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Everything posted by g33k

  1. As demonstrated by various RL / YouTube "ostrich rider" vids, the real ostrich isn't suitable for being an avilry mount; it's too handicapped by the weight of even "jockey" sized riders. Their top speed is dramatically reduced, they cannot be ridden for long, etc etc ... To support its role in Prax, we need either a larger/stronger bird, or one that (despite being the same size) is mythically stronger than in RL . Or just stick our heads in the sand and deny that this RL/Gloranthan discrepancy exists (really, that's as valid as another approach, because Glorantha is Just That Different anyhow). YGMV
  2. Also might be worth considering that not every Praxian beast is exactly like the modern real-world counterpart. The llama & bison, for example, are IIRC most-like a couple of long extinct species (notably larger than any modern species). It could be that the Praxian ostrich is a larger ratite than everyone is currently presuming; think moa. Not big enough to make it viable as shock cavalry, but big enough to outrun a horse, even carrying a rider; big enough that carrying a rider for a day's travel is viable day after day, not an exhausting overload... One of the tricks to figuring out how Glorantha works is not to say, "that CAN'T work!" but "huh... how CAN that work?"
  3. Is there some reason you don't want to use the ImpalaRider stats? Looks like SIZ of 2d6+4=6-16 (vs normal 2d6+6=8-18) for "pygmy" races. You could always HR that down to 2d4+4=6-12, or whatever, if RAW seems too big for your table's sensibilities...
  4. uuuuh ... Maybe ... ? Yes, B&B does have SOME extra content, and it IS nice to have; but not really central (imho/afaik) to the Borderlands campaign ... The big gap, IMHO, is the separate maps. I don't believe the "Gloranthan Classic" B&B volume includes a good map (somebody please correct me if I am mistaken!) . Of course, now it's available as a separate item from Chaosium's Redbubble store ...
  5. I will suggest one other notion -- find out what stuff/stories/etc (novels, movies, TV, etc) they are into! Sometimes your best bet would be to engage them where they're ALREADY engaged. So if they love e.g. Star Wars, find a good SW hack for one of the mechanics YOU love, etc. For Sherlock Holmes fans, you might run a Mythos-lite investigative CoC scenario; etc. If they LIKE that classical/mythological vibe, sure: RQ and Bob's yer uncle! But if that ain't so much their jam, you might want to widen the net you're casting ...
  6. But if someone orders the full slipcase set, does it automatically come with this 2nd printing?
  7. The core rulebook has a minimal suite of characters used as exemplars for game-mechanics (character-creation, combat, magic, etc). They exist in an equally-minimal setting, sufficient to support their... example-ness? ... examplitude? ... exempliarity? <shrug> Whatevs! It's a loosely ancient-world setting, apparently. Few would consider it a full "setting" as such. The core rules offer SEVERAL flavors of magic; so to that degree there is a "magic works" implicit; but none of the magic systems are REQUIRED -- you could omit any or ALL of them if you wanted, e.g., a historical / non-fantasy game. There are lots of setting-specific books available for Mythras.
  8. <shrug> "Miskatonic Repository" = Chaosium's fan-content program. He apparently also has some overtly CoC material there already... This says it's horror, dunno if Mythos horror or other. Author "William Adcock," in case that's meaningful to anyone.
  9. Something tells me that when/if Kralorela gets "fixed" after the manner of Greg -- gets posthumously 'Gregged' -- it will make Greg's spirit laugh. A lot.
  10. Kerberos Club? "Savage Worlds" ruleset or "Strange Fate" ruleset...
  11. Hey, if you're buying the slipcase, be aware (if you weren't already) that there's additional adventures in the "GM Screen Pack" (the 3rd piece after the core + Bestiary).
  12. In terms of immersive lore, I'm fond of the Travels of Biturian Varosh, as originally written in Cults of Prax and included in the Gloranthan Classics Cult Compendium volume. Over a Glorantha.com, the "HeroQuest Voices" line is wonderful. Rather than throwing them at the whole shebang, see if you can get them to refine their ideas to a few, and use those few Voices documents to single out one.
  13. A few oft-repeated bits of advice: - for newbies to RQ -- particularly from a D&Desque background -- start with throwaway PC's that are expected to die, and run them through a combat-heavy scenario (gladiator combat, etc). - Mooks may plink (to little or no effect) MOST of the time, but RQ isn't a game of HP-attrition: any solid hit might be a decisive one, because of hit-locations. Numbers can be a decisive advantage, because the more attack-rolls made the more likely of a crit (or two). That horde of mooks is a more-than-credible threat, it may be a solid reason to fall back and come up with a new strategy! - Campaign-wise, the classic advice is to start small, and grow. Pick one clan from one of the Sartar tribes, or one Animal Nomad tribe from Prax (for example; another likely locus of a group is to all share a Cult affiliation that's rare in the area, such as Storm Bull'ers in Sartar, or Seven Mothers in Prax); have everyone be part of that group, or have VERY strong (mutual) reasons for the outsider(s) and the group each to trust and cooperate with the other. Begin with local stories, in service to the community they share -- raids for livestock, rescue a Chaos-beset spirit of a local spring, recover a stolen heirloom of the clan/shrine/etc, or others as suits your group. Grow outward, incrementally -- maybe they get tapped to guard a Very Important Personage who needs to travel somewhere; or they pursue a raider who turns out to be not-so-local, and they have to chase Far From Home; maybe the local problem needs a quest to a distant place in order to fix the problem.
  14. What with the Chaos-fueled Lunar foes, plus random Chaos bands and "lone wolf" actors, Disorder-Rune action/actors, Spirits of Reprisal and other Earth-Rune opposition... I can see plenty of sources of supernatural birth-defects to neutralize all but the most mightily-bolstered of Bless Pregnancy.
  15. It'll bring a smile to your face! More seriously... "trickster X eating/swallowing" is NOT a combo I want to mess with.
  16. Given the track record at nuChaosium, I have no doubt that this is coming. The project is already very-far-advanced, and the release of the RQG core book gave Chaosium their best retail sales ever... so they know the market is there.
  17. I don't think there are any mechanics there. They are part of the source lore in the world of Glorantha, and give some sense of the powers than CAN come from heroquesting.
  18. TYVM, Loz! I guess now we say, "Lyonesse is about to have an official RPG. "
  19. Hero Point mechanics can really tone down the default-lethality of BRP, fwiw ... Swords of Cydoria?
  20. FWIW, I am personally inclined to wait on the GM's Book (which will have "official" heroquesting rules) before putting in a bunch of effort on HR'ing HQ's.
  21. Teasing an already-announced setting (from July)... 50's-esque pulp sci-fi. Explicitly not "hard" sci-fi to out modern perspective (because 50s pulp). https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/designmechanism/tdm-in-q3-q4-let-s-talk-t2500.html
  22. I don't believe that publisher still operates; I think that should be, "Lyonesse had an official RPG..."
  23. Don't neglect the Broken Tower / Quickstart module. It may be your best "first session" option!
  24. So far , I haven't gotten my main group to launch onto my RQG campaign (we have had one single game SESSION since I got the book, and used it for a standalone Ars Magica 1-shot game). From playing the Broken Tower quickstart with the pre-gen PC's, feedback from the players has been overwhelmingly positive on these rules. Some haven't mentioned it in feedback, but many have and of those mentioning Runes/Passions & Augments, they have ALL liked them and said things like (paraphrasing): "I really like how much they help figure out WHO the character is, not just WHAT they are as a game-mechanical playing-piece."
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