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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. And, the Plate being modeled in this case is not the more advanced plate from the later Middle Ages/Renaissance. In fact, the more advanced plate might be more vulnerable from angles other than the front... Tod hasn't run those tests yet. SDLeary
  2. @NickMiddleton Oh, Iโ€™m sure they worked really well in SCA and HEMA against edged (even rebated) and rattan weapons. I donโ€™t think they would serve as well against a proper mace (stone or metal balls, or flanged) though. Id love to see one of the channels on YouTube take this one up. Un-fired clay torso with a full length gambeson over the top to see just how well it does. SDLeary
  3. In most BRP flavors, that would be a Critical. For reasons I don't have an answer to though, it was called an Impale in Stormbringer, and the normal BRP Special/Impale was called a Critical. As far as padding not helping vs bludgeoning weapons, I agree with you. I'm not even sure the large outer-armor style Gambesons would really be good against them. But when combined with something else they could be very useful. SDLeary
  4. They should have gone with a version of that cover! SDLeary
  5. If you look at the core of the BGB, it is largely based on Stormbringer, with a lot of the RQ3-isms presented in side-bars as add-ons. For example, if you look at p.20, you will notice that Major Wounds is the default, and there is a MOV characteristic instead of a human-centric movement of 3m; Skill Bonuses, Fatigue, and Hit Points per location are all listed as Options. Using the appropriate optional rules, its certainly possible recreate something functionally identical to RQ3, or Cthulhu for that matter, but the core is from a less accessorized version of the rules. SDLeary
  6. I think what he is referring to as "Articulated Plate" is what came to be known as Maximillian Armor and/or the higher-end styles of Gothic Plate, ie the classic end-game to "knightly" armor. Heavily fitted, overlapping bits of metal. Seriously expensive and something that you would never see a "common" soldier wearing. SDLeary
  7. Yes, it could be, but only if it was a fitted suit of plate. Plate was superior in the sense that it was less cumbersome, though not necessarily lighter. Also, the plate protection extended to the limbs; whereas the combination of mail, gambeson, and coat of plates (or brigandine) was primarily core (torso and upper arms) coverage. Mail and Gambeson could, of course, extend to the wrists, but often did not. Articulated plate, beyond basic spaulders, couters, and poleyns, could reduce vulnerable points at the cost of weight (added metal) and movement. Rather than an extra point of armor, you should probably reduce the chance of a critical hit. On a critical, require a second roll to solidify the roll. Under a certain number (50%, skill, half skill, etc) the roll is a critical, above a regular roll or special. If using variable armor values, then reduce the minimum damage allowed through. So if Plate is, say 1d10, then Plate and Leather could be 1d8+2, Plate and Chain 1d6+4, and so on until you reach full articulated, which could be just a straight 10 points. Yes and no. While articulated plate is more flexible than the gambeson, mail, brigandine, trifecta... articulated plate is not as flexible as plate, or plate and leather, or plate and chain. More coverage (filling in the vulnerable points) always comes at a cost in terms of weight, movement, and coin. Fiddly. You could just as easily say that Plate is immune to swords and spears, but I would only do this if you are using locations and fixed armor values. This could force players to look for other options when faced with a heavily armored foe. You could also modify Chain. It counts it full value against swords for the purposes of cuts and thrusts, but allows half its damage through as blunt. Also, allow all damage through as blunt unless "padding" was worn... so none of this "I'll put this on over my tunic and I'll be fine". SDLeary
  8. Apparently they laze things and make them minions of Chaos! SDLeary
  9. SDLeary


    I'm partial to some of the Rackham stuff, particularly the Daikinee Archers, for young Aldryami. The Warhammer figs above certainly work for older folk though. SDLeary
  10. Well, it's the way Pendragon does it, for example. SDLeary
  11. So, do you plan to have magic tire out the magician. It would be an interesting way to limit magic; still giving the capability for large spells, but only one-and-done. Have you thought about something more along the lines of a Damage stat that is then modified by the weapons? SDLeary
  12. And, with a few careful tweaks, can be used as both a Wizardly system, and as a Shamanistic system. SDLeary
  13. In game, its normal use for all skills. If you have time and/or are not under stress then no need to roll. Skill % represents quality of result, or time to complete, rather than a yes/no achievement. SDLeary
  14. This is simply the difference of combat having an effect on accuracy. Much easier on a range during qualifications than when hiding behind a wall with bullets and shrapnel whizzing about. SDLeary DOH! Should have read further! ๐Ÿ˜†
  15. Now, apparently removed from Chaosium's site, though still on DriveThru SDLeary
  16. There is supposed to be a campaign setting for Jackals coming out, but have' t heard of anything beyond that. SDLeary Ninja'd again! ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  17. You are correct about Soft Leather and padding. I mis-remembered (though I think we were playing it as 2pt.). That though would be the level that I would consider an Arming Doublet or Aketon. I still maintain that a Gambeson (proper 30 ish layers of linen, possibly surfaced with leather or "canvas") would be two to three points greater. This is a similar argument as has been had in the past for Linothorax and how it should be portrayed. And to show how variables effect things, a little oil for the campfire: Bolts vs armor SDLeary
  18. A change I had not noticed. In RQ3, padding was 2 pt... so in my mind a Gambeson should be at least 3, and preferably 4 points. SDLeary
  19. A Gambeson and an Arming Doublet/Aketon/Subarmalis is different. Same type of garment (quilted/layered fabric), but the Gambeson is much heavier weight, designed as protection as opposed to an Aketon which is padding for your armor. Or, perhaps a better way to look at it is there are different weights of Gambeson that serve different needs. SDLeary
  20. Gambesons are actually a lot more protective than heavy clothing. Probably at least as protective as Hard Leather. SDLeary
  21. Interesting. I missed that at the end of the colophon. I'm not sure it really matters though; while a nice looking game, I haven't come across anything yet that I'd really like to use someplace else; so far to me (still haven't had a chance at at real read) is OQ2 in a specific setting and renamed characteristics. SDLeary
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