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Everything posted by rpgstarwizard

  1. I still run and play Superworld, but most people feel that they prefer Hero system, or V&V, either system for me fails, but a gm can only do what his zombies, I mean . players want, hell introducing BRP to newbies is hard enough, with the zombies wnating to play dnd 3.75, I mean Pathfinder and 4thed. There have been some great interpretations of various heroes in the files, so I am curious why isn't BRP/Superworld a good enough system? The players that don't like it feel it isn't crunchy enough, or for some reason don't like %iles, even if you explain 3d6 are still %iles, lol.
  2. Waddle maybe, I have used a duck in superworld, He was a "Brick". Mov was same as hobbits, dwarves, etc
  3. Now, what to get the person that gave you one of the best gifts??? HMMMM??
  4. Ahh, new neighbors on Maple Street, LOL, with wonderfully shaped heads. Two to each person. LOL
  5. I like it alot. Looks great. Doing a great job. Thank you.
  6. Yeah even more critters. I wonder if GMs need even more critters, I am slowly converting critters from the White dwarf fiend factory stuff i copied generations ago. I have posted some other critters, but never hear comments if they are used etc.
  7. I am trying to work out ship creation system, but RL keeps knocking me back, lol. IN 2300, you could use the old 2300 ship rules which, well, imho was always too complicated. Even though I spent hours and hours in school creating ships with the LBB. I still maintain that a ship system could be well hobbled together with either the Other Suns systems, which I feel is still too complicated, but interesting. Or better yet, I have fallen heads over heals for worlds beyond, ship creation system. I think the WB can be and is easily adaptedable to all syetems and eras, with a minimum of work. I hope to post somethings in a week or two.
  8. I can easily envision the god rash as a king rat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king_(folklore). After a long time grown huge, blind, pale, ever hungry.
  9. Have you explored the RQ technical document??? Without reinventing the wheel, you could easy adapt, or port what you want in. Right Now I am working on Worlds beyond, which is based on BRP kinda, and I am adapting to BRP when I have the time.
  10. That is why I like BRP over all other systems. You can mess around alot and still it works. LOL. I use con saves for the characters too, so they can keep fighting, even if below hit points. Try anything like that with many other systems and well, things go south fast.
  11. I just got this today. Was a late Bday present, and well. I LIKE a LOT! Kinda crystalizes what I have been tinkering around for a far future game around the Great Lakes. In this ice age world, the ice cliffs around the great lakes have some interesting prospects. LOL
  12. LOL, what??? I thought most of europe had small critters. Let me tell you of the weird stuff I have seen. LOL. I love crypto games, problem is, that so many critters from medieval bestiaries and modern monsters ar little underrepresented. And now we get the wierd stuff, ala, Dungeons and dragons, more monsters for monsters sake. I have started working on both a "true" medieval bestiary for my fantasy brp group, and a modern North american folklore and mythology Bestiary for my modern group.
  13. How may I obtain copies of the BRP Middle earth files?

  14. Reminds me of the stuff you find on the speculative evolution sites.
  15. Thanks people, was interested in hearing what people thought. As for a system,I agree somewaht, lol. But Heck I still pull out my first ed Chiv and Sorc for fun times, lol
  16. I am seeking someone who has seen the old Chaosium editions and the new one by Steve JAckson Games. Curious to hear comparisions and contrasts. Thanks.
  17. Hi, Conrad I dont know about the gurps system, as I have gurps packed away. But if you have acess to the old JTAS No. 17, they had a great Special Exotic Atmosphere supplement. If you dont have that. I'll try to pull the info later for you.
  18. My wife bought this for me last year, and I have been offline till just this last week. In a land far away. LOL I was very nervous to see this book come out, but after reading through it was greatly surprised. It is very very good. If not even, well, GREAT!!!
  19. Hmm since your world of sorcery is evil, I dont know which way I would go with that. Like I posted before, I think each rune is a separate skill. Peter Maranci had some great ideas about runic sorcery,I have his stuff somewhere or saw it online. I would hate to use it since I think there maybe a copyright issue but the idea is that rnes have Nouns, verbs and adjectives. Hey I found it, and it can be distributed. But it is in not pad. I'll convert it over, and post it. It is almost identical to what I have already been doing.
  20. 304 downloads

    I dont know where I found this, but here is a list of RQ runes
  21. Ahhh... runes, so many people want to make them all powerful gimmicks. We have used runes in all my games, and used them alot in C&S. I would consider some of them as skill. Or alternate as quick spellls. I would look at a copy of Authentic Thaumaurgy by Bonewits. For ideas. Also, in the links there is a great site, Vikings and Skraelings, he does extensive work in runes. Also there all sorts of "runes". There is a great book, magical alphabets by nigel pennick, it is available thru amazon. The work for you is manyfold though, for us the runeworker has to know his runes and as he gains in knowledge he can do more works. And there is one more thing, your player has a permanent runestone, how does he feed it? Is there a salamander, or djinn or other fire elemental enclosed within. Things could get messy. I will try to pull my notes together, and give you some ideas, if you need them. If you are using regular runes, I would suggest figuring their meaning in your world. Each is a separate lore, and then there isa general runelore to get them to interact with each other. Could get messy!!!
  22. Have you checked amazon. Was in a bidding war after I found it on ebay, then wifey found it on amazon. There were three other copies and got it cheaper by ten dollars iirc, lol. We kept bidding it up on the guy after he jumped the price, lol, sorry.
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