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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. There are still some issues with the translated versions of the sheet, for example culture stat bonuses are not being translated so Bison Riders don't get the +2 SIZ and -2 DEX.
  2. The most important question, though is if an Irrippi Ontor worshipper comes to an Lhankor Mhy temple, can they worship without a beard?
  3. Some people have reported problems with the translation function not working, so here are some pre-translated links 日本語: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y2liq4TksD4cKln0gHywkzcSjayit0CZuC1cOAsuhdI Français: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zLMTyTCrP3M7RMZztFyqi1kj4i8n8_QKO93B74_CHLE Español: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Mh-uV0bwtnL7qOLTZmG5O3mmf1rBeATE-tNRcRtJo0 Deutsch: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cx7Gf0mcBd39eWf0CUTo5sQ7bTfcOp8G8x0eCbKMFeo Magyar: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E6oU2lfx1VTXx_qQDomwBk39EwcP7GOZ_sPrbqplibw
  4. v1.11.1 Beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15ehFG_vz0Yd-C68jzCGvNOq9rSSwaXATiQw5MQ6dwXA Preliminary translation to Japanese is complete. All the game terms should be pretty much stable, a few things like obscure spell names or deities might be subject to revision before the core rule book and official character sheet are finished. The instruction text and prompts presented for culture, occupation, and cult skills might be a little rough (a mixture of Goole Translate and AI-assistance, and some official translator input). The upshot of this is that if you use this sheet, translate it into Japanese, and then transfer it into a future version, it might not translate fully back to English or to another language if some of the translations change. Jonstown Compendium stuff is not all translated. Normally, I hide the Translation tab. But for now, I'm leaving it visible so anyone interested in the Japanese translation can see what it is and let me know if they have any suggestions for improvement! Known issues: Spell list (for the drop-down list) for your selected cult does not get translated.
  5. Meteor Swarm is a serious spell with some AOE potential and it seems to not require POW vs POW because it causes physical meteors to rain from the sky on or around the target. Other than that, and Sunspear, spirit and rune magic is pretty safe from friendly fire potential.
  6. Says nothing abut how the spells are cast though. Spell Trading says to use the Rune rating of the spell donor, so I guess you could use the same rule.
  7. It's not entirely clear whether others can contribute to an inscription. The Well says that it is possible (although only with people that know the spell). Only one sorcerer can use it, but that's less of a show stopper with the Mostali sense of a common goal. Although I'm sure you could come up with reasons why Mostali would not share their POW as readily if you wanted to.
  8. It is kind of frustrating that the rules are written in such a way as to make shamans seem unplayable, but in the example play narrative Vishi Dunn seems to just go around adventuring with his mates.
  9. With long enough durations, and the use of big duration inscriptions, the cost could be worthwhile. A thousand year old Mostali could easily have inscriptions with 20 points of duration in them, allowing spells that last thousands of years, even without considering what additional mechanisms the Mostali might have such as shared inscriptions or duration-boosting magical devices.
  10. Version 1.10.2 Alpha 3 (and Alpha 2 and Alpha 1) had a bug in the display of weapons stats on the character sheet. I have fixed that directly in the shared Alpha 3 as it was a serious problem. Version 1.11.1 Alpha 2 had the same bug, also fixed. If anyone made a copy of either of those prior to an hour or so ago then it will be broken in that respect, my apologies for that.
  11. I was just going to ask what the numbers meant but I think I've figured it out. Where a partnership line has multiple numbered partners, the offspring are numbered the same. So Storm Bull (2) is child of Mikyh (2), but Vadrus, Humakt, Ragnaglar are from others (3). Orlanth is numbered 4 because Umath has multiple partners, even though the positioning of the lines implies that already. I guess if he wasn't numbered then you could infer that by proximity, but the line layout may have changed over time.
  12. v1.11.1 Alpha 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SaaouSA1yInVEsORec-ltMajVx25UKOS1tRmevoOfz8/edit?usp=sharing Translation to Japanese is functional. This link is already translated - normally I would not do this but since this is specifically a test of the Japanese version, it is pre-translated. It can be translated back again by selecting English as the language and clicking Translate!. This should work back and forth, but don't translate from Japanese to a language other than English just yet as it doesn't like blank entries. Also anything that you enter that isn't in my translation list won't get translated. Known Issues: Some terms are missing - a few spells, some instructions, and a bunch of Jonstown Compendium specific stuff. Thrown Javelin sometimes gets messed up for some reason. Probably just a cross-pasted translation. Location hit points get messed up when translating back to English.
  13. I have started on a Japanese translation. So far it's going quite well, but there is a long way to go yet.
  14. I would go with fickle, distracted, and occasionally just ridiculously gung-ho. He doesn't see the world like others do, his priorities are far out of line with normality. He will have people around him trying to deal with some of the consequences of his disconnection from the mundane, but they are often in competition with each other.
  15. Could seem contrived, but yes, a modern balanced RuneQuest campaign will probably have a variety of situations other than combat. I think the GM has to be open to creative ways of solving situations, gathering allies, gaining favours. And ultimately, if someone creates a non-combat niche character, they just have to resign themselves to sitting out of the actual fighting, or coming up with something that they can do to contribute. When my group did their characters (tweaked versions of the pregens) they made sure that everyone had something they could do in a fight. Unless you are explicitly running a game where combat is not going to be a big thing, I think that makes sense. Look at Gina Gravedancer in The White Bull Campaign. She isn't a fighter, and Claudia does her best to come up with ways to contribute in fights, but in the end she's okay with letting the warriors do their thing and taking a back seat. That's just an accepted part of the group dynamic for her. Jeff never seems to go out of his way to make "Gina Scenes", but it's a varied campaign that does have social situations. It seems natural, and that's the real trick.
  16. Yeah, that would be better, but it would make my character creation sheet a nightmare! Well, actually I could probably come up with some other way of doing those bonuses. Another column with a homeland lookup.
  17. How do you recover those spent Hero Soul RP? Oh, you mean you recover them like MP, all back in 24 hours? 😲
  18. I'd tie it to votive images. You have to get a temple or shrine to take a votive image of you, and to celebrate your heroic deeds as part of their worship. As to how many points you get back, maybe one per votive image each seasonal holy day. Maybe 1d2-1 per votive image. Maybe 1dX where X is the dice size at or immediately below your number of RP.
  19. Ah, I think I misinterpreted it, I thought the question was "Can I get that POW back as actual POW". Makes sense that it is about RP recovery.
  20. I'd rule no, but that you should never need to. It's not something that you can just draw on like a bank account, but if anything causes you to lose POW such as a vampire or Divine Intervention then you could draw on the Heroic POW first. We haven't seen the full rules for this yet.
  21. But... but.. but... it doesn't say that in the rules! You're cheating! I've literally had players say that to me. Not for a while, and not with my current group, but it is out there as an attitude.
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