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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Or a bored room for that matter, from by the looks of that quorumed meeting!
  2. ...and I thought that was exactly what I said what said way back when.... 🙂
  3. Humors of Whiskey (the) Let your quacks and newspapers be cutting their capers About curing the vapors the scratch and the gout With their medical potions, their serums and their lotions Upholding their notions, they're mighty put out. Who can tell the true physic to all that's pathetic And pitch to the divil, cramp, colic and spleen You'll know it I think if you take a big drink With your mouth to the brink of a jug of poteen So stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys Oh what botheration, no dose in the nation Can give consolation like poteen me boys. No liquid cosmetic to lovers athletic Or bodies pathetic can give such a bloom As the sweet by the powers in the garden of flowers Ever gave their own bowers such a darling perfume And this liquid so rare if you willingly share To be taking your hair when it's frizzled and dead Oh the sod has the merit to yield the true spirit So strong it will shake all the hairs from your head Then stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys Oh since its perfection, no doctor's direction Can cleanse the complexion like poteen me boys While a child in me cradle, me nurse with her ladle Was filling my mouth with a notion of pap When a drop from her bottle fell into my throttle I stumbled and capered clean out of her lap On the floor I lay crawlin' and screaming and bawling 'Til me mother and father were called to the fore All sobbing and sighing they feared I was dying But soon found I only was crying for more. So stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys Oh lord how they'd chuckle if babes in their truckle They only could suckle on poteen me boys Through my youthful aggression, through times of depression My childhood's impression still clung to my mind And at school or at college the basis of knowledge I never could gulp 'til with whiskey combined And as older I'm growing times ever bestowin' On Erin's potation, a flavor so fine And how ere they may lecture on jove and his nectar Itself is the only true liquid divine So stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys Oh lord, 'tis the right thing for courting and fighting There's nowt so exciting as poteen me boys. Come guess me this riddle, what beats pipes and fiddle What's hotter than mustard and milder than cream What best wets your whistle, what's clearer than crystal What's sweeter than honey and stronger than steam What'll make the lame walk, what will make the dumb talk, The elixir of life and philospher's stone And what helped Mr. Brunnell to build the Thames Tunnel Wasn't it poteen from ould Inisowen So stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys Oh lord, it's no wonder, if lightning and thunder Weren't made from the plunder of poteen me boys. You maidens pathetic, with lovers athletic For liquid cosmetic, you can't beat the drop With a glow to your cheek, it will make your heart leap It'll quiet a stallion or cure an old cob At the mouth you would drool, be reduced to a fool You'd kick up your heels and you'd peel to the buff Then 'tis he'd be pathetic while you'd be athletic If only you'd take a few drops of the stuff So stick to the cratur' the best thing in nature For sinking your sorrows and raising your joys For there's nothing like whiskey to make maidens frisky It soon separates all the men from the boys. poteen: Illegal (not taxed) Irish whisky cratur: Whisky
  4. Bought the first one but will not read or run it until I get to play it, so still looking to join a game online. PM me, if ya have a spot for a barbarian.
  5. I remember that. Which is why I was surprised to not find it in the Well of Daliath @Scotty is this making the transition to WoD? So agreed, but seeing as adventurers are allowed split attacks and attacking with two weapons I am sure that if the dragon or baboon in question will follow the same rules* they can imitate adventurers and do multiple attacks as well. Everyone should look at the WoD for the rules on splitting 2 Weapon Attacks. They are a little different then I remember and and a little different than I thought as they made the translation to RQG. Both weapons being split must be the same (this was the part that surprised me) and off hand penalties apply Baboon: What iz rulez? Dragon: Damn good eating! Who wants to imitate adventurers anyway!
  6. and will they lay their hands on some cattle so that they might actually get married?
  7. I would think that unless the rules stated otherwise one would use the rules of adding the two SRs and if they are 12 or less one should be able to use both. This might limit a beast from having two strikes and I have found nothing in the RQB RQ RiG or the WoD to contradict this. And if the critter is smart enough to not try a parry with its teeth might be another limit on this.
  8. I could contribute editing or layout (it will give me an excuse to learn Affinity Publishing). I have never minded contributing to a free effort that benefits many.
  9. I suppose but shrimps are kind of cute, lobsters.. well, they resemble shrunken sea monsters and if they taste anything like they look...
  10. o think this is desperate, how about the first (lucky) person to eat lobster?
  11. Saw the title of this Topic and thought I could be of assistance... that would be Drax, Gamora, Rocket Racoon, Girl with Antennae AKA Mantis, and Jason Quill/Starlord... oh and Groot.
  12. Thanks Darius, we have (my gaming group) now had two occasions to get together and celebrate (one the adventurers were even feted and one was Yule) and I have been trying to let them know what they can accomplish at these events. If fact I think I have mentioned all that you list here, to no avail. Well, I have now posted the above for them to consider for the next time they together (sacred time) and I hope they follow your notes if not mine.
  13. Makes sense. Plus as the 11th and final box set from AH it was released well into the AH run. Toward the end of it I believe with 1989 being its date of release.
  14. Just checking your question and see you are asking about reedited scenarios. If I understand your question correctly I would have to say there are no reedited scenarios. But on the chance that I do not get what you are saying the best RQ scenario for beginners is Apple Lane. Note the characters created in RQ G are substantially more powerful than RQ 2 characters, so you will have to edit to boost the NPCs to suit your tables needs.
  15. The RQG CharGen create new adventurers that are quite a bit more powerful than RQG characters were at creation. Might help in Dorastor, might not.
  16. And I would imagine that at that point (the starter set) sales are more than bucks but are momentum. Sounds good.
  17. Thanks Darius! Psst, here’s the fiver I promised...
  18. Here we go, a topic near and dear to my heart. And good advice as well. I am an advocate for simplicity, and if the game is complicated look elsewhere for a solution says I. It seems you did and found that one at a time would fill the bill! Sounds very good, I put four through the entire CharGen and the additional JC one as well as we play 15 years earlier that RAW. I had planned to do three but a late joiner wanted a look-see and how could I say no. Created a great character, actually created 7 great characters.... ahhh, I am beginning to sense a pattern... After about 4 or 5 hours of rolling and... well I was wasted. I wonder how the players felt.
  19. Maybe this is the missing Je, nest ce quo? I have only run it twice so maybe it still feels wooden.
  20. Well here I have to be a lone dissenter. As much as all (orlanthi of course) adore this I have to say I don’t get it. Sure for newcomers its great. Love the lore it provides. Even love the backstory it provides. But... despite all that I am just not sold on it. Would not remove it but... A wise denizen of BRP once said (who was that masked individual?) that online (i.e. a virtual table top) is so much more difficulty than a table that one should play with half the number of adventures they were used to having and in half the time, as well. This has been great advice for me!
  21. Steve is quite the authority on RQ, strue and he was one of the authors of RQG. And M. Hibbs, I would have to acknowledge your knowledge of Chaosium history. So odds are really good that it has a roof (does it have a floor?). Still it tickles my fancy to see where folk differ despite good reason to not that they should choose their own . adventure, if you will. Cheers
  22. Joerg and I continually critique the Skill modifiers in our chats being ol’ RQ3 Grogs (even I, who came from RQ 2 dislike the following). We concur that we dislike that it is a table rather than a very easy formula (I can still recite all of the “formulae" of RQ3 and I dislike math still more) and that the breakpoints are abrupt instead of gradual. Give Joerg a bit of headwind and I think he might be able to add to that. Love Handwavium!
  23. Hmm, I wonder is the powers that be will make an official ruling or just say, Çhacun an son goût, good lordabdul and French Desprtae WindChild, et al. This looks like an excellent spot for YGWV. Keep an adventurer on his or her toes, doncha know!
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