colder and dimmer but Antirius is as hot as he always has been? And that was the last of his heat, no? The sunspear is not Antirius's innate power - it something that he wields from Yelm.
  14. As mentioned before they are Rune Spells. To get the effects of HeroQuest, they probably have to be boosted with a Hero Point according to various hints dropped here and there.
  15. Antirius and other little Little Suns were also fiery in the Storm Age. They have lost that fiery nature as a result of the Gods War. If it wasn't to Zorak Zoran it was to somebody else (Antirius lost his fiery nature through *six* such events). That Elmal is different from Yelmalio, Kargzant, Antirius etc is not really that earth-shattering. Even as far back as Cults of Terror, Kargan Tor fought himself in battle (Glorantha Sourebook p106). They are simply facets of the same Sun God - in some myths they can be indistinguiishable from each other, in other myths some sun gods can appear in the myth but others can not while a few myths are particular to a specific Sun God (Elmal is the Sun God that is friends with Orlanth). Hence I find this passive snark about apparent contradictions in the material over time to be somewhat tedious - they would have existed even if Jeff hadn't changed his mind about Elmal.
  16. Make Ulanin's worship a Balmyr hero-cult with one rune spell, related to riding.
  17. On the subject of the dragons, my own theory is as follows. The Elder Dragons who made up the world are each associated with an Element. The names (ie Dragon of Being) are obscure enough to prevent confident identifications but we have five elements and the Moon and also the Cosmic Dragon. When the Sun Dragon write-up talks about the Sun Dragon being the original source of the Sun, it is at this level they are talking about. The next level of Dragon is True. These are the greatest emanations of the Elder Dragons within the world. There are other Dragons in the world, but they do not become True until one passes on. Cosmic: Currently Godunya. Fire: August. Formerly the Dragon Sun. A chronological problem in that the August Dragon exists since the Dawn. The Sun Dragon could represent the Cosmic Dragon instead but theta has its own problems. Water: Thrunhin Dal. Used to be Aroka in mythic times. Darkness: Black Dragon. Earth: Green Dragon Storm: Brown Dragon Moon: Red Dragon. The Moon is timeless and eternal and beyond questions about it not existing before the rise of the Red Moon. Dragonewts acknowledge the existence of the elements in their mythology. But they don't use elemental magics as they consider their use use worldly whichinhibits spiritual contact with the transcendent element (ie the Elder Dragons). They do divide themselves into elemental tribes/cults and express their elemental nature in subtle ways.
  18. It's not necessary for them to do so. Odayla is not the only hunting God of the Orlanthi. Even the Eleven Lights mentions Siwend. The's not the purpose of the Hunter. The hunter is there to track down and kill the target. Anything else is immaterial to the God. A human hunter may worship Odayla for many reasons but Odayla (or other hunting gods) do not care. The defending warriors - Humakt, Elmal and others.
  19. Odayla would not be worshipped in Pamaltea. The Orlanthi there would worship a similar hunting god, perhaps Rasout. Odayla isn't the defender of the farmlands. He's the Hunter.
  20. The best reference is the Cult of the Sun Dragon in Pavis and Big Rubble p104. There are two known worshippers: Estangang Griffin Rider who was one of the Seventeen Foes of Waha and Windwhistler a wyrm living in the Rubble. The writeup says that the Sun Dragon existed in the Golden Age and is the source from which the original sun came. After a struggle between the Dragons and the Gods, the Gods took over the Sun and the Sun Dragon retired. Hence the Sun Dragon is not a construct but a existing figure in Dragonewt mythology. The ruler of Dara Happa is better known as the Dragon Sun and P&BR allows a distinction between the Sun Dragon and the Emperor when it says "The Sun Dragon - or its highest living representative - is the entity which actually sat on the thrrone of Dara Happa..." There are two spells listed for Windwhistler. One is Form Old Limbs which he uses to make magical arms (implying that Windwhistler once had arms and lost them when he became a Wyrm. The other is Radiate which radiates an aura of 6d6 heat (and which Windwhistler uses as anti-arrows).
  21. The Lodril writeup in the zine (also in Cult Compendium) was partly crap. The cult in the world bits were good but the magic was just plain fire-magics which had very little use for the average Lodrili worshipper.
  22. Given the RW inspiration for the Nysaloran Riddle, I doubt that very much. That is a grammatical question. "What is the difference between a silent movement?" is not because "between" implies the existence of a comparison between two objects (ie "and X" should follow movement" whereas only one is given in the so-called riddle. Given Chaosium's quality control at the time (e.g. a disorder rune was repeatedly used in the place of a chaos rune), I fail to see why we should maintain the Emperor has clothes in this particular case.
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