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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Can not imagine a rule saying nay. Will need to d a bit of research elsewhere and here (looking forward to seeing opinions, canonical and otherwise). Still waiting on looking up wyter’s RP... but I still can safely say, I would allow it. I had asked Scotty and Jason about multiple casters sharing RPs for a large spell other than an enchantment (see Reaching Moon Temple ceremonies enacted over several years as examples that must have need more RPs than a human could produce, true some would be enchantments but some would be rituals...). Scotty suggested to let MGF decide. No opinion as of yet. Great question!
  2. No worries, Kloster, as Andre said, it is hard to keep up with errata... In the core book, it states what I said. Mind you the core book I used was first printing and I did not check WoD or the other (later) edition of the core book... (hope I will not have to double check or triple every ruling I make with WoD but I fear I might).
  3. Not my creation, so I truly can’t say. I do recall the perpetrators had an audience and it was not pooh-poohed out of hand... I am hoping someone who was active on the web (pages or digests, @soltakssp'raps) can recall the idea and fill in the details. But I think it would have to be in another thread as we seem to be drifting off topic. Hmm, maybe not, this is tangential to an advertising package offered as a hide improvement project... i.e. a caravanserai... Cheers
  4. Mostly correct. There was a group of folk, (Nick Brooke and crew p’raps... anyone?) who postulated a newsletter found in Caravanserai and inns thought the provinces. This was a while back so I am afraid I can not recall more (back in the nineties or the naughties). Of course, I would imagine it had a Eat at Geo’s ad or two.
  5. Yes, I can not justify changing this, myself... Using the old hit/parry is one of my few home rules
  6. Ergo, I said do both... I mean we got lucky having him find us here... or he is really that good! 🙂 ETA thanks again @Mechashef for the excellent question!
  7. See, I told you to post this in Q&A (was still entertaining to have it here). Scotty tracked you down anyway! You rock, good sir!
  8. I would say all my players took advantage of the four occupation checks, one training check and one POW check allowed by rules every chance they got as well as the ticks one got for the one adventure per season also allowed in the rules.
  9. It being one tick out of a possible seasonal 20 or so (this number will vary based on how the season went)... I have no qualms about it being a little over the top. And the players I had actually got it, well seemed to anyway. Boaty McBoatface can be irritating but, personally, I think a little player agency is a good thing. One check with a possible 6% should not lead to anarchy in the streets. So on this point I fear we will differ. Thinking on how it has worked in times past, I do intend to carry this forward. Cheers
  10. These are great questions, I am curious to see the answers! Leaving them here allows the hive mind to get involved which is going to be fun. But I strongly recommend a cut and a paste into RQ Q&A as well for the view from the top.
  11. Much as I truly wish that so... alas, I think vast might be overstated, though I am not sure about minority. I think you have more than a few friends on that front. Sometimes I feel a little lonely manning this deserted Duck Friendship Booth and pounding on this drum. ...but should you feel warm and fuzzy toward our feathered friends may I suggest
  12. Very cool poster and your research-fu is incredible, thanks! ETA Do you know if this was this actually SCA or SCA related?
  13. I am okay with it in very limited doses. I love when the table votes on a great move and will get them to do so at the end of a season’s tick chasing (roleplaying being a good part of the vote) and am willing to give a tick to the player who has entertained his or her fellow players inn a memorable way. The move does not have to be a successful one just one that grabbed the table’s imagination, made them cheer or simply is something they will remember. Hopefully handing the vote to the table overcomes this. Yep! Very cool! I get it, trollkins takes down a rune lord... thrice! This has come up a couple of times in my comments. Almost got to play it once. I guess, I might never get that chance again.
  14. Well, at the risk of having someone accuse me of cheap humour, It was a crock... err croc! Great movie... the cell phone duel was rather funny!
  15. Does not have to be fast when it does not need to eat or sleep. Dogged determination spread over a season or two could be interesting!
  16. Once upon a time, the idea was to have the characters start green, this days they start quite powerful I( I, with a soupçon of irony) call them super heroes! As you note, they are pretty damn close, aren’t they? Otherwise everything Bren and Godlearner mention is true.
  17. This has been in a few iterations of the rules that I know of... RQ 2 and 3 and RQG RUNEQUEST 2 Page 52 LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE IN RIDING A character may attempt an experience gain roll in Riding ability when: 1. He has successfully lived through a melee in which he at least started on horseback (he may realize why he fell off). 2. He has made a horse do something he never made it do before. 3. He has completed a journey of at least a week through difficult terrain. The Prax Lore thang, I seem to recall doing something similar a couple of decades ago when my crew were beginning GM, shortly after a player pointed out the rule above. I wonder if I got that from Griffin Mountain or the rules or just a good extrapolation? This and this also leads to ticks for the person so treated... don’t know why, but soon after being encouraged to play the ticks begin to follow. In one way, do not take me too serious here, in another, I am the GM usually, so, yeah, if this happens it is my fault. This is critical! Yep! * Tangentially speaking, yeah, homeland lore should be (Homeland) Lore
  18. Agreed, rather that reward the outgoing extrovert, I say punish the GM that does not allow the introvert to shine!
  19. Are those bowling balls in your pockets or are you just happy to see me?
  20. And you get the old Rainbow Mounds as well!
  21. Yes, with a successful Loyalty Family or Loyalty Cult roll Hmm, hive mind? This sounds good. Beat by David Scott! Sad, but possibly true...Still one might have to try to get Dad’s sword back.
  22. I believe the HQ scenarios are set in your stated time period.
  23. So, do you mean there is just one roll for both parties? If so, no I did not understand it that way. And also, if so, yes that is less rolling and as you said earlier it gives you an idea of what you are up against Cheers...
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