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Mark Mohrfield

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Everything posted by Mark Mohrfield

  1. Well, there's Bizzaro/Htrae. What, you don't consider it scientifically accurate?
  2. Poul and Karen Anderson's The King of Ys series. Cults, including Christianity, play a strong role.
  3. Well, to me the Gloranthan iteration of the rules will always be HeroQuest, dern it.
  4. There's the introduction the story A History of My Black Horse Troop in the old RQ Companion which seems to be written in some future age. It refers to "microscopic and sub-atomic Investigation" of the paper, and analysis of leather binding as being "from a creature whose genetic make-up is approximately 57% identical with the present-day horse." That indicates an scientifically advanced society, so there may be hope.
  5. I’ve got one. I got it at one of the RQ cons.
  6. From the Guide; " Arkat Returns Five times! The ways of Heroquesting are abruptly opened, and it isn’t what everyone expected. One is a troll, one is a Chaos monster, and no one is quite sure which incarnation the other three are." One the remaining three Arkats is a Duck, which certainly no one expected. However, no one believes him. "But honest and truly, I am Arkat!" He attempts to prove that he is Arkat to anyone he meets by imitating some past feat of the ancient hero. These always spectacularly backfire. One day, an attempt will backfire so badly that it will end the Third Age, thus proving his point.
  7. Is a print-on-demand version a possibility, and if so when will it become available?
  8. At Gen Con this year, I heard that Chaosium was working on this as a Runequest supplement. Any news on it?
  9. Poul Anderson, in some of his works had horses going about in diapers to prevent this.
  10. What about the World of Forms?
  11. Time once again to link to Sandy Petersen's article on the relative strengths and weaknesses of missile and melee cavalry and infantry. http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha/aow.html
  12. I've used "Son o Broo" as an insult.
  13. In addition to the other arguments, no pirates would make Umathela a less cool place to have rpg adventures.
  14. I was very sorry to learn of this. The rpg hobby has lost one of its standard bearers.
  15. Steve's post was in response to my question about the status of the Nochet sourcebook, so just let me start chanting "HeroQuest!....HeroQuest!...HeroQuest!" in the background🙂.
  16. Will there be any information on the communities in the Big Rubble such as the Real City, Opili's Fort and the Troll Clans?
  17. Unfortunately, the character lacks the movement Rune. He has Water, Communication and Harmony.
  18. I'm preparing to send my players into the HeroQuest presented in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure scenario Red Moon Rising. I've managed a pretty good match for all the characters except the Issaries/Donandar worshiper. Does anyone have any ideas for what the appearance, Lunar names, Goals, and Secrets of such a mask would be?
  19. I assume that Aldrya worshipers can summon gnomes. Of what sizes?
  20. Okay, that makes sense. I hope that includes a questionnaire for forming communities such as Esrolian Houses.
  21. This statement is somewhat confusing. What is a HQG genre pack for a systemless book?
  22. I have to point out that the Mountain also dies.
  23. A player playing a Kolati shaman in my Pavis based campaign wants to have a Lightning charm. Can Kolati access the Spirit Society Lightning Boy belongs to?
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